New photos show ‘haphazard manner’ in which Trump allegedly stored classified documents: prosecutors

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Trump stored boxes containing sensitive documents in a “haphazard manner”

It’s hard to take these clowns seriously.

But Biden stored them all properly, right Jackoff?

New photos show ‘haphazard manner’ in which Trump allegedly stored classified documents: prosecutors

Federal prosecutors released new photos Monday in Donald Trump’s classified documents case that they argued show the former president allegedly stored the sensitive information in a “haphazard manner.”

The pictures, taken by the FBI and one of Trump’s co-defendants in the case, were released by prosecutors as part of an effort to dismiss the defense team’s claim that the 45th president’s due process rights were violated.

The photos appear to show classified and confidential White House documents mixed in boxes with the 78-year-old former president’s clothing and keepsakes from his time in the Oval Office.

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team argued that Trump stored boxes containing sensitive documents in a “haphazard manner” and the material inside them – including shirts, shoes, photographs, magazines, newspapers, greeting cards, binders, Christmas ornaments and correspondence – “had no apparent organization whatsoever.”


Trump stored boxes containing sensitive documents in a “haphazard manner”

It’s hard to take these clowns seriously.

But Biden stored them all properly, right Jackoff?

New photos show ‘haphazard manner’ in which Trump allegedly stored classified documents: prosecutors

Federal prosecutors released new photos Monday in Donald Trump’s classified documents case that they argued show the former president allegedly stored the sensitive information in a “haphazard manner.”

The pictures, taken by the FBI and one of Trump’s co-defendants in the case, were released by prosecutors as part of an effort to dismiss the defense team’s claim that the 45th president’s due process rights were violated.

The photos appear to show classified and confidential White House documents mixed in boxes with the 78-year-old former president’s clothing and keepsakes from his time in the Oval Office.

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team argued that Trump stored boxes containing sensitive documents in a “haphazard manner” and the material inside them – including shirts, shoes, photographs, magazines, newspapers, greeting cards, binders, Christmas ornaments and correspondence – “had no apparent organization whatsoever.”

Don’t know I bother, facts matter little to the cult, but difference is Biden never denied having them, willingly turned them over when requested, never lied about any of it or try to keep any of them, nor did he show them to any foreigners, none of which your Messiah did
True, your Messiah kept them in the bathroom so he could read them while taking a shit, hope the FBI agents were wearing* gloves when they confiscated them

Trump stored boxes containing sensitive documents in a “haphazard manner”

It’s hard to take these clowns seriously.

But Biden stored them all properly, right Jackoff?

New photos show ‘haphazard manner’ in which Trump allegedly stored classified documents: prosecutors

Federal prosecutors released new photos Monday in Donald Trump’s classified documents case that they argued show the former president allegedly stored the sensitive information in a “haphazard manner.”

The pictures, taken by the FBI and one of Trump’s co-defendants in the case, were released by prosecutors as part of an effort to dismiss the defense team’s claim that the 45th president’s due process rights were violated.

The photos appear to show classified and confidential White House documents mixed in boxes with the 78-year-old former president’s clothing and keepsakes from his time in the Oval Office.

Special Counsel Jack Smith’s team argued that Trump stored boxes containing sensitive documents in a “haphazard manner” and the material inside them – including shirts, shoes, photographs, magazines, newspapers, greeting cards, binders, Christmas ornaments and correspondence – “had no apparent organization whatsoever.”

The same fimes that idiot Smith altered?
Seriously, Trump is such a moron. All he had to do was the right thing - return the classified docs to where they legally belong. Rather than do that, he fought and lied to keep them until the FBI was forced to come get them.

Self-inflicted wound.
The same fimes that idiot Smith altered?
Didn’t alter, rather a small number were not put back in the same order as noted by colored papers after the nonpartisan reviewer Cannon ordered was finished with reading them. Your accusation was even too ridiculous for Cannon to accept

Do any of you people ever know what you are talking about
Didn’t alter, rather a small number were not put back in the same order as noted by colored papers after the nonpartisan reviewer Cannon ordered was finished with reading them. Your accusation was even too ridiculous for Cannon to accept

Do any of you people ever know what you are talking about
Altered. Now there is no way to ensure what other things weren't done to the files. It's not beneath you filthy pricks to do all kinds of shit to those files.
Altered. Now there is no way to ensure what other things weren't done to the files. It's not beneath you filthy pricks to do all kinds of shit to those files.
So, like usual, you got nothing but the same baseless innuendos the right wing media echoes, not a surprise
So, like usual, you got nothing but the same baseless innuendos the right wing media echoes, not a surprise
It's not innuendo it's common sense. The thing is if this was a person representing trump you would be shitting through your mouth right now about how it destroys "democracy". Honest to goodness I am amazed at how obtuse you people are.
True, your Messiah kept them in the bathroom so he could read them while taking a shit, hope the FBI agents were wearing* gloves when they confiscated them

Triggered and full of shit again Arsecheese. I don't think you can post without lying and looking moronic.
Don’t know I bother, facts matter little to the cult, but difference is Biden never denied having them, willingly turned them over when requested, never lied about any of it or try to keep any of them, nor did he show them to any foreigners, none of which your Messiah did

You sad, pathetic, triggered lying little halfwit. I wish you had a brain. Really I do.

One has to wonder how mental you will get with Trump's re-election. :laugh:
Seriously, Trump is such a moron. All he had to do was the right thing - return the classified docs to where they legally belong. Rather than do that, he fought and lied to keep them until the FBI was forced to come get them.

Self-inflicted wound.

Trump wan't required to do anything of the sort. He had a right to hold them and determine what were personal records and what would be returned to the archives.

Garland is such a moron. Instead of sending swat teams to a former Presidents home he could have allowed the former President to finish negotiating with the archives like every other President.

PS; the FBI had already visited the very secure location and merely made recommendations for further security.
Nah, they were found there, amongst other insecure locations

Lie and stupid. MarALago is very secure and also has secret service protection.

Biden, on the other hand, left them in garages and other unsecured locations and had them for decades.

You whiny, dishonest leftist dipshit hypocrites really should just STFU.
Seriously, Trump is such a moron.
Your personal opinion.
All he had to do was the right thing - return the classified docs to where they legally belong.
They legally belonged in Trump's possession.
Rather than do that, he fought and lied to keep them until the FBI was forced to come get them.
Trump didn't lie. Trump is authorized to have those documents. The FBI broke the law, and so did the judge that signed off on it.
Self-inflicted wound.
For the FBI.