New righty checking in


New member
Greetings. I recognize a few names on this forum, since I exist on many political boards. It's nice to see several members here who I have respect for already. Anyway, I am a righty, and I supported Trump from the day he announced. That should give folks an idea of my political lean....
Greetings. I recognize a few names on this forum, since I exist on many political boards. It's nice to see several members here who I have respect for already. Anyway, I am a righty, and I supported Trump from the day he announced. That should give folks an idea of my political lean....

Yes are retarded.
Buckly, aka, Bukkkle, is the only person I ban from my threads. He is incapable of being nice or discussing the topic without resorting to 'RACISM'. If you're truly on the right, even a smidgen from center, Bukkkle will call you a racist. Don't take it personal, he has called me a racist numerous times.

Welcome to the board.
Buckly, aka, Bukkkle, is the only person I ban from my threads. He is incapable of being nice or discussing the topic without resorting to 'RACISM'. If you're truly on the right, even a smidgen from center, Bukkkle will call you a racist. Don't take it personal, he has called me a racist numerous times.

Welcome to the board.

I am probably an unusual righty, since I have come to appreciate lefty rhetoric and dialect. Politics are ugly, and the two sides are at war right now, so political warfare on political boards should be expected. If I was looking for respect, a political board is probably the very last place I would go.
I am probably an unusual righty, since I have come to appreciate lefty rhetoric and dialect. Politics are ugly, and the two sides are at war right now, so political warfare on political boards should be expected. If I was looking for respect, a political board is probably the very last place I would go.

Have respect for ethnic diversity and racism will never be brought up against you by me.
Give a racist, who happens to be right wing, a pass and allow them to say racist things here without your reprimand, and you will be relentlessly castigated.
I am probably an unusual righty, since I have come to appreciate lefty rhetoric and dialect. Politics are ugly, and the two sides are at war right now, so political warfare on political boards should be expected. If I was looking for respect, a political board is probably the very last place I would go.

Understood. Just letting you know that when Bukkkle calls you a racist, no one takes him serious and so don't take it personal.

I was a Clinton voter turned Bush voter and now a solid independent voter. I can't stand both parties. I truly wish there could be a viable independent third party that, IMO, represents most Americans. I lean right with regards to most military issues, spending, yet lean left for most social issues, spending.

I did not vote for Trump, I abstained this election, because I couldn't find a clothes pin big enough to cover the stench of voting for either one.
Have respect for ethnic diversity and racism will never be brought up against you by me.
Give a racist, who happens to be right wing, a pass and allow them to say racist things here without your reprimand, and you will be relentlessly castigated.
Nostradumbarse aka Buckley is a creep, being attacked by him is a badge of honour. He is just a sad lonely bastard, whose wife ran away because he is a bastard. He has now taken upon himself to be the self appointed JPP racism watchpoodle.

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I am probably an unusual righty, since I have come to appreciate lefty rhetoric and dialect. Politics are ugly, and the two sides are at war right now, so political warfare on political boards should be expected. If I was looking for respect, a political board is probably the very last place I would go.
You've come to the right place then. At JPP the motto is "We Eat Our Own!" :)

Welcome to the jungle baby!
Understood. Just letting you know that when Bukkkle calls you a racist, no one takes him serious and so don't take it personal.

I was a Clinton voter turned Bush voter and now a solid independent voter. I can't stand both parties. I truly wish there could be a viable independent third party that, IMO, represents most Americans. I lean right with regards to most military issues, spending, yet lean left for most social issues, spending.

I did not vote for Trump, I abstained this election, because I couldn't find a clothes pin big enough to cover the stench of voting for either one.
Well that's because you're a spaz need to work on your sense of humor. I voted for Clinton and then laughed and laughed and laughed and when Trump won I laughed even harder. I had a really fun time that night though I almost got lynched at the pub where I was drinking beer during the returns. :)
Greetings. I recognize a few names on this forum, since I exist on many political boards. It's nice to see several members here who I have respect for already. Anyway, I am a righty, and I supported Trump from the day he announced. That should give folks an idea of my political lean....

Welcome. It won't take you long to spot the snowflakes. They cry very easily so go easy on them