New righty checking in

Greetings. I recognize a few names on this forum, since I exist on many political boards. It's nice to see several members here who I have respect for already. Anyway, I am a righty, and I supported Trump from the day he announced. That should give folks an idea of my political lean....

If you are a "righty" then why do you like Trump?
Greetings. I recognize a few names on this forum, since I exist on many political boards. It's nice to see several members here who I have respect for already. Anyway, I am a righty, and I supported Trump from the day he announced. That should give folks an idea of my political lean....

so you hate facts

why do you hate facts
so you hate facts

why do you hate facts

You quoted my opening post, and my opening post is factual. I am not sure I understand how the facts that I presented in the opening post made you think that I have any opposition to facts.
You quoted my opening post, and my opening post is factual. I am not sure I understand how the facts that I presented in the opening post made you think that I have any opposition to facts.
Oh've met Evince...aka Desh. In our little dysfunctional family in the interwebs Desh represents our most senior far left member. Desh has a unique interpretation of reality. Many call that "bat shit crazy". She's the spiritual opposite of jack booted, brown shirted, swastika waving, storm trooping Nazi's like ILA.

If you create a new thread and desire reasonable and thoughtful debate amongst differing points of views, you'd be well advised to thread ban both. If you enjoy threads ruled by havoc and mayhem by all means include them. :)

If you prefer either a left wing or right wing echo chamber, just include only one or the other.

Personally I like having both participate in my threads, though they tend to hijack threads, be disruptive and drive most other members up a wall....but you never know what the hell outrageous thing they will say next which makes them highly entertaining.

Of the two, ILA is slightly more articulate...but Desh is filthy rich...which just drives ILA insane. LOL
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It is pretty funny how someone posts saying they are new to the board and then all the board's 'dirty laundry' gets aired. Never fails.