New righty checking in

Probably not. But I don't think you'd know a lefty if they jumped up and bit your ass.
Why are you on the guy's case from the getgo, I seriously do not understand your problem. Sometimes you seem reasonable and other times deeply unpleasant, very strange.

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Greetings. I recognize a few names on this forum, since I exist on many political boards. It's nice to see several members here who I have respect for already. Anyway, I am a righty, and I supported Trump from the day he announced. That should give folks an idea of my political lean....

Welcome aboard; beware the usual cabal of liberal lunatics and their tireless efforts to wallow in the never ending circle of stupidity. ;-)
His comment asking if lefties "feign outrage" is an opinion or a supposition. Those of us who despise trump aren't feigning anything.

How's that working for you snowflake? :rofl2:

I am on many boards, so I know the routine. Lefties on this board are most likely the same on this board as all the other boards. I know tsuke from PF and tsukes awesome blog, and I know Sage from TPF. There are a few others who I know from other boards. I assure you, lefties don't like me.
Whirled Wad of Wub

I don't remember your username from tPF. By the way, I'm thinking of visiting Perspectives and changing the name I used there. That one was too advanced for Netwits to understand.
Probably not. But I don't think you'd know a lefty if they jumped up and bit your ass.

Welcome to Real-Life Orwellian "Newspeak"

Using "they" with the singular antecedent "a Lefty" is pure Left Wing New Age grammar. So many Righties are also partially trapped in that spiderweb without realizing it.

Michael Savage yaps about "borders, language, culture" yet only knows 6th Grade grammar. Why did he expect to get hired as a Science professor when he doesn't even know that bacteria is plural?
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It's just par for the course in today's political landscape. If a lefty comes to a thread that I post and does not attempt to derail it or evade answering the opening post, I would be worried for him.

Make Grammar Great Again!

Thank you for using the singular "him" with the singular antecedent "a lefty."