New righty checking in

Whirled Wad of Wub

I don't remember your username from tPF. By the way, I'm thinking of visiting Perspectives and changing the name I used there. That one was too advanced for Netwits to understand.

Look up the most recent bans. I did not get along with Chris. I eventually came to enjoy the subtext in your posts over there...
Why are you on the guy's case from the getgo, I seriously do not understand your problem. Sometimes you seem reasonable and other times deeply unpleasant, very strange.

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Rana probably told him to try to aggravate him; because she wants to get him to make a mistake, so she can ban him.

well glad to hear you know your a fucking lie filled asshole

Thanks. I used to be a lefty myself, so I still understand lefty speak. Lefties need to evade answering questions, so they have learned to spin, derail, divert, invert, duck, ignore, redefine, or whatever it takes to not ever answer any question. Thanks again for the warm lefty welcome. The freedom of speech that I am seeing here on this forum so far is what I like to see, I am impressed. I wish I had signed up earlier.
you forgot to mention how I turn out to be correct in the end

YOU just think my insights (which turn out to be spot on) outrages at the time
You know me Desh...I'm fair...I'll let the reader decide but know matter what you'll always be one of my favorite posters. :)
Why are you on the guy's case from the getgo, I seriously do not understand your problem. Sometimes you seem reasonable and other times deeply unpleasant, very strange.

Sent from my Lenovo K52e78 using Tapatalk
He's from Michigan. Guile, PiMP and Billy are all from Michigan. Have you ever noticed any of them to be pleasant? Do you think that's a coincidence?
Welcome aboard; beware the usual cabal of liberal lunatics and their tireless efforts to wallow in the never ending circle of stupidity. ;-)
Turd I've dissected planaria with more sentience than you.

You are devious, cunning, black hearted, treacherous and are utterly devoid of integrity, morals, compassion and even common human decency.

And while those are very admirable traits you are about as subtle as a tsunami and if you were twice as smart as you think you are you'd still be an idiot. The most damning thing about you though is you are trite, boring and predictable. That I cannot forgive.
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