New righty checking in

Look up the most recent bans. I did not get along with Chris. I eventually came to enjoy the subtext in your posts over there...

Chris at TPF was a petulant thin skinned asshole on steroids. No doubt the forum continues to suffer from group think.
Because I didn't support a guy who had been a practicing leftist for 70 years, including serial adultery?

Serial adultery???

Turd I've dissected planaria with more sentience than you.

You are devious, cunning, black hearted, treacherous and are utterly devoid of integrity, morals, compassion and even common human decency.

And while those are very admirable traits you are about as subtle as a tsunami and if you were twice as smart as you think you are you'd still be an idiot. The most damning thing about you though is you are trite, boring and predictable. That I cannot forgive.

This from the idiot who likes DeshTard. You're about as intelligent as a centipede shit-for-brains.

I guess you must be into necrophilia then! Which wouldn't surprise me in the least, having seen a picture of your missus.

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I've been known to crack open a cold one now and then. Of course your mother wasn't very warm to start with, but I digress.
He's from Michigan. Guile, PiMP and Billy are all from Michigan. Have you ever noticed any of them to be pleasant? Do you think that's a coincidence?

how could we be pleasant......we live within smelling range of Ohio......of course, they're both closer than I am, which is why I'm more pleasant than they are.....