New righty checking in

the only one of those ill grant you is she is indeed predictable but Desh is hardly trite or boring. Hell you constantly try to stir up shit storms on purpose and yet don't have 1/100th of the success in doing that as Desh does by just simply being herself.

Well that and how people who should know better try to debate her and end up bashing their heads into brick walls in utter exasperation and futility. I find that highly entertaining though certainly disruptive.

You should study Desh as you try to do that shit all the time and pretty much are ignored yet Desh has people running out of the room screaming and pulling their hair out of their heads as a matter of course. Poor Cawacko has suffered permanent brain damage by habitually engaging Desh in debate.

...and that's what I love about Desh. She's like the supper hot Buffalo wing that burns the crap out you but you keep coming back for more. People who know better keep engaging her and hilarity often follows.

That's why I love Desh. :)

I will give you that CawCko wastes his time

As for me stirring things up? Haven't done that in forever.
It sounds like you may have established some kind of system where you baffle your political opponents with BS, and you apparently have enough experience to know in advance that we will inevitably come to this same conclusion about you being crazy. Perhaps there is some merit to it.

chicken shit

you KNOW facts destroy your idiot evil lies

I have been proven correct so many times here the cons fear me

yes I use alot of dirty words because your right wing fucks use lots of dirty lies

You see when a society suffers from a group of people who use LIES in place of FACTS it is incombant on that society to SHAME those liars until they stop lying OR they shut the fuck up
Greetings. I recognize a few names on this forum, since I exist on many political boards. It's nice to see several members here who I have respect for already. Anyway, I am a righty, and I supported Trump from the day he announced. That should give folks an idea of my political lean....

Eat shit and die asshole.
From what I can see in this intro thread and other threads, members have far more freedom here than on many other boards. TPF was kinda messed up because multiple mods were interfering with multiple threads per day. Most boards tend to have mods who favor either righty or lefty, but on TPF, it was not so much a partisan bias, but more like way too much show of muscle.

The back and forth bickering between political sides on this thread and others look very normal to me, since our two sides are in fact at war with each other. Nobody joins a political board to have altruistic discussions of politics, we join to fight. On political boards, I fully expect to be insulted and attacked by my political opponents, since that's normal political discourse.

Go fuck yourself
he fears me already

he refuses to discuss anything with me

he could pick any subject

he refuses


and I'm not

the FACTS would destroy any of his positions
Why are you on the guy's case from the getgo, I seriously do not understand your problem. Sometimes you seem reasonable and other times deeply unpleasant, very strange.

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Because he knows a stupid lying cunt when he sees one, retard.
There it is.
Just as I said, the new righty is painfully stupid.
The Donald is a lifelong Dem you fucking retard.

don't hand him to us

hes a lifelong douche

the FACT that he sees women as local fair stuffed animals which he can handle anyway he likes means he has NEVER been a democratic person at heart no matter what you say

the donnald is a spoiled rich kid with handlers who don't mind he handles women

he is mentally fucked up
chicken shit

you KNOW facts destroy your idiot evil lies

I have been proven correct so many times here the cons fear me

yes I use alot of dirty words because your right wing fucks use lots of dirty lies

You see when a society suffers from a group of people who use LIES in place of FACTS it is incombant on that society to SHAME those liars until they stop lying OR they shut the fuck up

I am glad to see you using these dirty words and juvenile rhetoric. These things are natural for lefties, but many boards package it up as trolling insulting, and attacking. To me however, I see it as natural lefty behavior. I absolutely love to see a lefty able to do what they do. I look forward to watching you move the walnut shells around to hide the pea, and I look forward to any juvenile rhetoric that you might use to assist you in hiding the pea.