New Rule... Rule 16

We'll call this new rule the Dutch Uncle rule.

Quote Box Altering:

One can alter a quote box by removing some of a wall of text to expose the specific part you are responding to, or splitting it apart so you can respond to each item one at a time. However, altering the words posted and changing the meaning of what they said for whatever reason (a joke for instance) is not allowed unless you change the "quoted by" portion of the quote to make it clear that the original poster did not post what you are "making" them say. We will begin by deleting these posts, and if it continues we will get into banning.


A bad "quote" that we would delete:

An altered "quote" that would not be deleted:

Fuck Dutch Uncle's prissy rule......
We'll call this new rule the Dutch Uncle rule.

Quote Box Altering:

One can alter a quote box by removing some of a wall of text to expose the specific part you are responding to, or splitting it apart so you can respond to each item one at a time. However, altering the words posted and changing the meaning of what they said for whatever reason (a joke for instance) is not allowed unless you change the "quoted by" portion of the quote to make it clear that the original poster did not post what you are "making" them say. We will begin by deleting these posts, and if it continues we will get into banning.


A bad "quote" that we would delete:

An altered "quote" that would not be deleted:

How many whined, bitched and moaned to you over that one?

I'm guessing Sybil and the Russian cocksuckers. LOL

FWIW, I've seen the rule before but since Legion and PmP used it so well, I thought I'd follow suit. Just the same, Damo, thanks for naming it after me. :thup:
So, no more altering quote boxes to make it look like you quoted somebody saying something they have not.

What about altering their username? Wouldn't that be included in altering the post? Not a threat....just want to explore my options. :)

FWIW, The people who do it don't seem to realize the alteration negates the "alert" feature. Unlike 24/7 losers like PmP and Legion, I don't read every post in preference for starting with the alerted posts.
How many whined, bitched and moaned to you over that one?

I'm guessing Sybil and the Russian cocksuckers. LOL

FWIW, I've seen the rule before but since Legion and PmP used it so well, I thought I'd follow suit. Just the same, Damo, thanks for naming it after me. :thup:

This is a tribute thread to you! He even created a new rule because of you!!!!
This is a tribute thread to you! He even created a new rule because of you!!!!

I appreciate the honor. Usually this is about the time I'm called to the Principal's office for a beating. Having a rule named after me is an improvement. :thup: