New Rule... Rule 16

Is "narcissist" the word of the day in your therapy group, Connie?

How many warnings do you think she deserves? Why? What's your logic or are you just being an emotional hot mess again because you're a schizo?

Warnings for what?

Looks like his dope delivery is late again. :laugh:
Legion is on this board round the clock, starting dozens of threads a week, and posting nonsense in other people's threads, making sure those threads stay active. Filled with complete and utter nonsense and cartoons, but active. And he has been for many years. If he didn't exist, one of the mods would have to invent him...
This has been going on since the forum began, and this will do nothing to stop it. You'd have to include changing the quoted name in the rule. You either do it or you don't do it, so this new rule changes nothing. Just my two cents. I personally don't care.

Rules that aren't enforced should be eliminated since a lack of enforcement degrades respect for all rules and authority.

Agreed that the rule should include the changing the name since it goes with the intent of the rule by "changing the meaning".
Is that who you call "Sybil," Into the Night et al? I have them on ignore.

PiMP is the one I see altering quotes all the time. Lesion just changes the names, as far as I've noticed. Which is great because then you're not bothered by notification, and most likely miss most of them anyways. Not a loss. lol

Yes; Sybil = Into the Night and his socks gfm175 and IBDaMann. Have you visited his faux forum in his signature? It's like shining a flashlight inside his head. LOL

Agreed PmP displays his lack of Christianity by altering posts into vulgar comments. Agreed that changing the name negates the alert feature and are easily ignored.
Warnings for what?

Looks like his dope delivery is late again. :laugh:

Not a clue. He rambles a lot as most schizos so often do. He speaks in code which goes with his conspiracy theory paranoia.

Yes; Sybil = Into the Night and his socks gfm175 and IBDaMann. Have you visited his faux forum in his signature? It's like shining a flashlight inside his head. LOL

Lots of creepy-crawlies and worms, eh? I have sigs turned off, plus they're on ignore, so I have no idea what it says. PM me the link and I'll take a look at it.

Agreed PmP displays his lack of Christianity by altering posts into vulgar comments. Agreed that changing the name negates the alert feature and are easily ignored.

Doesn't seem to bother Lesion much. After all, when you're only here to troll and attention-whore, getting a response is secondary to just reflexively vomiting nonsense all over the board, right? lol
Not a clue. He rambles a lot as most schizos so often do. He speaks in code which goes with his conspiracy theory paranoia.

Guess he'll be massively disappointed then that I can't recall the last time I got a warning, and for what.

People who constantly bring up "warnings" though are giving themselves away as the ones who have tattletaled on other posters. Oops. :laugh:
Lots of creepy-crawlies and worms, eh? I have sigs turned off, plus they're on ignore, so I have no idea what it says. PM me the link and I'll take a look at it.

Doesn't seem to bother Lesion much. After all, when you're only here to troll and attention-whore, getting a response is secondary to just reflexively vomiting nonsense all over the board, right? lol

It was hyperlinked it in my post: :)

Agreed on those who only troll and attention-whore themselves.

Obviously Legion isn't a Christian, doesn't care about religion and is apolitical. He's pure troll which is why I think he's pinned to a bed or otherwise severely physically handicapped in some manner.

He never has a personal opinion but often sides with the RW wackos. Not conservativism or the Republican Party platform, but with the RW Kool-aid drinkers. IMO, this is just an example of a shit-stirring troll because, let's face it, the RW wackos are the easiest idiots on JPP to trigger and Legion's primary goal in life is to trigger people by trolling. Which is why I think he's pinned down some how.

It's for those reasons, and a few others, that I think Legion is slightly above average in intelligence, educated and sane albeit with typical troll/attention whore self-esteem issues which could be primarily due to his physical handicap.

My advice to him is to man up , get over it and move forward even if he has to drag himself by his teeth.

My guess is that both Anatta and Sybil inundated Damo with a flood of complaints because I was tired of their bullshit posts. Squeaky wheel gets the grease and all. :cool:
My advice to the crybabies and whiners is to keep a stiff upper lip.

This is a pretty dumb rule which will:

1) fundamentally change nothing.
2) Create unnecessary work for the mods.
3) Create more whining from the snowflake contingent.
Guess he'll be massively disappointed then that I can't recall the last time I got a warning, and for what.

People who constantly bring up "warnings" though are giving themselves away as the ones who have tattletaled on other posters. Oops. :laugh:

He projects a lot. Notice that he latches onto the personal details of others then weaponizes them while always being too paranoid (read "chickenshit") to take the same risks in conversation.

It's not a leap of imagination to think the only friends they can get are on JPP via PM.

LOL on Warnings! Great point! It's also another example of projection.

Notice how the use of projection and gaslighting has increased since 2015? It's now part of political forums and I doubt it'll ever be erased because there will always be cowardly little fucks who scurry around collecting personal information on others and then weaponize the information for personal enjoyment.

Is there any doubt that people like them rub themselves with glee while doxxing others and using that information in an effort to hurt others?

Notice the physical threats too. A handful of mental cases on JPP have threatened me or challenged me to physical violence. What kind of person does it take to do such a thing? Idiot? Mentally ill? Victim? It varies but often seems to be a combination of all three in varying individual amounts.
It was hyperlinked it in my post: :)

Agreed on those who only troll and attention-whore themselves.

Obviously Legion isn't a Christian, doesn't care about religion and is apolitical. He's pure troll which is why I think he's pinned to a bed or otherwise severely physically handicapped in some manner.

He never has a personal opinion but often sides with the RW wackos. Not conservativism or the Republican Party platform, but with the RW Kool-aid drinkers. IMO, this is just an example of a shit-stirring troll because, let's face it, the RW wackos are the easiest idiots on JPP to trigger and Legion's primary goal in life is to trigger people by trolling. Which is why I think he's pinned down some how.

It's for those reasons, and a few others, that I think Legion is slightly above average in intelligence, educated and sane albeit with typical troll/attention whore self-esteem issues which could be primarily due to his physical handicap.

My advice to him is to man up , get over it and move forward even if he has to drag himself by his teeth.

Lesion used to play the same part before we showed up, only as a LWer instead of a Reichtard. Thereby showing that he has zero principles and is only here to troll and seek affirmation/attention.

That forum was pretty laughable. It only appears to have three members, and no new posts for months. :laugh:
He projects a lot. Notice that he latches onto the personal details of others then weaponizes them while always being too paranoid (read "chickenshit") to take the same risks in conversation.

It's not a leap of imagination to think the only friends they can get are on JPP via PM.

LOL on Warnings! Great point! It's also another example of projection.

Notice how the use of projection and gaslighting has increased since 2015? It's now part of political forums and I doubt it'll ever be erased because there will always be cowardly little fucks who scurry around collecting personal information on others and then weaponize the information for personal enjoyment.

Is there any doubt that people like them rub themselves with glee while doxxing others and using that information in an effort to hurt others?

Notice the physical threats too. A handful of mental cases on JPP have threatened me or challenged me to physical violence. What kind of person does it take to do such a thing? Idiot? Mentally ill? Victim? It varies but often seems to be a combination of all three in varying individual amounts.

I've had similar threats, as have many others here. They are issued by chickenshits, as you said. It's easy to tell someone you're going to shoot them, beat them up, come to their house, make them a sex slave, etc. when you know good and well that 1) you have no idea where they are, and 2) there's no way to make good on it. It's just verbal terrorism done by Internet bullies.
We'll call this new rule the Dutch Uncle rule.

Quote Box Altering:

One can alter a quote box by removing some of a wall of text to expose the specific part you are responding to, or splitting it apart so you can respond to each item one at a time. However, altering the words posted and changing the meaning of what they said for whatever reason (a joke for instance) is not allowed unless you change the "quoted by" portion of the quote to make it clear that the original poster did not post what you are "making" them say. We will begin by deleting these posts, and if it continues we will get into banning.


A bad "quote" that we would delete:

An altered "quote" that would not be deleted:

This has been done since forever here

Why now?
The right here has done this to me for years

Note the only news thanking this new rule are on the left

It’s what the RIGHT here has always done