New Rule... Rule 16

How's that crow taste, chickenshit?

You talk tough but when you admit you're a coward and refuse to participate in the violence being advocated by Trump's terrorists, then why would anyone pay attention to you, Fredo?

How's that crow taste, chickenshit?

You talk tough but when you admit you're a coward and refuse to participate in the violence being advocated by Trump's terrorists, then why would anyone pay attention to you, Fredo?

I respect people's free speech.

Shutting up is just a suggestion.

I admire jarod's one testicle.
I respect people's free speech.

Shutting up is just a suggestion.

I admire jarod's one testicle.

You're a chickenshit, Fredo. A keyboard commando who talks tough online with no intention of ever risking your hide to back up your words.