New sport to bury hollywood before it begins to stink.

When was the last time you went around the world? You have an incredibly sheltered opinion or youre a big big liar to suport your bias. The rest of the wors is over populating you at horrific rates. Have you ever considered that was someones intent?

I have traveled quite a bit outside the US. Not sure what overpopulation has to do with this, but yes it is a problem and will be in the future.
Then explain why more politicians arent assassinated.

Because most people won't murder someone. And the ones that would are afraid of the consequences.

You think a lack of assassinations proves that we judge morality based on what is legal? Most politicians lie. But I don't think most people would commit murder because they were lied to.
Because most people won't murder someone. And the ones that would are afraid of the consequences.

You think a lack of assassinations proves that we judge morality based on what is legal? Most politicians lie. But I don't think most people would commit murder because they were lied to.

What you seem to know is ridiculously tiny.
Assasinations is the only way we deal with traitorous politicians. This way they can still be use to the nation. If we go through the long process of trying politicians for treason it makes the whole country look bad. This is the way its been done for thousands of years. And relatively only recently was the cia banned from doing it. Since then, all our politicians have been ass fucking us.

Now since we're on such a similar topic, there is no 12b listed when i signed up and i would never respect any board that stopped me from using the word pederast to reference a pederast, anyway.

So, back to douche, you seemingly only have only enough altruism to hang yourself. "The rest of the world will be a problem moving forward...."

Looks like, boatd of, nazi pederast fagots.
I have traveled quite a bit outside the US. Not sure what overpopulation has to do with this, but yes it is a problem and will be in the future.

I already told you this fool, because your inhuman idealism suppresses good people while creating an environment for criminals to overpopulate the good people.
When all our constitution is based on natural law, and all our rights are to prevent unnatural acts, why are people convinced that nature has no place? This is immoral.

When do we we decide that dignity is more important than peace?

And who were the people responsable for forgetting from history the pederastic nature of Catholicism? Who were the people responsible for all the molestation charges. The molesters or the people who infringed free speach to hide them from history? If i broke a rule by pointing out pederastic behavior, so be it.

Technology will continue until any given person will have the power to destroy the whole world. but much sooner than that, till any given nation could. Where do your sanctions go after that? Out the fking window. Now imagine a weapon that can be deployed anywhere in the world anonymously that ends all life on earth. Imagine this weapon is cheap as dirt to develop. Such a weappn would only be needed to be spoken out loud to ensure it was deployed. Dont blame yourself. Blame your parents and all your family before you for bending over to tyranny for so long.

When any given man has that kind of power, what man would ever put up with having to co-exist with pederasts?

Pseudomonas syringae spliced glyphosate exotoxin pump.

If you dont want nature, perhaps you should have none

If you dont wamt rights, pehaps you should have none

If you dont want dignity, you will have none.
If you cant be reasonable, what reason is there?

Currently i hear people crying that putin is developing wmd's to wedge for blah blah blah. Putin already has wmd's. You're stupid and should be fired.

What he might not have is enough wmds to make good medicine for the disease of globalists and globalists infect us like cancer. Comunists are slightly more resilient to this cancer or at least the only other group strong enough to pose a check and balance to stop it. The world depends on the animosity between the us and russia for its continued survival.

There's four schools of thought on wmd theory

1. Small arms and drugs. The rifle has killed more people than any of the other teirs of traditional wmd. It is surely a wmd. The only thing from this teir that has killed as many or more people than rifles is drugs. Heroin is the most lethal and destructive wmd of all. You can use it in many ways. It can be an indispensable medicine, it can be tha bars of a honey trapped slave's cage. It can make armies and it can cut them down.

2. Wmd's that destroy everyone and everything. These are a favorite of the lowest class of minds as they have nothing to lose and nothing to hope for. Misandry pederasty and eunuchs cause these people to exist in a state of hopelessness. The power and funds to use these expensive weapons is out of their hands, however.

3. Wmd's that destroy everyone but leave everything else. These are a favorite of 1% globalists as they really only just want the whole place for themselves. You know its true because each and every one of us is the exact same way, dont lie to yourselves, just picture yourself as a little more evil, a little more capable, and a lot more ambitious. These are however(the controllable kind anyway) extremely expencive and out of the hands of even the richest people in the world. They have to honey trap intelegence agencies to bring them enough power over nations that can afford them. The cia is a honey trapped bitch right now, it's obvious what's coming.

4. Wmds that dont kill people but instead kill everything else. These are the rarest and least expencive, sought out only by poets and cannabals. These are most feared by 1% globalists as they fear cannibals most and value everything besides people and higher than the whole of humanity. They dont like the idea of having nothing to inherit from everyone's death.

What is good and evil?

Good is that which corosponds to life. Good is an accurate dose of medicine and it's hard to swallow.

Evil is that which corosponds to death. Evil is a gift so potent you have to play with it till you die from playing with it.

Theres only one universally true absolute ive ever found.
Everything is a poison, it's simply a matter of dosage.

The trick to medicine is to poison a poison at a lower dose than is needed to kill you.

The only cure for globalist's ambition is poisoning its evil intent and threatening their goals.

Psudomonas syrengae glyphosate exotoxin pump.

Remember the people who tried to disarm you of the only medicines you can reach. Are these people really good? Or do they maybe just taste really good. Dont leave your children defenseless and having to beg a cannibal for a gun.

Hey mods, choke on a dick.
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What you seem to know is ridiculously tiny.
Assasinations is the only way we deal with traitorous politicians. This way they can still be use to the nation. If we go through the long process of trying politicians for treason it makes the whole country look bad. This is the way its been done for thousands of years. And relatively only recently was the cia banned from doing it. Since then, all our politicians have been ass fucking us.

Now since we're on such a similar topic, there is no 12b listed when i signed up and i would never respect any board that stopped me from using the word pederast to reference a pederast, anyway.

So, back to douche, you seemingly only have only enough altruism to hang yourself. "The rest of the world will be a problem moving forward...."

Looks like, boatd of, nazi pederast fagots.

Ok, so you want rape (but not criminal rape) televised for entertainment, and assassinations as the way to handle politicians who lie? Vicious little twit, aren't you?

And 12b has been around for a long time. Perhaps it was rewritten at some point. But I was banned several years ago for violating it.
I already told you this fool, because your inhuman idealism suppresses good people while creating an environment for criminals to overpopulate the good people.

Not sure why you think you know me, after a few exchanges on here, but ok.

My idealism allows people to thrive based on their own efforts.
Ok, so you want rape (but not criminal rape) televised for entertainment, and assassinations as the way to handle politicians who lie? Vicious little twit, aren't you?

And 12b has been around for a long time. Perhaps it was rewritten at some point. But I was banned several years ago for violating it.

Peraps i am viscous but that come with the viciousness of the counterpoint you offer, the subject matter, and the extreme scenario it is in. Here you discout treason, the highest crime possible within a nation to merely "lie".

Is that not the most despicable of all intentional misunderstandings?

Twit, no, im not. But you seem to be the most incredible douchebag.

There is no 12b in the terms and condions when you sign up and agree to the terms, i know, i just signed up. Like 3 times now... It goes from 12 to 13. No 12a, no 12b, and no 12c.

Abiding a rule you're not required to abide to join is not moral or legal.

Further more, it is a disgusting and reprehensible thing to deny the right to discribe pederastic behaviors as pederastic. Actually its quite pederastic givin the circumstances. One who conducts pederastic behaviors is a pederast.
Not sure why you think you know me, after a few exchanges on here, but ok.

My idealism allows people to thrive based on their own efforts.

What is it called when people characterize themselves?

As much as you like to charge into battle sir lancelot, you dont know the differences between "lying" and "treason." One of lancelot's primary flaws, how perfect the point.
Btw, particularly short winded while vapid in point and lacking any supportive reasoning. your primary characteristics.

The challenge for you to find one single organism that doesn't naturally engage in rapey behaviors, still conspicuously missing. You're not debating, you're emoting.
Its only assumed that in all casses the contestants would rape/be-raped to achieve impregnation. Isnt it interesting that was the only conclusion in your mind? Rather natural train of thought, wouldnt you say?
Ok, so you want rape (but not criminal rape) televised for entertainment, and assassinations as the way to handle politicians who lie? Vicious little twit, aren't you?

And 12b has been around for a long time. Perhaps it was rewritten at some point. But I was banned several years ago for violating it.

This is the type of troll you ignore. He isn't supposed to be here anyway.