New sport to bury hollywood before it begins to stink.

And you can still have all your rape laws and your so called social anarchy just the way you can have it.

We face a major population crisis world wide. This could also help with that.

Honestly, im not expecting that any of you subjectivist slime people will just suddenly learn how to discuss difficult topics i just wanted to say to you that its why you're all doomed.
Btw, CharacterAssassin. You're clearly the most disgusting fagot ive ever met. Be sure to carefully measure your heroin habit because i like slime like you dead by your own filthy hand. You're a lower life form than a plant as far as im concerned. That, or youre catholic. There's litteraly no distinction between two completely unnatural bags of faggot mess.

I love it when the socks tell us who they are.
Sock? Im just a guy that got banned by that filthy pederast faggot for pounting out he's a pederast faggot. Somehow it's against the rules here to point out a pederast faggot behaving like a pederast faggot. I mean, you dont need to be a conspiracy theorist. Btw, im not sure at all why you're being a worthless piece of shit. What got up your ass? Was it when i pointed out your british butt buddies were the nepotists with the aid of catholic fascists that started racism? Or was it when i pointed out you're a faggot for supporting the faggot god of the faggot people that killed your own spiritual leader and renamed him after their faggot god, ji-zeus(marry zeus.)