New sport to bury hollywood before it begins to stink.

This is the type of troll you ignore. He isn't supposed to be here anyway.

Troll is short for Control. Im not the one blocking the bridges.

Trolls always make the first accusations of trolling.

And jade, you're a racist piece of trash. Could you just go fuck yourself plz?

This is a topic. Stick to it or you can go die for all i care. Need some pills or something?

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So, if youve noticed a few gowners in the years lineup (tuminator, menstruation day) have you considered challenging the standard narrative? Right right, piracy, thats why you suck. Could it just be that hollywood just isnt ready to die the death that it should have? When a market can no longer support itself, it should be destroyed to make way for a better market. For what do we need eunuch's repression? Every himan advancement came after defying conventional eunuch opinion. And before you accuse me of eunuch being my favorite word, no i much prefer the very direct, "fagot." Catamite is much to clinical for you and you can get banned for saying "pederast" (ignore the 14 pages of "pedophile" threads, triggered much?) around here, should we not consider everyone's new favorite theism as entertainment material?

What am i getting at? Competition ppv porn! Lol. Yeah yeah sure sure, im a zitface slob incel(some eunuchs new way of saying uncle) but how about fully athletic competition you can bet on? There are few sports where men and women can compete together. But what about the game of life?

We're all worried about what sport is the national sport or the world sport, of eunuchs running around in tights chasing after fuzzy or bald balls. Could this sht be more transparent? Could it really?

You know what you want. You wanna see the top female athlete running away from the top male atheletes to protect her chastity and a huge cash prize and the right to be impregnated some other day, if successful (you'll so hate her for it :)

So whadda ya think? Eunuchs...

Not EVERYTHING in life is about you hating yourself for loving when your own father rapes you and passes you around at biker parties.
Why are you trying to make this about your self-hatred about loving your father's penis inside you?

Okay, you're telling me i cant call this slime a pederast? And you still want some respect for your board after that?

Bro, you shouldnt project such vivid expirences and issues.

You're so good at it tho, it gives us all pause. You should go to film school, youd make a great projector at a gay porn theater.
Okay, you're telling me i cant call this slime a pederast? And you still want some respect for your board after that?

Bro, you shouldnt project such vivid expirences and issues.

What's sad is how much you love eating your own shit and your dad's cum off his bloody cock.
Thats not the least bit pederastic, thats what you're saying mod's? These mods are pederasts tho. Im sure they like to read his posts.

Its right up there with lix from a clive barker book.

LOL! No one's saying or even implying it happened before your 18th birthday other than you.

Sad that you love it when your own father rapes you and you don't deny it.
Wow, youre really about bending a rule aren't you. You and your whole kind should go up in nuclear incineration. "Pederist" isnt excusive to illegal interactions. Note: when the word came about, it wasnt a crime.
If you're going to try and argue that the limited citations you find say "prepubescent" you should know that male puberty doesnt even end till mid twenties. Simply saying prepubescent is just mouthing a nearly meaningless moving target
More than that, "pederasty" when it originated was more about asserting social power than anything else.

Now if youre going to try and say its all about what it means now, im the only one saying it an thus have complete authority over what it means now.
Your pederisms are meaningless except to show your habitual projections.

Do you know what thats called besides just an accurate illustration of your kind?
Btw, CharacterAssassin. You're clearly the most disgusting fagot ive ever met. Be sure to carefully measure your heroin habit because i like slime like you dead by your own filthy hand. You're a lower life form than a plant as far as im concerned. That, or youre catholic. There's litteraly no distinction between two completely unnatural bags of faggot mess.
No, we did not all get here from rape. Sex? Yes. But not rape. BTW, they are not the same thing.

They absolutely are the same thing, both participants can be interested in sex together but nothing changes the natural power dynamic. If you dont phenotypically have the power to say no and enforce it, then you never had the power to say yes either and cannot consent. All sex is rape. No subjective nonsense can ever change that. It's the most successful reproductive model and you're all designed to do it. I have millions of years of proof, you have only a fraction in years as a catholic faggot brigade backed by eunuchs and pederasts.