New way to finance college

Greetings comrade,
Indentured servitude to one of our corporate overlords? No thanks.

Even the Tsar of Russia had the foresight to end serfdom in the 1860s.

I received my college education the old fashioned way: drinking lots of beer, partying with hippie chicks, and being the beneficiary of taxpayer supported public universities and low interest government loans.

Frankly, with all the money this country has, college should essentially be tuition-free for those who have the aptitude for it. On a related note, I no longer listen to the plaintive whines of wingnuts complaining about the cost of public education. Wingnuts supported spending three trillion dollars on the catastrophic Iraq War Disaster, and simply do not have a leg to stand on when discussing government spending. Carry on, Wack dude!
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What's up Cypress, it's been a minute. As today's millennials in school show us we don't have to listen to anyone we don't want to. You have California roots however so you know how the Silicon Valley works, their goal is to 'disrupt' markets. Few markets are more ripe for 'disruption' than student loans. And we all know Silicon Valley leans heavily Democratic politically so this isn't some right wing attempt here. You are free to disagree that the federal government's involvement is what's driven up the price of college tuition but that would be getting into alternative facts area. But these are fellow liberals of yours at work here in the private market creating this firm and others trying to crack the student loan market.
Greetings comrade,
Indentured servitude to one of our corporate overlords? No thanks.

Even the Tsar of Russia had the foresight to end serfdom in the 1860s.

I received my college education the old fashioned way: drinking lots of beer, partying with hippie chicks, and being the beneficiary of taxpayer supported public universities and low interest government loans.

Frankly, with all the money this country has, college should essentially be tuition-free for those who have the aptitude for it. On a related note, I no longer listen to the plaintive whines of wingnuts complaining about the cost of public education. Wingnuts supported spending three trillion dollars on the catastrophic Iraq War Disaster, and simply do not have a leg to stand on when discussing government spending. Carry on, Wack dude!

So, you don't think that tuition is too high in America?
So you'll only to come to SF if you can come to my house but not a restaurant. A big loss for all of us.

It goes back to YOU asked the question then complained because I answered in a way you didn't like.
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Ok, CFM since you will only come to my home would you like me to PM you my address or does it need to be posted publically here?

(thinking you'll probably want it posted publically for safety reasons in case by my four month old daughter hurts you in any way and you can't make it home and your family worries about you)
Ok, CFM since you will only come to my home would you like me to PM you my address or does it need to be posted publically here?

(thinking you'll probably want it posted publically for safety reasons in case by my four month old daughter hurts you in any way and you can't make it home and your family worries about you)
Nobody here believes he got a sports scholarship.
Nobody here believes he got a sports scholarship.

That's OK, bitch. Whether you believe it or not it irrelevant. The truth doesn't change based on what you do or do not believe. It seems you think it does.

Seems I've shown you the light and you didn't have to look in strange places to see it.
That's OK, bitch. Whether you believe it or not it irrelevant. The truth doesn't change based on what you do or do not believe. It seems you think it does.

Seems I've shown you the light and you didn't have to look in strange places to see it.

Racist swine...