New way to finance college

I understand the issue quite fine. Pretty clearly you don't if you think it's banks not the government that determines these loans.
Really? So banks getting govt funds at .5%, and loaning it at 7.5% isn't the issue? Obama had money available at 2.5% for quite some time, until Republicans refused to fund the program several times.

What's bad about the govt earning 2.5% on their money, while saving students 5%?
When are capitalists never "desperate" for good investments?

So your argument is this is not a space the private market should be looking at.
If the idea is to save students money, then this program does very little. It just shifts the capital investment.
Really? So banks getting govt funds at .5%, and loaning it at 7.5% isn't the issue? Obama had money available at 2.5% for quite some time, until Republicans refused to fund the program several times.

What's bad about the govt earning 2.5% on their money, while saving students 5%?

The federal gov't has been involved in student lending for 30 years and it is during that time that college costs have risen.

I have no idea what your Obama/Republican discussion is about but it's not the reason the Fed has decided to fund student loans like they have.
The federal gov't has been involved in student lending for 30 years and it is during that time that college costs have risen.

I have no idea what your Obama/Republican discussion is about but it's not the reason the Fed has decided to fund student loans like they have.
Yep...I was right about your limited understanding of the issue. College costs have risen for a number of reasons. It isn't the tuition that's the issue.
Yep...I was right about your limited understanding of the issue. College costs have risen for a number of reasons. It isn't the tuition that's the issue.

Tuition isn't an issue? So you think schools charging $60K+ and continuing to rise is sustainable? Feel free to show how the much larger involvement of the Federal gov't into student loans is just a coincidence if you think you are so knowledgeable on this topic.
Tuition isn't an issue? So you think schools charging $60K+ and continuing to rise is sustainable? Feel free to show how the much larger involvement of the Federal gov't into student loans is just a coincidence if you think you are so knowledgeable on this topic.
60k includes housing/meals. Address those issues, along with books, and you are starting down the correct path.

It isn't the fact that the govt. assists students that is the problem. It's the profit takers along the way that create problems.
60k includes housing/meals. Address those issues, along with books, and you are starting down the correct path.

It isn't the fact that the govt. assists students that is the problem. It's the profit takers along the way that create problems.

who are the profit takers at Universities?
Yep...I was right about your limited understanding of the issue. College costs have risen for a number of reasons. It isn't the tuition that's the issue.

Oh, well if tuition isn't an issue

I say just institute price controls. No college anywhere should be able to charge more than $10,000/year tuition. If college is soooooooooooo important then you should support it.

60k includes housing/meals. Address those issues, along with books, and you are starting down the correct path.

It isn't the fact that the govt. assists students that is the problem. It's the profit takers along the way that create problems.

Books are not factored into the price tag. Afraid that's an additional $200-500 per year.
Where did you go Althea? You're proclaiming knowledge of this subject but all you've come up with is its "profit takers" who are the reason for the rise in college tuition.
The same way it does with other things. Starts of legit and a good idea, some shady outfit figure out a loophole....shady lawyers invest. CA, I like the basic premise of the idea. I think you also brought up a good topic. It just seems that this could get
kind of ugly kind of fast. The good ideas always do.

It starts the instant a student who had his/her heart set on attending college finds they don't have enough money and won't qualify for a loan from one of the more "reputable" businesses partnering with the university.

So he/she looks to less reputable lenders to get the money...
Oh, well if tuition isn't an issue

I say just institute price controls. No college anywhere should be able to charge more than $10,000/year tuition. If college is soooooooooooo important then you should support it.

I don't feel college is important at all for the majority of degrees that are offered.