New way to finance college

So all these posts Althea and you have nothing to say about the company and you think the cost of tuition isn't an issue. Great insight. Thank you.
I agree in general and said so earlier. Maybe not this particular company but I can certainly see it happening. So what do you think? Any ideas? I always thought there should be a program similar to the military however for a civil service. Do a few years, the federal government helps pay for college.

You would have liked Obama.
You're are correct and incorrect at the same time. It wouldn't appeal to me because academic and athletic scholarships paid for everything. In others words, I know exactly what college is just not the part about having to sell myself for the funding of it.

What sport did you play?
I only know what the two articles say.
Well the devil is in the details don't you think?

Regardless this isn't a solution to the problem. The problem is that making higher education affordable for most families has long stopped being a priority at our public Universities. They know that if there is a new building or a new service or a new administrative cost they can pass that cost on to students via raising tuition. Until the States and Federal government steps in and puts a cap on tuition increases and ties them in directly to classroom instruction and research than School administrations will continue to drive the bloat to the detriment of our society.
You're are correct and incorrect at the same time. It wouldn't appeal to me because academic and athletic scholarships paid for everything. In others words, I know exactly what college is just not the part about having to sell myself for the funding of it.

They have atheletes at barber college?