News that I hope will Infuriate Trump Voters, because there is no Republican Party

Few things:

1. No one would be killing themselves out of despair if their wages were guaranteed instead of guaranteeing corporate profits and share prices. And by the way, plenty were offing themselves out of despair even before this crisis, you just weren't paying attention because...wait for're lazy:

'Deaths Of Despair' Examines The Steady Erosion Of U.S. Working-Class Life

Why Deaths of Despair Are Rising

“Deaths of despair”: The deadly epidemic that predated coronavirus

2. We need to stay locked down as long as it takes, until there's a vaccine because you all were too fucking lazy to get ahead of this early like South Korea did.

3. Even with increased testing, opening up is pointless because we need at least 30M tests a day because you could get a test on Monday, but then get infected on Tuesday, but your Monday test result will show you aren't infected.

You're a very dishonest person. Have you realized this yet?