News that I hope will Infuriate Trump Voters, because there is no Republican Party

WHO offered to sell Trump test kits in the beginning. That is not ignoring it. The US had 6 pandemic pros in WHO. Trump was informed from the beginning.
Trump was told about Corona in Dec and Jan. He ignored it. That is the fucking problem. He did nothing all through Feb and most of March.
The reason we have 1/3rd of all the cases and deaths on the globe is one man's fault, Trump. He totally fucked it up and kept doing it.

WHO was denying human to human transmission as late as January 14th and continued to downplay the severity of the virus and advise against travel restrictions long after.

Furthermore; they never offered the US test kits those were for underdeveloped nations who couldn't produce their own, they also had a high false positive rate.

"No one ever offered a test that we refused," said Adm. Brett Giroir, assistant secretary for health at the Department of Health and Human Services. "This was a research-grade test that was not approved, not submitted to the FDA [Food and Drug Administration] ... there was a small number that we have greatly surpassed in a very short period of time."
Debunked bullshit:

Defense official says media reports about November coronavirus intel assessment are false
By Louis Casiano, Jennifer Griffin | Fox News

Col. R. Shane Day, the director of the NCMI, a component of the Defense Intelligence Agency, refuted the ABC News report in a statement.

"As a matter of practice the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters," he said. "However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists."

Time to update your DNC ministry of propaganda talking points

The media can only work with what they are told by the government, and Trump was hiding all the intel about the severity of the virus while calling it a hoax.
So how long should we lock down? What is "safe"? 3 years? 5 Years? Ruin the economy, and cause huge increases in suicides. Yeah the cure is worst than the disease. \

Few things:

1. No one would be killing themselves out of despair if their wages were guaranteed instead of guaranteeing corporate profits and share prices. And by the way, plenty were offing themselves out of despair even before this crisis, you just weren't paying attention because...wait for're lazy:

'Deaths Of Despair' Examines The Steady Erosion Of U.S. Working-Class Life

Why Deaths of Despair Are Rising

“Deaths of despair”: The deadly epidemic that predated coronavirus

2. We need to stay locked down as long as it takes, until there's a vaccine because you all were too fucking lazy to get ahead of this early like South Korea did.

3. Even with increased testing, opening up is pointless because we need at least 30M tests a day because you could get a test on Monday, but then get infected on Tuesday, but your Monday test result will show you aren't infected.
[h=1]Jobless rate soared to 14.7% in April as U.S. shed 20.5 Million Jobs[/h]The U.S. unemployment rate jumped to 14.7 percent in April, the highest level since the Great Depression, as most businesses shut down or severely curtailed operations to fight the deadly coronavirus.

Over 20 million people lost their jobs in April, the Labor Department said Friday, wiping out a decade of job gains in a single month. The staggering losses are more than double what the nation experienced during the 2007-09 crisis, which used to be described as the harshest economic situation most people ever confronted. Now that has been quickly dwarfed by the fallout from the global pandemic.

President Trump and numerous state and local leaders decided to put the economy in a deep freeze in an effort to minimize exposure to the virus. This led businesses to suddenly shed millions of workers at a rapid rate never seen before. Analysts warn it could take many years to return to the 3.5 percent unemployment rate the nation experienced in February.

The sudden economic contraction has forced millions of Americans to turn to food banks and seek government aid for the first time or stop paying rent and other bills. As they go without paychecks for weeks, some have also lost health insurance and even put their homes up for sale. “This is pretty scary,” said Lindsey Piegza, chief economist at Stifel. “I’m fearful many of these jobs are not going to come back and we are going to have an unemployment rate well into 2021 of near 10 percent.”

Read more:

This is what happens when people peddle irrational fear which leads the ignorant masses into becoming hypochondriacs.

Do you know how an immune system works?
[h=1]Who's Chubby Chumpy going to blame for his brand spanking new record unemployment numbers?[/h]

The mass hypochondria resulting from fake news media fear mongering, and the masses being completely devoid of any basic knowledge about immunology/virology is what is to blame for those unemployment numbers (as well as the State Governors who unconstitutionally issued royal decrees to shut their States down).

None of that has anything to do with Trump.
The source of the virus from China is China. They lied about the source and their number of fatalities. They would not share data with our health professionals that might have mitigated their virus from China. They nailed shut the doors of those with the virus from China They did not stop flights out of China and the virus from China spread around the world.

China must be held accountable for the hundreds of thousands of deaths and the economic loss around the world.

Count on the far left loon apologists to defend China and falsely blame it on our great president whose closure of flights from China saved countless lives.

The president is following the advice of the health professionals and the states are opening their economies following the guidelines.

I didn't say that it kills more people than coronavirus (all though it does in bad flu seasons when you take the fact that the infection and death toll has been inflated by 25%) I was saying that the majority of flu deaths come during flu season so your arbitrary timeline is misleading, try to work on your reading comprehension.
The media can only work with what they are told by the government,

No they work with bullshit claims from fake anonymous sources.

and Trump was hiding all the intel about the severity of the virus while calling it a hoax.

You're a lying pos he didn't hide anything and your claim that he called it a hoax has been completely debunked several times he said that the democrats politicization of the virus was a hoax which your continued repetition of debunked out of context disinformation proves conclusively.
I didn't say that it kills more people than coronavirus (all though it does in bad flu seasons when you take the fact that the infection and death toll has been inflated by 25%) I was saying that the majority of flu deaths come during flu season so your arbitrary timeline is misleading, try to work on your reading comprehension.

Even during "the flu season", COVID far outpaces it as the stats show.

Nothing I wrote is misleading, but you're trying to mislead people into thinking this is no different from the flu, even though it clearly is, has killed more people than any year of the flu going back ten years, and you're a fucking idiot.
No they work with bullshit claims from fake anonymous sources.

So then maybe Trump and his people should go on the record. They don't and they won't. They are literally suppressing the CDC guidelines to reopen, saying they will "never see the light of day" because those CDC guidelines show that opening up now is premature.

Opening up the economy now is just going to lead to a bigger crash later on.

You're a lying pos he didn't hide anything and your claim that he called it a hoax has been completely debunked several times he said that the democrats politicization of the virus was a hoax which your continued repetition of debunked out of context disinformation proves conclusively.

Hasn't been debunked, and it is completely true. It's why Loeffler and Burr are in trouble; they got a classified briefing of the severity of the virus, then downplayed the virus as they sold off stock.

Democrats were right when they said this virus was a threat. You still think it is a hoax.
Even during "the flu season", COVID far outpaces it as the stats show.

Nothing I wrote is misleading, but you're trying to mislead people into thinking this is no different from the flu, even though it clearly is, has killed more people than any year of the flu going back ten years, and you're a fucking idiot.

Doctor Birx said the death toll has been inflated by 25% so no it doesn't far outpace it.

Yes you are being misleading with your false extrapolation of flu deaths over 12 months when in reality most deaths from the flu occur during the smaller time frame of flu season.
So then maybe Trump and his people should go on the record. They don't and they won't. They are literally suppressing the CDC guidelines to reopen, saying they will "never see the light of day" because those CDC guidelines show that opening up now is premature.

Opening up the economy now is just going to lead to a bigger crash later on.

The CDC has no credibility according to Doctor Birx they have inflated the infection rate and death toll by as much as 25%. Every model they have offered as been wrong and were based on a debunked pseudoscientific hoax study out of England.

Hasn't been debunked, and it is completely true.

Yes it has and no it isn't you are a lying piece of shit, he clearly said that the politicization of his response not the virus was the hoax.

It's why Loeffler and Burr are in trouble; they got a classified briefing of the severity of the virus, then downplayed the virus as they sold off stock.

Democrats were right when they said this virus was a threat. You still think it is a hoax.

That wasn't in November like the ABC article claimed you lying fuck.
So then maybe Trump and his people should go on the record. They don't and they won't. They are literally suppressing the CDC guidelines to reopen, saying they will "never see the light of day" because those CDC guidelines show that opening up now is premature.

Opening up the economy now is just going to lead to a bigger crash later on.

The CDC has no credibility according to Doctor Birx they have inflated the infection rate and death toll by as much as 25%. Every model they have offered has been wrong and were based on a debunked pseudoscientific hoax study out of England.

Hasn't been debunked, and it is completely true.

Yes it has and no it isn't you are a lying piece of shit, he clearly said that the politicization of his response not the virus was the hoax.

It's why Loeffler and Burr are in trouble; they got a classified briefing of the severity of the virus, then downplayed the virus as they sold off stock.

Democrats were right when they said this virus was a threat. You still think it is a hoax.

That wasn't in November like the ABC article claimed you lying fuck it was in late January and mid-February after the pandemic was well known and either right before or after Trump implemented travel restriction, mandatory quarantins, and declared a national public health emergency. And why did you leave out Feinstein you duplicitous piece of shit?

Another copy and [paste personality, cloned mentality with no conceived brain working from a natural position of occupying space as timed apart now. Shame realities are designed to moralize, legalize, ethically cleanse understanding from ancestral progression from now until extinction of this species closer to self inflicted than ever before.

Do you really understand compounding results as timed apart now as only going on here, in this atmosphere. The kinetic whole is equal to the total sum of its perpetual motion self balancing universe in plain sight of its ancestral parts of the homo sapien species living here as current numbers as usually reproductively positioned so far.

No intellectual creator necessary outside keeping people denying now is eternity.
Doctor Birx said the death toll has been inflated by 25% so no it doesn't far outpace it.

So now you're a death truther.

Fact is, this virus is far more deadly than the flu, and no amount of pretending otherwise will change that.

You will have to own this, and the poor response, forever.

Yes you are being misleading with your false extrapolation of flu deaths over 12 months when in reality most deaths from the flu occur during the smaller time frame of flu season.

And even then, the death toll is lower than COVID's current death toll.

Not sure why you're still on this "it's no worse than the flu" bend...Trump abandoned that stupidity weeks ago. You're not on the same page, and it shows.
The CDC has no credibility according to Doctor Birx they have inflated the infection rate and death toll by as much as 25%. Every model they have offered as been wrong and were based on a debunked pseudoscientific hoax study out of England.

So if Trump is so wrong all the time in all his models, why are you still defending him? Wouldn't the fact that he's constantly wrong prove he's unfit to lead us right now?
Yes it has and no it isn't you are a lying piece of shit, he clearly said that the politicization of his response not the virus was the hoax.

So what of the response was a hoax?

Democrats were right to warn everyone about it while you said it was no worse than the flu.

This is what I mean when I say you're full of shit. You say the Democratic response was a hoax? How was it a hoax? 81,000 people have died.
That wasn't in November like the ABC article claimed you lying fuck.


Trump was briefed about this in November and even admitted he didn't read the report about it.

So what is "the hoax"?

Is the hoax that Trump did act swiftly and Democrats said he didn't?

Is the hoax that the virus is or isn't more serious than the flu?

You have resorted to just screaming "hoax" at everything now. But that's you telling on yourself.
The CDC has no credibility according to Doctor Birx they have inflated the infection rate and death toll by as much as 25%. Every model they have offered has been wrong and were based on a debunked pseudoscientific hoax study out of England.

Even if they are doing that, that puts the death toll at 60,000 which is higher than almost every single year of the flu going back to 2010, and we are nowhere out of the woods yet on this thing.

You're a joke here.