News that I hope will Infuriate Trump Voters, because there is no Republican Party

Even if they are doing that, that puts the death toll at 60,000 which is higher than almost every single year of the flu going back to 2010, and we are nowhere out of the woods yet on this thing.

You're a joke here.

Not much higher and not as high as 2017 and again that wasn't the claim I was making you just lack reading comprehension skills.

Trump was briefed about this in November and even admitted he didn't read the report about it.

You are a lying pos that claim has been completely debunked you CCP disinformation pos:

Defense official says media reports about November coronavirus intel assessment are false
By Louis Casiano, Jennifer Griffin | Fox News

Col. R. Shane Day, the director of the NCMI, a component of the Defense Intelligence Agency, refuted the ABC News report in a statement.

"As a matter of practice the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters," he said. "However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists."

So what is "the hoax"?

Is the hoax that Trump did act swiftly and Democrats said he didn't?

Is the hoax that the virus is or isn't more serious than the flu?

You have resorted to just screaming "hoax" at everything now. But that's you telling on yourself.

The hoax is the Democrats politicization of the virus you illiterate moron:

What he said at a campaign rally last week was, “Now, the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," and, "One of my people came up to me and said, 'Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.' That didn't work out too well. They couldn't do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. And this is their new hoax.”
Not much higher and not as high as 2017 and again that wasn't the claim I was making you just lack reading comprehension skills.

Not much higher right now (BUT STILL HIGHER), but we're nowhere out of the woods yet on COVID, and the President you support and coddle is projecting 3,000 dead a day by June 1st.

You said that 25% of the COVID deaths are exaggerated, even though today Fauci said the death count is underestimated.

One year we had 61,000 flu deaths...and if you accept your false premise that 25% of the COVID deaths are exaggerated, that still means 61,500 died from COVID so far.

We'll probably end up between 150,000-200,000 dead. And every one of those deaths is on you.
You are a lying pos that claim has been completely debunked you CCP disinformation pos:

Defense official says media reports about November coronavirus intel assessment are false
By Louis Casiano, Jennifer Griffin | Fox News

Col. R. Shane Day, the director of the NCMI, a component of the Defense Intelligence Agency, refuted the ABC News report in a statement.

"As a matter of practice the National Center for Medical Intelligence does not comment publicly on specific intelligence matters," he said. "However, in the interest of transparency during this current public health crisis, we can confirm that media reporting about the existence/release of a National Center for Medical Intelligence Coronavirus-related product/assessment in November of 2019 is not correct. No such NCMI product exists."

The hoax is the Democrats politicization of the virus you illiterate moron:

What he said at a campaign rally last week was, “Now, the Democrats are politicizing the coronavirus," and, "One of my people came up to me and said, 'Mr. President, they tried to beat you on Russia, Russia, Russia.' That didn't work out too well. They couldn't do it. They tried the impeachment hoax. And this is their new hoax.”

You need better sources if you want to play with the big boys. Fox News and the Washington Examiner ain't gonna cut it. Do better.


According to two intelligence officials who spoke to ABC News, the November report came from the Defense Department's National Center for Medical Intelligence, was based on communications intercepts and satellite photography, and raised significant concerns because officials believed that a new disease spreading out-of-control in Asia would pose a real threat to U.S. forces based in the region.

One source told ABC News that intelligence analysts' conclusion was that a new contagion spreading through China "could be a cataclysmic event," and that conclusion was shared with the White House on multiple occasions, culminating in a detailed description of the problem appearing in Drumpf's President's Daily Brief (PDB) in early January.

The appearance of the PDB item coincided with White House Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro's decision to author a memo to the president warning about the economic consequences of a pandemic.
So now you're a death truther.

Try again moron:

According to a new bombshell report from the Washington Post, the White House Coronavirus Task Force response administrator is doubting the administration’s numbers.

Dr. Deborah Birx reportedly made the comments during a Wednesday meeting.

“During a task force meeting Wednesday, a heated discussion broke out between Deborah Birx, the physician who oversees the administration’s coronavirus response, and Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Birx and others were frustrated with the CDC’s antiquated system for tracking virus data, which they worried was inflating some statistics — such as mortality rate and case count — by as much as 25 percent, according to four people present for the discussion or later briefed on it. Two senior administration officials said the discussion was not heated,” the newspaper reported.

“There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust,” Birx reportedly said, according to two of the people.

“The flare-up came two days after it was reported that an internal government model, based on data from the CDC and other agencies, projected the daily death count would rise to 3,000 by June 1,” the newspaper noted.

And even then, the death toll is lower than COVID's current death toll.

Not sure why you're still on this "it's no worse than the flu" bend...Trump abandoned that stupidity weeks ago. You're not on the same page, and it shows.

I never made that claim you lying pos I pointed out you bullshit attempt to extrapolate coronavirus numbers of 12 months while ignoring the fact that most flu deaths occur during flu season.
So now you're a death truther.

Try again moron:

According to a new bombshell report from the Washington Post, the White House Coronavirus Task Force response administrator is doubting the administration’s numbers.

Dr. Deborah Birx reportedly made the comments during a Wednesday meeting.

“During a task force meeting Wednesday, a heated discussion broke out between Deborah Birx, the physician who oversees the administration’s coronavirus response, and Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Birx and others were frustrated with the CDC’s antiquated system for tracking virus data, which they worried was inflating some statistics — such as mortality rate and case count — by as much as 25 percent, according to four people present for the discussion or later briefed on it. Two senior administration officials said the discussion was not heated,” the newspaper reported.

“There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust,” Birx reportedly said, according to two of the people.

“The flare-up came two days after it was reported that an internal government model, based on data from the CDC and other agencies, projected the daily death count would rise to 3,000 by June 1,” the newspaper noted.

And even then, the death toll is lower than COVID's current death toll.

Not sure why you're still on this "it's no worse than the flu" bend...Trump abandoned that stupidity weeks ago. You're not on the same page, and it shows.

I never made that claim you lying pos I pointed out you bullshit attempt to extrapolate coronavirus numbers of 12 months while ignoring the fact that most flu deaths occur during flu season.
You need better sources if you want to play with the big boys. Fox News and the Washington Examiner ain't gonna cut it. Do better.

Eat shit and die retard my secondary sourcss are irrelevant as I posted direct verbatim quotes from primary sources. God you're f-ing dumb.
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So what of the response was a hoax?

Democrats were right to warn everyone about it while you said it was no worse than the flu.

This is what I mean when I say you're full of shit. You say the Democratic response was a hoax? How was it a hoax? 81,000 people have died.

The Democrats politicization of the outbreak is the hoax you fucking retard and the Democrats and their cohorts were downplaying it so get fucked with your gas lighting, Trump implemented travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines and declared a national public health emergency while Pelosi called on people to gather in China Town and WaPo, the NYTs, Vox, etc downplayed its severity and warned against overreacting.
Try again moron:

According to a new bombshell report from the Washington Post, the White House Coronavirus Task Force response administrator is doubting the administration’s numbers.

Dr. Deborah Birx reportedly made the comments during a Wednesday meeting.

“During a task force meeting Wednesday, a heated discussion broke out between Deborah Birx, the physician who oversees the administration’s coronavirus response, and Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Birx and others were frustrated with the CDC’s antiquated system for tracking virus data, which they worried was inflating some statistics — such as mortality rate and case count — by as much as 25 percent, according to four people present for the discussion or later briefed on it. Two senior administration officials said the discussion was not heated,” the newspaper reported.

“There is nothing from the CDC that I can trust,” Birx reportedly said, according to two of the people.

“The flare-up came two days after it was reported that an internal government model, based on data from the CDC and other agencies, projected the daily death count would rise to 3,000 by June 1,” the newspaper noted.

I never made that claim you lying pos I pointed out you bullshit attempt to extrapolate coronavirus numbers of 12 months while ignoring the fact that most flu deaths occur during flu season.

Literally today, Fauci testified under oath before the Senate that the death count is being underestimated.

Birx refuses to testify under oath.

And you were trying to compare flu deaths to COVID deaths, but failed miserably because in just two months of COVID, we surpassed the highest annual flu death toll going back 10 years.

You were trying to downplay the virus by comparing it to the flu, but even then, you fail miserably. I posted the numbers. You had a hissy fit about them, and that's when you started with this lie that COVID deaths are being over-reported, when Fauci literally said today that they were being underreported.
Literally today, Fauci testified under oath before the Senate that the death count is being underestimated.

Birx refuses to testify under oath.

And you were trying to compare flu deaths to COVID deaths, but failed miserably because in just two months of COVID, we surpassed the highest annual flu death toll going back 10 years.

You were trying to downplay the virus by comparing it to the flu, but even then, you fail miserably. I posted the numbers. You had a hissy fit about them, and that's when you started with this lie that COVID deaths are being over-reported, when Fauci literally said today that they were being underreported.

Fauci has no credibility whatsoever he shit the bed from start to finish.

Again with your bullshit false extrapolation, most people die of the flu during flu season you retarded fuck.

I never claimed that the flu kills more people that is your lack of reading comprehension skills at play.

The coronavirus death figure is inflated by 25%.
Eat shot and die retard my secondary sourcss are irrelevant as I posted direct verbatim quotes from primary sources. God you're f-ing dumb.

Secondary sources?

You holding out on me?

Like I said, you need to do better because the effort you put in is subpar. It reflects poorly on your arguments. It also makes you look incredibly lazy. But go off if that's how you want to look here...I'm not going to stop you from putting your foot in your big mouth.
The Democrats politicization of the outbreak is the hoax you fucking retard and the Democrats and their cohorts were downplaying it

No they weren't.

YOU were downplaying it.

YOU said it was "just the flu".

YOU said it would "disappear in April".

YOU said that drinking bleach would help.

You're the ones who consistently, through February and March, said that you had it under control.

Adam Schiff literally said on the floor of the Senate that Trump "would do a lot of damage". He was right.

So Democratic criticism was right on the money.
[h=1]Jobless rate soared to 14.7% in April as U.S. shed 20.5 Million Jobs[/h]The U.S. unemployment rate jumped to 14.7 percent in April, the highest level since the Great Depression, as most businesses shut down or severely curtailed operations to fight the deadly coronavirus.

Over 20 million people lost their jobs in April, the Labor Department said Friday, wiping out a decade of job gains in a single month. The staggering losses are more than double what the nation experienced during the 2007-09 crisis, which used to be described as the harshest economic situation most people ever confronted. Now that has been quickly dwarfed by the fallout from the global pandemic.

President Trump and numerous state and local leaders decided to put the economy in a deep freeze in an effort to minimize exposure to the virus. This led businesses to suddenly shed millions of workers at a rapid rate never seen before. Analysts warn it could take many years to return to the 3.5 percent unemployment rate the nation experienced in February.

The sudden economic contraction has forced millions of Americans to turn to food banks and seek government aid for the first time or stop paying rent and other bills. As they go without paychecks for weeks, some have also lost health insurance and even put their homes up for sale. “This is pretty scary,” said Lindsey Piegza, chief economist at Stifel. “I’m fearful many of these jobs are not going to come back and we are going to have an unemployment rate well into 2021 of near 10 percent.”

Read more:

A result of the leftist-induced shutdown-Next!
The Democrats politicization of the outbreak is the hoax you fucking retard and the Democrats and their cohorts were downplaying it so get fucked with your gas lighting, Trump implemented travel restrictions and mandatory quarantines and declared a national public health emergency while Pelosi called on people to gather in China Town and WaPo, the NYTs, Vox, etc downplayed its severity and warned against overreacting.

LV426 is just an angry negro .... dump him .

He can’t learn from you ......
Fauci has no credibility whatsoever he shit the bed from start to finish.

Fauci has credibility because he testified under oath, whereas Trump, Birx, and all of them refuse to do so.

But when we reach 3,000 dead a day by June 1st, I'm sure you'll delete this sock and create a new one that sets new goalposts, since that's what you did here.

Again with your bullshit false extrapolation, most people die of the flu during flu season you retarded fuck.

Right, and how long is flu season, usually? Because we've had just 2 months of a COVID pandemic and 82,000 people have already died.

I never claimed that the flu kills more people that is your lack of reading comprehension skills at play.

Stop. We both know what you were trying to do. You were trying to downplay the seriousness of COVID by pretending that the death rate during the two months of the pandemic so far is comparable to the death rate during "flu season"...but you extrapolate all the flu deaths out over an entire year, then get mad at me for comparing that extrapolation to the two months of the COVID pandemic. Then I ask, "well, how long is "flu season", typically?" and you don't answer that. It's obvious why. You're just making shit up as you go because you were raised to believe that whatever you think is right and you're entitled to it.

But guess what? You're not.

The coronavirus death figure is inflated by 25%.'

And even if that were true, we've already surpassed the worst annual flu death toll going back at least 10 years because 25% of 82,000 is 61,500.