News that I hope will Infuriate Trump Voters, because there is no Republican Party

Red states are seeing surges in new cases. We are going to be stuck in social distancing for a very long time, until there's a vaccine, thanks to all the dithering and lying you did for the first couple months.

Remember, you said this was a hoax.

76,000 dead.

Some hoax.
He's in favor of allowing the virus to spread unchecked in order to create a herd immunity. I'm sure he'll be the first to purposely infect himself in order to start the process.
The source of the virus from China is China. They lied about the source and their number of fatalities. They would not share data with our health professionals that might have mitigated their virus from China. They nailed shut the doors of those with the virus from China They did not stop flights out of China and the virus from China spread around the world.

China must be held accountable for the hundreds of thousands of deaths and the economic loss around the world.

Count on the far left loon apologists to defend China...and blame it on the president.
All true re. China, but our intelligence agencies knew about this last year, and attempted to brief trump on Jan. 3.
how fucking embarrassing for you you dumb cunt. Below are all media headlines in January and February you dumb cunt. What excuse will you have now you dumb cunt?


A lot of those are editorials, written by right-wingers.
Just make sure you stay the fuck out of the Blue states with your diseased families. We'll have to shut down the state lines to the inbreds that will no doubt be traveling.

what makes you think I would want to go to any of those blue states?

they are ravaged with the chinese virus and haven't done shit to stop it

Why would anyone go to a state where they are overrun with the chinese virus. I hope NY, NJ and IL stay shut down for half a year and all go bankrupt and their citizens kill each other. It would be Morning in America
no you dumb cunt]

It's not?

I'm old enough to remember us launching a multi-trillion dollar war of occupation in two countries because 3,000 people died in one day one time. I'm also old enough to remember people like you defending that expenditure of blood and treasure, and calling those of us "traitors" who told you it was a mistake based on lies.

So thanks for rehashing your last big fuckup. Sure is fun taking a stroll down the Bush the Dumber Memory Lane....
no you dumb cunt

people die

they die from the flu they die from MRSA they die from C. diff

look cunt I am not telling you not to stay hidden under your bed. I am going out. I only hope I am an asymptomatic carrier and can infect you. That would please me to no end

What a little fucking bitch.

They didn't have to die from COVID. They are dying simply because you didn't take this seriously.
what makes you think I would want to go to any of those blue states?

they are ravaged with the chinese virus and haven't done shit to stop it

Why would anyone go to a state where they are overrun with the chinese virus. I hope NY, NJ and IL stay shut down for half a year and all go bankrupt and their citizens kill each other. It would be Morning in America
You may not, but people on the borders of these Red states that you claim will be opening, most certainly will. We'll have use armed guards on the borders.
how fucking embarrassing for you you dumb cunt. Below are all media headlines in January and February you dumb cunt. What excuse will you have now you dumb cunt?


Maybe the reason the media didn't think this was a big deal in the early days is because Trump and the White House wasn't sharing any of the warnings or information with anyone.

They all kept it behind closed doors, just long enough that they could sell off their stock.

The media doesn't have the same access to the intelligence Trump was given, like the PDB memo in January that warned of this.

The fact is, Trump is lazy, just like you, inept, just like you, and prone to exaggerations and lying, just like you.

So I get why you are so compelled to defend him; you think you are Trump. So any criticism of Trump you take personally because you live vicariously through him.

And once he's gone, you're going to pretend you never had anything to do with him at all. In fact, you'll probably delete this account and create a new one that "starts over" with a fresh voice, as most Conservatives do on the internet.
He's in favor of allowing the virus to spread unchecked in order to create a herd immunity. I'm sure he'll be the first to purposely infect himself in order to start the process.

There's no reason to believe herd immunity would even exist without a vaccine. The virus mutated once already, and that mutated strain is the one that is running rampant right now. We don't know enough about this virus to say conclusively that it isn't agile in its evolution. It could literally mutate in 24 hours and reinfect the same person.
how fucking embarrassing for you you dumb cunt. Below are all media headlines in January and February you dumb cunt. What excuse will you have now you dumb cunt?


Most all of these articles are from January and February, while Trump was getting classified briefings about the severity that they weren't sharing with anyone.

Instead, they used January and February to downplay the virus so that they could sell their stocks ahead of the impending market collapse.
There's no reason to believe herd immunity would even exist without a vaccine. The virus mutated once already, and that mutated strain is the one that is running rampant right now. We don't know enough about this virus to say conclusively that it isn't agile in its evolution. It could literally mutate in 24 hours and reinfect the same person.
Yes. I've read that. But don't tell Don. He likes to think he's a wealth of information.
Then perhaps we look at the fact that Trump has yet to top Obama's best quarterly or annual GDP growth.

We can look at the fact that the DJIA is LOWER than it was the day the tax cut started 1/2/18

We can look at the fact that Trump created fewer jobs in his first three years than Obama did in his last three.

We can look at the fact that revenue has declined thanks to the tax cut that we were told "would pay for itself".

We can look at the fact that manufacturing entered into a recession months before COVID started.

We can look at the fact that the federal deficit is now above $1T, and there's nary a teabag or tricorner hat to be seen.

We can look at the fact that wage growth during Obama was higher than it was during Trump.

We can also look at the fact that we had to spend $30B to bail out farmer trash thanks to the tariffs you stupidly supported.

Shall I continue? I can do this all day.

Can you prove any of your claims?
It only kills "business patrons" (I guess you mean CUSTOMERS), jackass.

77,000 have already died.

Out of a country of 325,000,000. That's less that 1%. So we should close every business in the country because .03% could die?

Were you recommending we close down every winter because of the flu?