News that I hope will Infuriate Trump Voters, because there is no Republican Party

So you don't believe that many people lost their jobs?

I do. It is because of the Covid19 shutdown that many liberal governors authorized. Not because "Trump ith doing a badth job with the economonthys." Like moron Burpin thinks.
I do. It is because of the Covid19 shutdown that many liberal governors authorized. Not because "Trump ith doing a badth job with the economonthys." Like moron Burpin thinks.

How can you run a business if all your customers and staff are sick?

And Trump's economy was shit even before this...we didn't get the 3% growth from the tax cut that we were promised.
I do. It is because of the Covid19 shutdown that many liberal governors authorized. Not because "Trump ith doing a badth job with the economonthys." Like moron Burpin thinks.

I'm just sitting here wondering how a business can succeed if it doesn't have any customers because they're either sick or dead?
No I'm still probably going to vote for Trump I think the freak out over the virus was over the top. But that's what caused this problem. And it isn't Trump that's saying we should stay in lockdown. It's the news media or the Democrats the same thing. And they're just saying that cuz it will hurt the economy. Could I imagine once everything starts opening up the economy will recover pretty quickly.

Since the economy is so fragile that a virus can grind it to a halt unless we force people to work in unsafe conditions, then the fundamentals of the economy are not strong, never were, and the Democratic Socialists have been right this whole time

So everything you've believed your entire life about the economy has been a gigantic goof on you.
Hello Cypress,

Let's just get right out and say it. The United States' subpar response to this pandemic is directly the fault of Donald Trumpf, his message board supporters, and enablers in the rightwing.

Nobody here has forgotten that rightwingers here said COVID-19 was a Democratic hoax, that it was no worse than the common cold, that the 2009 H1N1 flu was worse.

It is true. DT would not even be president without the support of deplorable people.

And that idiocy is a result of RW hate radio and media.

It also needs to be said that a lot of that hatred is whipped up by the heartless rich and powerful, who understand that by creating this false support for a clearly wrong leader, it allows them to get more power and more wealth.

MAGA groups are astro-turfed.

We have got to support anti-corruption efforts and clean up our government!

The last thing the power-junkies want is for We, The People, to have a government we LIKE.
Since the economy is so fragile that a virus can grind it to a halt unless we force people to work in unsafe conditions, then the fundamentals of the economy are not strong, never were, and the Democratic Socialists have been right this whole time
when socialist economies fall on hard times people starve to death. Look at Venezuela.
So everything you've believed your entire life about the economy has been a gigantic goof on you.
I believe that is demand goes up price increases is that a gigantic goof on me?
What is the hoax you're referring to?

33M people losing their jobs and health care?

76,000 people dying?

The economy contracting by 4.8% last quarter?

What is the hoax to which you're referring?

the media response was a hoax from day one, well not day one. If you remember the media were downplaying this up until Trump was acquitted of bogus impeachment charges (you remember that don't you cunt?). But after Adam Shit failed they had to have something else. Thus the chinese virus hoax was born

you do realize that about 7,700 people die a day in this country right? You know that right cunt? Did you not know that cunt?

Stupid fucking cunt
the media response was a hoax from day one, well not day one. If you remember the media were downplaying this up until Trump was acquitted of bogus impeachment charges (you remember that don't you cunt?). But after Adam Shit failed they had to have something else. Thus the chinese virus hoax was bornt

No, the media was not downplaying it, you just weren't taking it seriously.

Don't blame the media for your laziness.
you do realize that about 7,700 people die a day in this country right? You know that right cunt? Did you not know that cunt?

What a little crybaby.

Yeah, 7,700 people die a day from numerous things. But 3,000 people dying a day because of one thing is wholly different, isn't it?
Hello Cypress,

It is true. DT would not even be president without the support of deplorable people.

And that idiocy is a result of RW hate radio and media.

It also needs to be said that a lot of that hatred is whipped up by the heartless rich and powerful, who understand that by creating this false support for a clearly wrong leader, it allows them to get more power and more wealth.

MAGA groups are astro-turfed.

We have got to support anti-corruption efforts and clean up our government!

The last thing the power-junkies want is for We, The People, to have a government we LIKE.

You are deplorable.


"Dive, market, DIVE!

Take DT down with you.

02-28-2020, 06:47 AM #5 | Top

"Sometimes things have to get worse before they can get better.

We're going down.


Dive! Dive! Dive!"
How can you run a business if all your customers and staff are sick?

And Trump's economy was shit even before this...we didn't get the 3% growth from the tax cut that we were promised.

One factor among many is not how you indicate the well being of the economy.
Thanks for the compliments. you're 100% right I absolutely hate tyranny and it should never be tolerated.

If I'm a trumptard that means I'm not a Democrat or a socialist thanks for those compliments too.

You are certainly welcome Sir! After all you've earned the title!
One factor among many is not how you indicate the well being of the economy.

Then perhaps we look at the fact that Trump has yet to top Obama's best quarterly or annual GDP growth.

We can look at the fact that the DJIA is LOWER than it was the day the tax cut started 1/2/18

We can look at the fact that Trump created fewer jobs in his first three years than Obama did in his last three.

We can look at the fact that revenue has declined thanks to the tax cut that we were told "would pay for itself".

We can look at the fact that manufacturing entered into a recession months before COVID started.

We can look at the fact that the federal deficit is now above $1T, and there's nary a teabag or tricorner hat to be seen.

We can look at the fact that wage growth during Obama was higher than it was during Trump.

We can also look at the fact that we had to spend $30B to bail out farmer trash thanks to the tariffs you stupidly supported.

Shall I continue? I can do this all day.
The public trusts Trump to get things back up and running, not the donkeys. Sorry boys you are just MORE screwed

Trump doesn't know how to get things back up and running because he's still in denial about the seriousness of COVID.

The economy is not going to be better by November. In fact, it'll probably be much worse. That's because of a second spike, a lack of adequate testing, and no clue from the White House about what to do for the 33M people who have already lost their jobs and health care.
Venezuela is thanks to the global oil market, which is capitalist.
the domestic issues within the nation of Venezuela is caused by socialism and it's typical of socialism. The rest of the capitalist world isn't having an issue.
And Canada seems to be doing just fine.
Canada is largely capitalist economically speaking.

How do you make demand "go up"?
You don't. Ether people want what you are selling our they don't.