News that I hope will Infuriate Trump Voters, because there is no Republican Party

Venezuela is thanks to the global oil market, which is capitalist.
the domestic issues within the nation of Venezuela is caused by socialism and it's typical of socialism. The rest of the capitalist world isn't having an issue.
And Canada seems to be doing just fine.
Canada is largely capitalist economically speaking.

How do you make demand "go up"?
You don't. Ether people want what you are selling our they don't.
The public trusts Trump to get things back up and running, not the donkeys. Sorry boys you are just MORE screwed

No they don't.

Americans disapprove of Trumps handling of the crisis by almost a double digit margin. And it's growing.
I read in Texas they threw some chick in jail who owns a hair salon and kept it open during the shelter-in-place. Seems a pretty extreme measure. I believe you said you own a business. Not sure if it is deemed "essential" but what would the penalty be in Ill if you opened up early and got caught?

He'd get fined $50 and would be forced to declare bankruptcy. :laugh:
Is that a picture of trump's wax figure in the national presidential wax museum? I love that figure the best, because it's obvious that they did a Hillary, but had to change it last minute.

We really can't blame trumpy for the jobs numbers. In fact, the country should have been shut down earlier, while he was too busy golfing to pay attention to his advisers.

We can blame him for the number of cases/deaths, as he ignored the PDB he got on Jan.3 regarding the pandemic.
the domestic issues within the nation of Venezuela is caused by socialism and it's typical of socialism. The rest of the capitalist world isn't having an issue.
Canada is largely capitalist economically speaking.

Few things:

1. No, Venezuela, like Texas, Oklahoma, and North Dakota, saw budget problems in 2015 when the global price of oil tanked. Unlike Venezuela, Texas, North Dakota, and Oklahoma all got federal bailouts so they didn't have to cut their state budgets further. Venezuela didn't have a sugar daddy like those red states did. And because, like TX, ND, and OK, Venezuela derives most of its revenue from oil, when the price drops, that naturally causes a drop in revenue.

2. So you go back and forth on how you define socialism, and it's obvious need to move the goalposts because western social democracies have massive socialist components to them...and rather than say that they are socialist countries, you get around that by saying they're capitalist countries with varying degrees of democratic socialism...WHICH IS WHAT WE WANT HERE. It is incredibly impossible for you to argue that Canada's health care system is capitalist, when it is a single payer, government-run system. Which is all we are seeking to do for health care here in the US; emulate the capitalist country of Canada's socialist policies.

So that means you are dishonestly framing the opposite position of yours because your own argument and beliefs are as weak as your upper body strength.

Canada is largely capitalist economically speaking.

Largely? So they have socialist aspects to their economy, don't they? And those socialist aspects are what we've been calling for to emulate here. So you have nothing to be afraid of with Medicare for All since Canada has virtually the same system.

You don't. Ether people want what you are selling our they don't.

WRONG. You have failed here.

You make demand "go up" by putting more money in people's pockets by way of wage increases.

Demand is created by consumers with money to spend.

This is why everything you believe is a load of horseshit; because you don't know anything. You think your arrogance and insistence fills the gap in your credibility. But it doesn't. It exacerbates that gap.
You have to love the sheer audacity of fuckhead leftists

You will see the same leftists in one thread screaming that Trump should listen to the scientists and shut down the economy

Then those same leftists will blame Trump for shutting down the economy and the intendant job losses

All lies, but serious brass balls

I hope leftist states stay on lock down while red states get back to normal. Fuck em. Fuck NY
Agree about the economy. And I believe we will see this happen, and watch as those states suffer the consequences. Not because they opened, but because they opened without mandatory protocols necessary to avoid the spread of the virus.
The source of the virus from China is China. They lied about the source and their number of fatalities. They would not share data with our health professionals that might have mitigated their virus from China. They nailed shut the doors of those with the virus from China They did not stop flights out of China and the virus from China spread around the world.

China must be held accountable for the hundreds of thousands of deaths and the economic loss around the world.

Count on the far left loon apologists to defend China.
As the nation's chief executive, why didn't Trumpf plan and prepare for this like South Korea did?

It's not like all nations fucked up as bad as Trump
Actually...not even China did. Nobody is worse than trump. I guess we found out what happens when you run the country like a (failed) business.
We can blame him for the number of cases/deaths, as he ignored the PDB he got on Jan.3 regarding the pandemic.

Not the first time a Republican President ignored a clear warning from a PDB....hopefully it will be the last.
Hello Cypress,

Taiwan a textbook example of how to deal with a pandemic. A high volume of normal traffic to and from Wuhan put them directly in the crosshairs of covid19. They took aggressive steps and have limited their deaths to 0.3 deaths per million.

The USA took a deny/distract/promote-the-stock-market approach and we have experienced 233 deaths per million, or 776 TIMES the death rate of Taiwan.

And THEY had a greater immediate risk, coupled with far LESS warning!

The difference is the story of leadership vs the lack of it.
Agree. If trump would have come in off of the golf course, or from his Klan rallies, we could have demanded that every airplane/airport was disinfected immediately. I'll bet that would have saved a lot of lives.
Not the first time a Republican President ignored a clear warning from a PDB....hopefully it will be the last.
Ironically, both inherited an economy that was stable, and moving along. They both couldn't be bothered to do the work of the POTUS, as neither were qualified. They were just along for the ride after ramming through tax cuts that were guaranteed to destroy the economy
No, the media was not downplaying it, you just weren't taking it seriously.

Don't blame the media for your laziness.

how fucking embarrassing for you you dumb cunt. Below are all media headlines in January and February you dumb cunt. What excuse will you have now you dumb cunt?

What a little crybaby.

Yeah, 7,700 people die a day from numerous things. But 3,000 people dying a day because of one thing is wholly different, isn't it?

no you dumb cunt

people die

they die from the flu they die from MRSA they die from C. diff

look cunt I am not telling you not to stay hidden under your bed. I am going out. I only hope I am an asymptomatic carrier and can infect you. That would please me to no end
I hope leftist states stay on lock down while red states get back to normal. Fuck em. Fuck NY
Just make sure you stay the fuck out of the Blue states with your diseased families. We'll have to shut down the state lines to the inbreds that will no doubt be traveling.
The economic harm doesn't even have to be present if workers got the aid they need instead of the Wall Street businesses you love so much.

We just gave the "job creators" trillions of dollars, and all they've done is not create any jobs.
More donation money for trump.
Actually...not even China did. Nobody is worse than trump. I guess we found out what happens when you run the country like a (failed) business.

The country is not failed. It is suffering due to the virus from China that China failed to contain.

It wii recover and the economy will boom again, no matter how many times you say it won’t.

Most business giants have had failures but President Trump is a multi-billionaire and the POTUS.

He has a great family who love him.

I would call him totally successful and I will be proud to be among those who will re-elect him in Nov.

Biden? Good grief.

A very successful man, yes, President Trump. Indeed.
Actually...not even China did. Nobody is worse than trump. I guess we found out what happens when you run the country like a (failed) business.

Norway, Germany, South Korea, Finland, New Zealand, Taiwan are all performing admirably in protecting their citizens. You are correct, even China is performing better than Trumpf