News that I hope will Infuriate Trump Voters, because there is no Republican Party

If you don't like it open up the economy. Not hard. I know Illinois is still on lock down. We have guys in our Chicago office we're on a daily call with who talk/complain about it. One dudes on a theater board in Chicago and said they've shut down everything for the remainder of the year. Sounds like Illinois can't host athletic events the remainder of the year either (over 50 people I believe). If these numbers bother you your states contributing greatly to it.

Edit: To be clear I'm not suggesting everything open up tomorrow like none of this is happening. We still need social distancing and still need a lot of precautions. But, we continue the shelter-in-place and the economic harm is only going to increase.

The economic harm doesn't even have to be present if workers got the aid they need instead of the Wall Street businesses you love so much.

We just gave the "job creators" trillions of dollars, and all they've done is not create any jobs.
I read in Texas they threw some chick in jail who owns a hair salon and kept it open during the shelter-in-place. Seems a pretty extreme measure. I believe you said you own a business. Not sure if it is deemed "essential" but what would the penalty be in Ill if you opened up early and got caught?

Seems extreme to lock someone away who is deliberately and knowingly endangering public health?
You have to love the sheer audacity of fuckhead leftists

You will see the same leftists in one thread screaming that Trump should listen to the scientists and shut down the economy

Then those same leftists will blame Trump for shutting down the economy and the intendant job losses

All lies, but serious brass balls

I hope leftist states stay on lock down while red states get back to normal. Fuck em. Fuck NY

Red states are seeing surges in new cases. We are going to be stuck in social distancing for a very long time, until there's a vaccine, thanks to all the dithering and lying you did for the first couple months.

Remember, you said this was a hoax.

76,000 dead.

Some hoax.
[h=1]Jobless rate soared to 14.7% in April as U.S. shed 20.5 Million Jobs[/h]The U.S. unemployment rate jumped to 14.7 percent in April, the highest level since the Great Depression, as most businesses shut down or severely curtailed operations to fight the deadly coronavirus.

Over 20 million people lost their jobs in April, the Labor Department said Friday, wiping out a decade of job gains in a single month. The staggering losses are more than double what the nation experienced during the 2007-09 crisis, which used to be described as the harshest economic situation most people ever confronted. Now that has been quickly dwarfed by the fallout from the global pandemic.

President Trump and numerous state and local leaders decided to put the economy in a deep freeze in an effort to minimize exposure to the virus. This led businesses to suddenly shed millions of workers at a rapid rate never seen before. Analysts warn it could take many years to return to the 3.5 percent unemployment rate the nation experienced in February.

The sudden economic contraction has forced millions of Americans to turn to food banks and seek government aid for the first time or stop paying rent and other bills. As they go without paychecks for weeks, some have also lost health insurance and even put their homes up for sale. “This is pretty scary,” said Lindsey Piegza, chief economist at Stifel. “I’m fearful many of these jobs are not going to come back and we are going to have an unemployment rate well into 2021 of near 10 percent.”

Read more:

The source of the virus from China is China. They lied about the source and their number of fatalities. They would not share data with our health professionals that might have mitigated their virus from China. They nailed shut the doors of those with the virus from China They did not stop flights out of China and the virus from China spread around the world.

China must be held accountable for the hundreds of thousands of deaths and the economic loss around the world.

Count on the far left loon apologists to defend China...and blame it on the president.
[h=1]Jobless rate soared to 14.7% in April as U.S. shed 20.5 Million Jobs[/h]The U.S. unemployment rate jumped to 14.7 percent in April, the highest level since the Great Depression, as most businesses shut down or severely curtailed operations to fight the deadly coronavirus.

Over 20 million people lost their jobs in April, the Labor Department said Friday, wiping out a decade of job gains in a single month. The staggering losses are more than double what the nation experienced during the 2007-09 crisis, which used to be described as the harshest economic situation most people ever confronted. Now that has been quickly dwarfed by the fallout from the global pandemic.

President Trump and numerous state and local leaders decided to put the economy in a deep freeze in an effort to minimize exposure to the virus. This led businesses to suddenly shed millions of workers at a rapid rate never seen before. Analysts warn it could take many years to return to the 3.5 percent unemployment rate the nation experienced in February.

The sudden economic contraction has forced millions of Americans to turn to food banks and seek government aid for the first time or stop paying rent and other bills. As they go without paychecks for weeks, some have also lost health insurance and even put their homes up for sale. “This is pretty scary,” said Lindsey Piegza, chief economist at Stifel. “I’m fearful many of these jobs are not going to come back and we are going to have an unemployment rate well into 2021 of near 10 percent.”

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Try putting down the bottle and not posting misinformed stuff for one day. Take your TDS medication. Maybe try going on a walk, or some mindful meditation.
Red states are seeing surges in new cases. We are going to be stuck in social distancing for a very long time, until there's a vaccine, thanks to all the dithering and lying you did for the first couple months.

Remember, you said this was a hoax.

76,000 dead.

Some hoax.

you lie
Hello Cypress,

Taiwan a textbook example of how to deal with a pandemic. A high volume of normal traffic to and from Wuhan put them directly in the crosshairs of covid19. They took aggressive steps and have limited their deaths to 0.3 deaths per million.

The USA took a deny/distract/promote-the-stock-market approach and we have experienced 233 deaths per million, or 776 TIMES the death rate of Taiwan.

And THEY had a greater immediate risk, coupled with far LESS warning!

The difference is the story of leadership vs the lack of it.

Let's just get right out and say it. The United States' subpar response to this pandemic is directly the fault of Donald Trumpf, his message board supporters, and enablers in the rightwing.

Nobody here has forgotten that rightwingers here said COVID-19 was a Democratic hoax, that it was no worse than the common cold, that the 2009 H1N1 flu was worse.
[h=1]Jobless rate soared to 14.7% in April as U.S. shed 20.5 Million Jobs[/h]The U.S. unemployment rate jumped to 14.7 percent in April, the highest level since the Great Depression, as most businesses shut down or severely curtailed operations to fight the deadly coronavirus.

Over 20 million people lost their jobs in April, the Labor Department said Friday, wiping out a decade of job gains in a single month. The staggering losses are more than double what the nation experienced during the 2007-09 crisis, which used to be described as the harshest economic situation most people ever confronted. Now that has been quickly dwarfed by the fallout from the global pandemic.

President Trump and numerous state and local leaders decided to put the economy in a deep freeze in an effort to minimize exposure to the virus. This led businesses to suddenly shed millions of workers at a rapid rate never seen before. Analysts warn it could take many years to return to the 3.5 percent unemployment rate the nation experienced in February.

The sudden economic contraction has forced millions of Americans to turn to food banks and seek government aid for the first time or stop paying rent and other bills. As they go without paychecks for weeks, some have also lost health insurance and even put their homes up for sale. “This is pretty scary,” said Lindsey Piegza, chief economist at Stifel. “I’m fearful many of these jobs are not going to come back and we are going to have an unemployment rate well into 2021 of near 10 percent.”

Read more:

No I'm still probably going to vote for Trump I think the freak out over the virus was over the top. But that's what caused this problem. And it isn't Trump that's saying we should stay in lockdown. It's the news media or the Democrats the same thing. And they're just saying that cuz it will hurt the economy. Could I imagine once everything starts opening up the economy will recover pretty quickly.
Nope! She was fined for violating local shut-down enforcement rules for non-essential businesses! The governor personally involved himself when the story reached the news, and has already over-ruled in the matter and fixed/renounced her fine!

Of course our governor here in Texas is a Donald Trump suck-up ball-cupping Prick- no different than Prick Perry!

That's a good thing if it results in a tyrannical fine being lifted. Thank you Governor Abbott for standing up for the Constitution and putting a shitbag judge in its place.