Nixon and Kennedy tried to get healthcare bill in the 1970s

Health Care Reform and the Socialist Single Payer Government take-over System are like comparing cats and dogs.....we all realize the industry needs reform, regulation, and oversight.
Yeah, in the face of his corruption and paranoia, R's want you to keep silent about Nixon's domestic reform initiatives such as healthcare...
Yeah, in the face of his corruption and paranoia, R's want you to keep silent about Nixon's domestic reform initiatives such as healthcare...

The two can coexist, and they DID...

Steven Pearlstein, Washington Post:

Asked about his greatest regret as a legislator, Ted Kennedy would usually cite his refusal to cut a deal with Richard Nixon on health care.

. . . [in 1971], Nixon asked Congress to require for the first time that all companies provide a health plan for their employees, with federal subsidies for low-income workers. Nixon was particularly intrigued by a new idea called health maintenance organizations, which held the promise of providing high-quality care at lower prices by relying on salaried physicians to manage and coordinate patient care.

At first, Kennedy rejected Nixon’s proposal as nothing more than a bonanza for the insurance industry that would create a two-class system of health care in America. But after Nixon won reelection, Kennedy began a series of secret negotiations with the White House that almost led to a public agreement. In the end, Nixon backed out after receiving pressure from small-business owners and the American Medical Association. And Kennedy himself decided to back off after receiving heavy pressure from labor leaders, who urged him to hold out for a single-payer system once Democrats recaptured the White House in the wake of the Watergate scandal.

Thirty-five year later, the single-payer dream of Democratic liberals still remains politically out of reach . . .

The simple lesson from this story — and certainly the one Kennedy himself drew — is that when it comes to historic breakthroughs in social policy, make the best deal you can get, leaving it to subsequent generations to perfect.

But not so fast. As anyone who saw Sicko might remember, what Pearlstein describes as Kennedy’s initial reaction was, in fact, an entirely accurate assessment of Nixon’s motivation in promoting HMOs — as confirmed by a taped conversation between Tricky Dick and aide John Ehrlichman (transcript condensed to remove cross-talk):

Nixon: “. . . You know, I’m not too keen on any of these damn medical programs.”

Ehrlichman: “This is a private enterprise one.”

President Nixon: “Well, that appeals to me.”

Ehrlichman: “Edgar Kaiser is running his Permanente deal for profit. . . . I had Edgar Kaiser come in [and] talk to me about this, and I went into it in some depth. All the incentives are toward less medical care, because the less care they give them, the more money they make.”

President Nixon: “Fine.”

Ehrlichman: “… and the incentives run the right way.”

President Nixon: “Not bad.”
not sure what dim witted tom's point is...but government run h/c is socialism

but do keep bringing up nixon...truly relevant to today's world
The fundamental question that all of this comes down to is whether one views healthcare as a right to be had by all or a privilege to be had by a precious few. There was a time when the Republican Party wasn't bought and owned by corporations and at that time they saw it as a right.

There are two things that strike me as hilarious when talking about opposition to healthcare. The first is the notion that we don't currently have bureaucrats involved in medical decisions. Those on the right say that if we had single payer or even a public option that it would be bureaucrats and not patients and doctors making medical decisions. We most certainly have those now only they are paid by private health insurance companies instead of the government and that is supposed to be better.

The second thing that is funny to me is the opposition on the right to required coverage. God forbid one of those welfare using baby factories without car insurance hits my brand new BMW, that would cost me thousands but don't tell me everyone has to have health insurance that by god is communist. Never mind that when that same welfare using baby factory gets sick they use the emergency room and their cost of healthcare is tacked onto the cost of the rest us and it in fact also costs us thousands.

I hope this new majority does try to repeal and replace our current reform law because maybe then we will see one of the ideas that they claimed to have had but wouldn't share during the last process.
Yeah, in the face of his corruption and paranoia, R's want you to keep silent about Nixon's domestic reform initiatives such as healthcare...

I don't recall any repub pols talking about Nixon's attempt at health care, and the possibility of studying it as a model. It was all about repubs do not want health care, period.
not sure what dim witted tom's point is...but government run h/c is socialism

but do keep bringing up nixon...truly relevant to today's world

"but government run h/c is socialism..."

Tell it to the military.

Make those people who would die for this country also pay for their own surgeries and medicines, just like the rest of us schmucks. </sarcasm>
I don't recall any repub pols talking about Nixon's attempt at health care, and the possibility of studying it as a model. It was all about repubs do not want health care, period.
Well that is a problem with the koolade saturated brain .... don't know the facts and don't understand those they do accidentally come in contact with...
"but government run h/c is socialism..."

Tell it to the military.

Make those people who would die for this country also pay for their own surgeries and medicines, just like the rest of us schmucks. </sarcasm>
Whats it got to do with the military?

The troops are employees of the government and whatever wages and benefits they get are no different than those you might get from working for Microsoft or BP Oil or anywhere....
If you want to raise their wages and/or benefits, write your Congressman, thats what I do.....
I don't recall any repub pols talking about Nixon's attempt at health care, and the possibility of studying it as a model. It was all about repubs do not want health care, period.
And then there is Romney and how health care is working in his state! That dirty little truth that will probably keep him from being a serious contender for President, once again! He is a socialist at heart!
And then there is Romney and how health care is working in his state! That dirty little truth that will probably keep him from being a serious contender for President, once again! He is a socialist at heart!

RomneyCare sounds more like reforming our existing system of insurance from private insurance companys.....but then I don't live their and don't know all the facts....looks at first glance like the consumers are BUYING INSURANCE FROM EXISTING HEALTH INSURANCE CO.'s
Note Post 12
Individual Health Insurance in Massachusetts (MA)

Individual health insurance companies are not allowed to turn an applicant down due to a health problem. A person who is HIPAA eligible follows the same rules for purchasing individual coverage. The State of Massachusetts requires standardized policies for all consumers. The same insurance companies may also offer a plan with identical provisions but higher deductibles and co-payments and no prescription drug plan. Insurance companies are allowed to impose a six-month waiting period for coverage with individual plans. They are also allowed to exclude coverage for six months on pre-existing conditions if there has been a break of more than 63 days in prior insurance. They are not allowed to attach elimination riders to individual policies. Premiums on individual policies cannot be raised based on modified community rating. If you should become sick, your insurance cannot be cancelled. Conversion policies are available to you when leaving a group policy that is fully insured.

Group Health Insurance in Massachusetts (MA)

Group health insurance must be provided to you when you qualify, even if you have health problems. Certain life changes dealing with children, marriage, death, and loss of a job can give you additional opportunities for group health coverage. A new employer is allowed a waiting period before offering group insurance. The look back period for insurance companies to check for pre-existing conditions is six months. There is a six-month maximum exclusion period for pre-existing conditions in group policies. The State also allows a waiting period for any insured before health coverage begins, even without a pre-existing condition. When joining new group insurance, if you have had continuous coverage without a break of over 63 days, you are protected from exclusion or waiting periods for pre-existing conditions by creditable coverage.

Financial assistance in the State is provided through MassHealth, Children’s Medical Security Plan, Medical Security Plan, and Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program.
The fundamental question that all of this comes down to is whether one views healthcare as a right to be had by all or a privilege to be had by a precious few. There was a time when the Republican Party wasn't bought and owned by corporations and at that time they saw it as a right.

There are two things that strike me as hilarious when talking about opposition to healthcare. The first is the notion that we don't currently have bureaucrats involved in medical decisions. Those on the right say that if we had single payer or even a public option that it would be bureaucrats and not patients and doctors making medical decisions. We most certainly have those now only they are paid by private health insurance companies instead of the government and that is supposed to be better.

The second thing that is funny to me is the opposition on the right to required coverage. God forbid one of those welfare using baby factories without car insurance hits my brand new BMW, that would cost me thousands but don't tell me everyone has to have health insurance that by god is communist. Never mind that when that same welfare using baby factory gets sick they use the emergency room and their cost of healthcare is tacked onto the cost of the rest us and it in fact also costs us thousands.

I hope this new majority does try to repeal and replace our current reform law because maybe then we will see one of the ideas that they claimed to have had but wouldn't share during the last process.

The opposition are parroting talking points created by Frank Luntz that every Republican legislator parroted on the floor of Congress and to media outlets. The intent from the beginning was to destroy health care reform and hand our president his Waterloo.
The opposition are parroting talking points created by Frank Luntz that every Republican legislator parroted on the floor of Congress and to media outlets. The intent from the beginning was to destroy health care reform and hand our president his Waterloo.
There was NEVER an attempt at reform
There was NEVER an attempt at debate

The Democrats wrote and passed exactly what they wanted from those Nixon/Kennedy days on the 70's......A Socialist, single payer, government takeover of the entire industry.
There was NEVER an attempt at reform
There was NEVER an attempt at debate

The Democrats wrote and passed exactly what they wanted from those Nixon/Kennedy days on the 70's......A Socialist, single payer, government takeover of the entire industry.

Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts.
Daniel Patrick Moynihan

Waterloo - David Frum

At the beginning of this process we made a strategic decision: unlike, say, Democrats in 2001 when President Bush proposed his first tax cut, we would make no deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. We were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo – just as healthcare was Clinton’s in 1994.

David Frum - Speechwriter for George W. Bush

BTW, Frum was fired for writing that column from his $100,000/year job at the American Enterprise Institute, where he’d been since 2003.

"Eighty percent of Republicans are just Democrats that don't know what's going on"
Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
It's strange that Nixon tried to enact a healthcare bill nearly 40 years ago, yet Nixon's successors are claiming it is rampant socialism.
Nixon was hardly conservative.

Imagine a conservative supporting price controls, working for socialized health care, etc. I think your malfunction here is where you believe that if somebody has an "r" by their name they are also conservative.
Whats it got to do with the military?

The troops are employees of the government and whatever wages and benefits they get are no different than those you might get from working for Microsoft or BP Oil or anywhere....

If you want to raise their wages and/or benefits, write your Congressman, thats what I do.....

Oh, really? That's funny, I've never had an employer benefit me with housing and subsistence, clothing, healthcare, education benefits, travel, etc.

And before the naysayers weigh in, this is not about whether these benefits are deserved, just that the average business doesn't provide them as bravo stated.
There was NEVER an attempt at reform
There was NEVER an attempt at debate

The Democrats wrote and passed exactly what they wanted from those Nixon/Kennedy days on the 70's......A Socialist, single payer, government takeover of the entire industry.
The insurance industry, so you prefer the insurance industry taking over medicine? It is what has happened, so big business or sick people, which should it be here in America and is there a way for both to be happy. I think that there is a way to compromise where the insurance industry takes home a reasonable profit and people are able to afford health care.