Nixon and Kennedy tried to get healthcare bill in the 1970s

You linked the Bill Moyers/Michael Moore crap, sonny, not me....

Frum was addressed in Post 21....enough said....stay with the program dude.

I posted a Bill Moyers interview with Wendell Potter, who was a 15 year executive and head of Public Relations at CIGNA, one of the largest health insurance corporations in America. I told you to start at 4:40 to show you Washington Republicans parroting Frank Luntz talking points.

It had nothing to do with Michael Moore.
I posted a Bill Moyers interview with Wendell Potter, who was a 15 year executive and head of Public Relations at CIGNA, one of the largest health insurance corporations in America. I told you to start at 4:40 to show you Washington Republicans parroting Frank Luntz talking points.

It had nothing to do with Michael Moore.
Whats your point?
We all said a thousand times, we need reform and regulation...
what we refuse is a government takeover of the industry and a European style single payer socialist system...(the Democrats spoken goal)
Whats your point?
We all said a thousand times, we need reform and regulation...
what we refuse is a government takeover of the industry and a European style single payer socialist system...(the Democrats spoken goal)

The point??? REALLY????

The point is; Republicans had NO intention on make a deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. They were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo.

Senator Jim DeMint: "If we're able to stop Obama on [health care reform], it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."
I imagine you'll get the same shit you currently get from your current insurer, because it'll be the same one.

Besides, in countries where they have actually socialized portions of their healthcare system none of that has happened.
good debate some of you...
Whats your point?
We all said a thousand times, we need reform and regulation...
what we refuse is a government takeover of the industry and a European style single payer socialist system...(the Democrats spoken goal)

Refresh my memory on when health care reform was such a repub priority that they introduced bills to actually do it. And I'm talking about before Obama was in office.
The point??? REALLY????

The point is; Republicans had NO intention on make a deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. They were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo.

Wrong....the point is that Obama NEVER ONCE reached out with a simple phone call to invite Republicans to submit any input on the HC issue...he KNEW he and his party could not be stopped and they had the power to pass anything they wanted...and THEY DID EXACTLY THAT...ignoring the Republicans...

Senator Jim DeMint: "If we're able to stop Obama on [health care reform], it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

Exactly....but the Republicans couldn't stop him ,.......and his bill was passed...

Refresh my memory on when health care reform was such a repub priority that they introduced bills to actually do it. And I'm talking about before Obama was in office.

In the first Bush term there was some other minor matters to consider besides reforming a healthcare system that was nothing more than a false crisis
manufactured by liberals, it wasn't a Repub. priority....You know 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan...
Then the Dems. took over Congress and they didn't introduced any HC bills while in control....
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Wrong....the point is that Obama NEVER ONCE reached out with a simple phone call to invite Republicans to submit any input on the HC issue...he KNEW he and his party could not be stopped and they had the power to pass anything they wanted...and THEY DID EXACTLY THAT...ignoring the Republicans...

Oh, does Chuck Grassley know that? :whome:

Grassley Admits Health Care Proposal Has “Republican Input”

This seems very significant: Senator Chuck Grassley has now acknowledged that the health care bill being debated this week by the Senate Finance Committee was done with GOP input — an admission that will make it tougher for Republicans to claim Dems didn’t opt for a bipartisan approach on health care...

Grassley’s acknowledgment — which comes after he claimed for some time that he’d been getting pushed away from the negotiating table — comes towards the end of this Washington Post piece on Max Baucus’s latest efforts to revise the bill. Grassley told WaPo…

“This bill, except for the five to 10 things that weren’t resolved, has been put together with some Republican input,” Grassley said...

Grassley has gone a bit further here than merely claiming some agreement with Dems: He’s openly acknowledging that the GOP has had “input” into the bill, which Dems can point to in order to argue that they pursued bipartisanship in good faith, even if they were unable to reach bipartisan agreement...

In the first Bush term there was some other minor matters to consider besides reforming a healthcare system that was nothing more than a false crisis manufactured by liberals, it wasn't a Repub. priority....You know 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan... Then the Dems. took over Congress and they didn't introduced any HC bills while in control....

I wasn't talking about the last 8 years. The only one who considered it was Nixon. That you could use " healthcare was... a false crisis" while in the same sentence implying Iraq was legitimate is irony at its finest.
Oh, does Chuck Grassley know that? :whome:

Grassley Admits Health Care Proposal Has “Republican Input”

This seems very significant: Senator Chuck Grassley has now acknowledged that the health care bill being debated this week by the Senate Finance Committee was done with GOP input — an admission that will make it tougher for Republicans to claim Dems didn’t opt for a bipartisan approach on health care...

Grassley’s acknowledgment — which comes after he claimed for some time that he’d been getting pushed away from the negotiating table — comes towards the end of this Washington Post piece on Max Baucus’s latest efforts to revise the bill. Grassley told WaPo…

“This bill, except for the five to 10 things that weren’t resolved, has been put together with some Republican input,” Grassley said...

Grassley has gone a bit further here than merely claiming some agreement with Dems: He’s openly acknowledging that the GOP has had “input” into the bill, which Dems can point to in order to argue that they pursued bipartisanship in good faith, even if they were unable to reach bipartisan agreement...

I wasn't talking about the last 8 years. The only one who considered it was Nixon. That you could use " healthcare was... a false crisis" while in the same sentence implying Iraq was legitimate is irony at its finest.
I don't doubt that Republicans tryed to lower the maximum amount that middle-income families would pay for insurance, and had Baucus considering changes to his excise tax on high-cost policies, raising the amount that would be exempted from a 35 percent excise tax. Republicans were trying to to eliminate the tax altogether....
I don't really consider the Republican effort to ease the monetary burden of Obama's HC nightmare on the population, as input on Healthcare reform.

These negotiations were after the fact and about money only(..... Senate Finance Committee).....but spin it any way you need to to re-enforce your obsession to try to get one up on me....its flattering.
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In the first Bush term there was some other minor matters to consider besides reforming a healthcare system that was nothing more than a false crisis
manufactured by liberals, it wasn't a Repub. priority....You know 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan...
Then the Dems. took over Congress and they didn't introduced any HC bills while in control....

bravo, you have jumped the fucking shark!

FIRST you say 'We all said a thousand times, we need reform and regulation'

NOW you say 'reforming a healthcare system that was nothing more than a false crisis manufactured by liberals, it wasn't a Repub. priority'

Senator Jim DeMint said: "If we're able to stop Obama on [health care reform], it will be his Waterloo. It will break him."

NOW you say, 'Exactly....but the Republicans couldn't stop him ,.......and his bill was passed'

So what YOU are saying IS: Republicans had NO intention on make a deal with the administration. No negotiations, no compromise, nothing. They were going for all the marbles. This would be Obama’s Waterloo.

You said: Obama NEVER ONCE reached out with a simple phone call to invite Republicans to submit any input on the HC issue...he KNEW he and his party could not be stopped and they had the power to pass anything they wanted...and THEY DID EXACTLY THAT...ignoring the Republicans...

Then tell me bravo, how the fuck did all these Republicans know to show up at the health care SUMMIT???

Obama invites Republicans to summit on health care

Washington Post
Monday, February 8, 2010

Did you read your own link.....

"Democratic efforts to push a final health bill through the Congress without Republican support fell apart last month when the president's party lost its filibuster-proof 60-seat majority in the Senate."
This was done with no attempt to allow Republican input.
They lost. Obama's bill didn't pass...4 Dems even opposed it...R's were pissed because it there was limited debate and no Amendments allowed...clearly an effort to exclude R's

"it remains unclear whether a single discussion can begin to bridge the political and substantive policy divide with Republicans"
A SINGLE DISCUSSION? You seriously call that an effort to be inclusive by the Democrats? Bullshit!

You don't put a one-sided 2000+ page bill up for a vote and when it fails call for a single meeting and expect to negotiate...Obama doesn't even deny not reaching out to R's for input until his effort didn't pass....and then it was for ONE meeting.

And I'll restate my beliefs..
HC reform was not a R priority early in Bush's term and you know exactly why.

It was not and is not even today, a crisis....

The Dems don't want "reform", they want a government takeover, and thats another thing they don't deny.

Remember Obama's big bipartsan debate on CSPAN?....what bullshit...
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Did you read your own link.....

This was done with no attempt to allow Republican input.
They lost. Obama's bill didn't pass...4 Dems even opposed it...R's were pissed because it there was limited debate and no Amendments allowed...clearly an effort to exclude R's

A SINGLE DISCUSSION? You seriously call that an effort to be inclusive by the Democrats? Bullshit!

You don't put a one-sided 2000+ page bill up for a vote and when it fails call for a single meeting and expect to negotiate...Obama doesn't even deny not reaching out to R's for input until his effort didn't pass....and then it was for ONE meeting.

And I'll restate my beliefs..
HC reform was not a R priority early in Bush's term and you know exactly why.

It was not and is not even today, a crisis....

The Dems don't want "reform", they want a government takeover, and thats another thing they don't deny.

Remember Obama's big bipartsan debate on CSPAN?....what bullshit...

What a bunch of right wing propaganda. The first meetings President Obama had on Capital hill were with House Republicans and then Senate Republicans before his inauguration to ask for their input and ideas for the stimulus bill. Before the President even arrived for the meeting John Boehner and GOP leaders put out marching orders to vote against the bill before even discussing it with the new president. They took a political stance. And it was the same stance David Frum exposed and lost his job over.


Friday, February 6, 2009

Texas Republican Congressman Pete Sessions compares GOP strategy to Taliban insurgency


"Insurgency, we understand perhaps a little bit more because of the Taliban, and that is that they went about systematically understanding how to disrupt and change a person's entire processes. And these Taliban -- I'm not trying to say the Republican Party is the Taliban. No, that's not what we're saying. I'm saying an example of how you go about [sic] is to change a person from their messaging to their operations to their frontline message. And we need to understand that insurgency may be required when the other side, the House leadership, does not follow the same commands, which we entered the game with."

Paragraph from

Congressman Pete Sessions Compares House Republicans To Taliban * Capitol Annex

I surmise that if Sarah Palin started advocating universal healthcare, many of those now opposed would suddenly change their minds.
I surmise that if Sarah Palin started advocating universal healthcare, many of those now opposed would suddenly change their minds.
I fear there is more truth in your post than you know....but not because of Palin....The American people are leaning more toward universal healthcare than away form it....its just the Americans natural inclination to help their neighbors....
If may not take the form of purely what the Democrats have been forcing on the country but it will be some form of it....
If the Republicans were fully welcome into the process years ago and allowed to have their views heard, their would probably be a bi-partisan bill in place now....but the left wants to take all the political credit for it. So its coming....a minor change here and there, real debate and negotiation, and it probably will pass, sometime in the years ahead. How hard it hits us in the wallet is another will...and some of us ain't gonna like it.
I fear there is more truth in your post than you know....but not because of Palin....The American people are leaning more toward universal healthcare than away form it....its just the Americans natural inclination to help their neighbors....
If may not take the form of purely what the Democrats have been forcing on the country but it will be some form of it....
If the Republicans were fully welcome into the process years ago and allowed to have their views heard, their would probably be a bi-partisan bill in place now....but the left wants to take all the political credit for it. So its coming....a minor change here and there, real debate and negotiation, and it probably will pass, sometime in the years ahead. How hard it hits us in the wallet is another will...and some of us ain't gonna like it.

So you missed this by Grassley?

“This bill, except for the five to 10 things that weren’t resolved, has been put together with some Republican input,” Grassley said...

Grassley has gone a bit further here than merely claiming some agreement with Dems: He’s openly acknowledging that the GOP has had “input” into the bill, which Dems can point to in order to argue that they pursued bipartisanship in good faith, even if they were unable to reach bipartisan agreement...
What a bunch of right wing propaganda. The first meetings President Obama had on Capital hill were with House Republicans and then Senate Republicans before his inauguration to ask for their input and ideas for the stimulus bill. Before the President even arrived for the meeting John Boehner and GOP leaders put out marching orders to vote against the bill before even discussing it with the new president. They took a political stance. And it was the same stance David Frum exposed and lost his job over.

Congressman Pete Sessions Compares House Republicans To Taliban * Capitol Annex
How did we get from the HC bill to the Stimulus Bill ????

David Frum was talking about Stimulus Bill ????

Nanu nanu there any oxygen on your planet ?
How did we get from the HC bill to the Stimulus Bill ????

David Frum was talking about Stimulus Bill ????

Nanu nanu there any oxygen on your planet ?

Thanks for hacking up my post. The stimulus bill, health care, Wall Street reform, addressing the deficit, you name it, Republicans OPPOSED it. LOOK at the record number of filibusters, They are only interested in party and power. They don't care about governing or the American people.

Up for a vote back in January of 2010, the Conrad/Gregg commission proposal would have created the Bipartisan Task Force for Responsible Fiscal Action. It was co-sponsored by Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Judd Gregg (R-NH), the top Democrat and the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee. It would have established an 18-member bipartisan commission to study the current and future fiscal condition of the federal government and make recommendations about how to cut the bulging deficit. The recommendations would have been voted on in the House and Senate floors under a special procedure.

The measure would have passed with 60 votes if only seven additional Republicans who had co-sponsored the Conrad/Gregg proposal had voted for it. Instead, the seven senators — Robert Bennett of Utah, Sam Brownback of Kansas, Mike Crapo of Idaho, John Ensign of Nevada, Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, James Inhofe of Oklahoma, and John McCain of Arizona — withdrew their co-sponsorship in the days before the vote and then voted against it on the floor.

After the failed Conrad/Gregg proposal, President Obama followed through with what he had said and released an executive order to create a non-partisan commission to slash the deficit.
Thanks for hacking up my post. The stimulus bill, health care, Wall Street reform, addressing the deficit, you name it, Republicans OPPOSED it. LOOK at the record number of filibusters, They are only interested in party and power. They don't care about governing or the American people.

Up for a vote back in January of 2010, the Conrad/Gregg commission proposal would have created the Bipartisan Task Force for Responsible Fiscal Action. It was co-sponsored by Kent Conrad (D-ND) and Judd Gregg (R-NH), the top Democrat and the top Republican on the Senate Budget Committee. It would have established an 18-member bipartisan commission to study the current and future fiscal condition of the federal government and make recommendations about how to cut the bulging deficit. The recommendations would have been voted on in the House and Senate floors under a special procedure.

The measure would have passed with 60 votes if only seven additional Republicans who had co-sponsored the Conrad/Gregg proposal had voted for it. Instead, the seven senators — Robert Bennett of Utah, Sam Brownback of Kansas, Mike Crapo of Idaho, John Ensign of Nevada, Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas, James Inhofe of Oklahoma, and John McCain of Arizona — withdrew their co-sponsorship in the days before the vote and then voted against it on the floor.

After the failed Conrad/Gregg proposal, President Obama followed through with what he had said and released an executive order to create a non-partisan commission to slash the deficit.
Really Chuckles, you leave out a lot of detail in an effort to sneak by with this lemon...

Here’s the roll call. This was a truly bipartisan vote – 22 Democrats and 24 Republicans voted no.

The Senate was about 55(D)..41(R) back then
Only 53 senators voted for the commission—seven short of the 60 needed to create it. Many Democrats feared the commission’s plan would lead to cuts in entitlements like Social Security and Medicare, while many Republicans didn’t want to open the door to tax increases.

Read more:
Despite the appearance of protection for taxpayers, this commission would guarantee a net tax increase be in its proposal. Every Democrat on the commission would insist on tax increases to “balance” spending cuts in the recommendation.

Read more:

The special deficit panel would have attempted to produce a plan combining tax cuts and spending curbs that would have been voted on after the midterm elections. ..... Anti-tax Republicans joined with Democrats wary of being railroaded into cutting Social Security and Medicare to reject the idea.

Obama endorsed the idea after being pressed by moderate Democrats. The proposal was an amendment to a $1.9 trillion hike in the government’s ability to borrow to finance its operations.
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