Nixon and Kennedy tried to get healthcare bill in the 1970s

Really Chuckles, you leave out a lot of detail in an effort to sneak by with this lemon...

Here’s the roll call. This was a truly bipartisan vote – 22 Democrats and 24 Republicans voted no.

The Senate was about 55(D)..41(R) back then
Only 53 senators voted for the commission—seven short of the 60 needed to create it. Many Democrats feared the commission’s plan would lead to cuts in entitlements like Social Security and Medicare, while many Republicans didn’t want to open the door to tax increases.

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Despite the appearance of protection for taxpayers, this commission would guarantee a net tax increase be in its proposal. Every Democrat on the commission would insist on tax increases to “balance” spending cuts in the recommendation.

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The special deficit panel would have attempted to produce a plan combining tax cuts and spending curbs that would have been voted on after the midterm elections. ..... Anti-tax Republicans joined with Democrats wary of being railroaded into cutting Social Security and Medicare to reject the idea.

Obama endorsed the idea after being pressed by moderate Democrats. The proposal was an amendment to a $1.9 trillion hike in the government’s ability to borrow to finance its operations.

I am not trying to sneak by anything. Maybe you need to investigate what co-sponsoring a bill means.
I am not trying to sneak by anything. Maybe you need to investigate what co-sponsoring a bill means.
Maybe you need to get a dictionary and look up re-consideration and what "changing you mind" means.....

Of course, dogmatic pinheads never do re-consider anything, do they....their stupidity is "set in stone"............
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To the original poster

WTF are we supposed to say? Everything nixon ever did, I must agree with? Nixon was likely trying to implement the same master plan that is being pushed right now... Get the people dependent and with tons of restrictions of their behavior if they want to be covered. Fail a drug test? No healthcare for you! Break your leg doing an unapproved activity? No healthcare for you!!
Maybe you need to get a dictionary and look up re-consideration and what "changing you mind" means.....

Of course, dogmatic pinheads never do re-consider anything, do they....their stupidity is "set in stone"............

Dogmatic? WTF is wrong with you? Do you need a Republican member of Congress to stop by the house and tell you; We have made a collective effort not to participate in anything that will make Obama look successful because we want to destroy the president, the Democrats and steal back power?

I gave you David Frum's article, he was Bush's speechwriter. You refused to watch the video proving GOP Senators and Congressmen all parroted the Fran Luntz's memo designed to destroy health care. Luntz created a similar memo to undermine Wall Street reform.

How about Chuck Grassley? He told America he and Max Baucus would work together on health care, then he went home to Iowa and lied that provisions in the bill would 'pull the plug on grandma'?

You are the one whose head is filled with dogma and propaganda. You've been lied to bravo.
