No One Knows the Value of a College Degree Like Someone Without One


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Recently updated data published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York indicated that the median annual wage for younger workers with a bachelor’s degree was $52,000 in 2022, compared to $34,320 for high school graduates in the same age group.

When I was interviewing job candidates for that staff writer position, I can’t recall a single résumé that didn’t include a four-year degree. Most of the people I end up working with in journalism are college graduates, many of whom rightly saw college as their ticket to a better life. And most of them are talented, driven and more than qualified.
Recently updated data published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York indicated that the median annual wage for younger workers with a bachelor’s degree was $52,000 in 2022, compared to $34,320 for high school graduates in the same age group.

When I was interviewing job candidates for that staff writer position, I can’t recall a single résumé that didn’t include a four-year degree. Most of the people I end up working with in journalism are college graduates, many of whom rightly saw college as their ticket to a better life. And most of them are talented, driven and more than qualified.

Of course you need a re-education degree at one of the camps before you work at the NY Pravda! How do you expect those hitler youth to spew that communazi propaganda without indoctrination? Something else you need to have to do a job like that is a demagnetized moral compass and a messianic complex.

Fuck college unless you have no skills, or you want to work in STEM at a high level. Other than that, it’s a bullshit academy.
Of course you need a re-education degree at one of the camps before you work at the NY Pravda! How do you expect those hitler youth to spew that communazi propaganda without indoctrination? Something else you need to have to do a job like that is a demagnetized moral compass and a messianic complex.

Fuck college unless you have no skills, or you want to work in STEM at a high level. Other than that, it’s a bullshit academy.

The stuff you say is insane and irrational.
Of course you need a re-education degree at one of the camps before you work at the NY Pravda! How do you expect those hitler youth to spew that communazi propaganda without indoctrination? Something else you need to have to do a job like that is a demagnetized moral compass and a messianic complex.

Fuck college unless you have no skills, or you want to work in STEM at a high level. Other than that, it’s a bullshit academy.

Any body who used the word "communazi" proves his inadequacy to discuss politics, Callinectes.

The communists were our allies who did at least as much as we did to beat the nazis.

Perhaps not going to college is why you don't know that.
A college degree is worth the cost — and then some

Christopher Eisgruber is president of Princeton University.

But students, their families and the public are ill-served by the caricaturing of an American college education as an economically questionable proposition when the opposite is true. When we overstate the economic risks of going to college, we risk robbing students and their families of the investment opportunity of a lifetime — and that hurts us all.
Most of the people I end up working with in journalism are college graduates, many of whom rightly saw college as their ticket to a better life.
How many of those with whom you work were aircraft mechanics who graduated from a trade school? Deep sea-diving welders?

What's the average starting salary for someone who attended a four-year college and majored in African Studies? Is it around minimum wage? What about those who received a degree in Interior Design? Aren't they the first to get hired at Burger King?
How many of those with whom you work were aircraft mechanics who graduated from a trade school? Deep sea-diving welders?

What's the average starting salary for someone who attended a four-year college and majored in African Studies? Is it around minimum wage? What about those who received a degree in Interior Design? Aren't they the first to get hired at Burger King?

First, I am not the author of the article.

Second, all research proves college graduates earn more over a lifetime than non college graduates.
Any body who used the word "communazi" proves his inadequacy to discuss politics, Callinectes.

The communists were our allies who did at least as much as we did to beat the nazis.

Perhaps not going to college is why you don't know that.

Nope. Didn't know that. Now grind me a .016 thick grooving tool to cut Delrin. Sir.
If you are so clueless that you think you will find an education at our very expensive universities then you are a fucking moron, you deserve what you get.

If you want an education then stay away from the mind warpers at the universities..
If you are so clueless that you think you will find an education at our very expensive universities then you are a fucking moron, you deserve what you get.

If you want an education then stay away from the mind warpers at the universities..

You are a very stupid, pitiable person.
Recently updated data published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York indicated that the median annual wage for younger workers with a bachelor’s degree was $52,000 in 2022, compared to $34,320 for high school graduates in the same age group.

When I was interviewing job candidates for that staff writer position, I can’t recall a single résumé that didn’t include a four-year degree. Most of the people I end up working with in journalism are college graduates, many of whom rightly saw college as their ticket to a better life. And most of them are talented, driven and more than qualified.

Statistics have not varied at all in decades about the earning potential of a degree vs a h.s. diploma/GED. Before Reagan began their destruction, unions helped to raise wages of non-degreed employees to a livable salary.

So there are two of the many things that (R)s disparage -- a college education and unions. Why is that, do you think?
companies paying higher salaries to employees for the simple reason of having a degree is complete idiocy on the part of the company paying that salary. I've met far too many college graduates that couldn't be trusted to boil water correctly.

The higher education market is a total fucking scam. Anyone who bought in to is too fucking stupid to be out in society without a chaperone.
Recently updated data published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York indicated that the median annual wage for younger workers with a bachelor’s degree was $52,000 in 2022, compared to $34,320 for high school graduates in the same age group.

When I was interviewing job candidates for that staff writer position, I can’t recall a single résumé that didn’t include a four-year degree. Most of the people I end up working with in journalism are college graduates, many of whom rightly saw college as their ticket to a better life. And most of them are talented, driven and more than qualified.

Would you have considered someone for the position if they didn't have a four year degree?
The communists were our allies who did at least as much as we did to beat the nazis.

Perhaps not going to college is why you don't know that.

Not until June 22, 1941. Before that the communists had a deal with the nazis. Then something happened that changed their minds ...

It’s an interesting fact that after it happened, Stalin expected the politburo to have him shot. But they missed their chance.

I learned this by not doing a college degree in history.
companies paying higher salaries to employees for the simple reason of having a degree is complete idiocy on the part of the company paying that salary. I've met far too many college graduates that couldn't be trusted to boil water correctly.

The higher education market is a total fucking scam. Anyone who bought in to is too fucking stupid to be out in society without a chaperone.

This is spot on. I'm sure we all remember the video of the 6 people ranking each other in order of intelligence. Every one of them said the high school grad who was in the military was the least intelligent. Come to find out he was the third most intelligent and the phd was the least intelligent. They best part at the end of the video was the phd knucklehead telling us how IQ testing wasn't a good indication of intelligence. Leftists are self absorbed a holes.
This is spot on. I'm sure we all remember the video of the 6 people ranking each other in order of intelligence. Every one of them said the high school grad who was in the military was the least intelligent. Come to find out he was the third most intelligent and the phd was the least intelligent. They best part at the end of the video was the phd knucklehead telling us how IQ testing wasn't a good indication of intelligence. Leftists are self absorbed a holes.

There is a major disconnect in the leftist brain that tends to associate 'book learning' with higher intelligence. Any issue that contradicts that is quashed by ignorance, as shown above by the PhD knucklehead.

too many times, in my industry, i've seen people get certified in certain areas of the IT field who are then hired over others who aren't, even though those others have a decade of experience in the field. The employers then act like the leftist and ignore the fact that now they have to provide on the job training to that certified individual...........said training then ends up falling to the non certified but highly experienced person.............