No One Knows the Value of a College Degree Like Someone Without One

I believe you have misstated the problem. One can get an excellent education from an expensive university. The fallacy is the implication that merely graduating from an expensive university guarantees one a competitive edge in life, and that one somehow cannot acquire that competitive edge without graduating from an expensive university.

Universities overcharge students for the privilege of being told what courses they must take to earn the piece of paper (diploma). Hence students screw themselves. They attend the university fully aware that they are enrolled for entirely the wrong reason, i.e. to get a piece of paper, not to get any sort of education. Students register in the blissful erroneous belief that the magical piece of paper at the end of the journey is what gives them the education. This is why students overpay tuition just so they can cheat. They are cheating themselves out of the education they seek in the name of securing the piece of paper that imparts the divine knowledge, for which they are overpaying for the privilege of being told what courses they must take.

I went through all that, through expensive undergrad and post grad, but fortunately, I was in it for the education and not for any pieces of paper, and it turns out that I made a good decision. I found that nobody gave a shit about which universities I attended or what I studied, any more than BidenPresident gives a shit about making a coherent point. All anyone wanted to know was whether I had the skills to perform a particular job and whether I would be a good fit for "the team." Consequently, I told my children that after high school, they could either go to a trade school, join the military, or go to a community college where they would choose the specific courses they believed they needed for the education they wanted and as an eventual stepping stone to a four-year degree if that was what was desired. They chose the community college route and paid 20% of the regular tuition rates of four-year universities without receiving the leftist indoctrination.

Hard to believe you have a high school diploma.
I believe you have misstated the problem. One can get an excellent education from an expensive university. The fallacy is the implication that merely graduating from an expensive university guarantees one a competitive edge in life, and that one somehow cannot acquire that competitive edge without graduating from an expensive university.

Universities overcharge students for the privilege of being told what courses they must take to earn the piece of paper (diploma). Hence students screw themselves. They attend the university fully aware that they are enrolled for entirely the wrong reason, i.e. to get a piece of paper, not to get any sort of education. Students register in the blissful erroneous belief that the magical piece of paper at the end of the journey is what gives them the education. This is why students overpay tuition just so they can cheat. They are cheating themselves out of the education they seek in the name of securing the piece of paper that imparts the divine knowledge, for which they are overpaying for the privilege of being told what courses they must take.

I went through all that, through expensive undergrad and post grad, but fortunately, I was in it for the education and not for any pieces of paper, and it turns out that I made a good decision. I found that nobody gave a shit about which universities I attended or what I studied, any more than BidenPresident gives a shit about making a coherent point. All anyone wanted to know was whether I had the skills to perform a particular job and whether I would be a good fit for "the team." Consequently, I told my children that after high school, they could either go to a trade school, join the military, or go to a community college where they would choose the specific courses they believed they needed for the education they wanted and as an eventual stepping stone to a four-year degree if that was what was desired. They chose the community college route and paid 20% of the regular tuition rates of four-year universities without receiving the leftist indoctrination.

I think the more insidious implication is that graduating from almost any university automatically means someone is smart and should be listened to. They also tend to think the degree makes them an "expert" about everything.
I believe you have misstated the problem. One can get an excellent education from an expensive university. The fallacy is the implication that merely graduating from an expensive university guarantees one a competitive edge in life, and that one somehow cannot acquire that competitive edge without graduating from an expensive university.

Universities overcharge students for the privilege of being told what courses they must take to earn the piece of paper (diploma). Hence students screw themselves. They attend the university fully aware that they are enrolled for entirely the wrong reason, i.e. to get a piece of paper, not to get any sort of education. Students register in the blissful erroneous belief that the magical piece of paper at the end of the journey is what gives them the education. This is why students overpay tuition just so they can cheat. They are cheating themselves out of the education they seek in the name of securing the piece of paper that imparts the divine knowledge, for which they are overpaying for the privilege of being told what courses they must take.

I went through all that, through expensive undergrad and post grad, but fortunately, I was in it for the education and not for any pieces of paper, and it turns out that I made a good decision. I found that nobody gave a shit about which universities I attended or what I studied, any more than BidenPresident gives a shit about making a coherent point. All anyone wanted to know was whether I had the skills to perform a particular job and whether I would be a good fit for "the team." Consequently, I told my children that after high school, they could either go to a trade school, join the military, or go to a community college where they would choose the specific courses they believed they needed for the education they wanted and as an eventual stepping stone to a four-year degree if that was what was desired. They chose the community college route and paid 20% of the regular tuition rates of four-year universities without receiving the leftist indoctrination.

One can get a great education at home reading books and using the internet, though the internet has been becoming less useful over that last 15 years as tools are degraded (looking at you Google) and as information is removed.

Only read the first two sentences, may get back to the rest later.
You're so right. Mr. Owl made it through a BS in industrial engineering and a masters in finance/economics with no debt at all. He paid for the first degree by working summers. His employer reimbursed him for the second. You're right; we will never see those days again, not when we let Republicans run the place.

I got mine through the old GI bill, my associates, bachelors and masters , no debt. NY state schools were inexpensive and I also worked
I've never concerned myself with what kind of money other people make. The world needs bus drivers and UPS deliverymen too.

For the most part, I have rejected the American capitalist paradigm that a meaningful life is measured by money and material possession, and in a very real sense I do not accept the religion of conspicuous consumerism.
I believe you have misstated the problem. One can get an excellent education from an expensive university. The fallacy is the implication that merely graduating from an expensive university guarantees one a competitive edge in life, and that one somehow cannot acquire that competitive edge without graduating from an expensive university.

Universities overcharge students for the privilege of being told what courses they must take to earn the piece of paper (diploma). Hence students screw themselves. They attend the university fully aware that they are enrolled for entirely the wrong reason, i.e. to get a piece of paper, not to get any sort of education. Students register in the blissful erroneous belief that the magical piece of paper at the end of the journey is what gives them the education. This is why students overpay tuition just so they can cheat. They are cheating themselves out of the education they seek in the name of securing the piece of paper that imparts the divine knowledge, for which they are overpaying for the privilege of being told what courses they must take.

I went through all that, through expensive undergrad and post grad, but fortunately, I was in it for the education and not for any pieces of paper, and it turns out that I made a good decision. I found that nobody gave a shit about which universities I attended or what I studied, any more than BidenPresident gives a shit about making a coherent point. All anyone wanted to know was whether I had the skills to perform a particular job and whether I would be a good fit for "the team." Consequently, I told my children that after high school, they could either go to a trade school, join the military, or go to a community college where they would choose the specific courses they believed they needed for the education they wanted and as an eventual stepping stone to a four-year degree if that was what was desired. They chose the community college route and paid 20% of the regular tuition rates of four-year universities without receiving the leftist indoctrination.

Ya....I see nothing in your post to indicate that you understand that the WOKE Suicide Cult has completely destroyed the was a 50 year project....Allan Bloom warned you about it in The Closing of the American Mind of 1987.
Recently updated data published by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York indicated that the median annual wage for younger workers with a bachelor’s degree was $52,000 in 2022, compared to $34,320 for high school graduates in the same age group.

When I was interviewing job candidates for that staff writer position, I can’t recall a single résumé that didn’t include a four-year degree. Most of the people I end up working with in journalism are college graduates, many of whom rightly saw college as their ticket to a better life. And most of them are talented, driven and more than qualified.

The blind leading the blind.
I got mine through the old GI bill, my associates, bachelors and masters , no debt. NY state schools were inexpensive and I also worked

The GI bill was a wonderful benefit. My oldest son had most of his education (BS in electrical engineering, MBA) paid for partially by that bill. Also helped with getting a loan on his first home.
The GI bill was a wonderful benefit. My oldest son had most of his education (BS in electrical engineering, MBA) paid for partially by that bill. Also helped with getting a loan on his first home.

Good he deserved it and more. Plus he didn't get a degree in lesbian dance theory.
Hard to believe you have a high school diploma.
Maybe I don't. Maybe I'm an eight-year-old with no credentials. Why is it then that you don't even know a flake of what I do? What's your excuse? Were you bending Terry over furniture when you should have been in school?
How does a military experience prove intelligence? I suppose forced discipline is part of the military. Almost anyone can be submissive in the military. Follow orders thoughtlessly. We don't want creativity, we want killers.

It's not just marching in a straight line and folding your clothes correctly. Many Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) require a high degree of technical expertise.

Employers tend to favor those with military experience due to the discipline, experience and previous training.
It's not just marching in a straight line and folding your clothes correctly. Many Military Occupational Specialties (MOS) require a high degree of technical expertise.

Employers tend to favor those with military experience due to the discipline, experience and previous training.

The military is not the hotbed of creativity. The ability to blindly take orders is limiting.
The military is not the hotbed of creativity. The ability to blindly take orders is limiting.
No shit, Nordberg. This is why the Russian army is failing miserably, while the US military is the greatest military in the world.