No signature verification was done in 2020 in Fulton County

Still yapping about this shit?

Over half the absentee ballots in Georgia were tossed out as it was and Biden still won.

And even if Trump had carried Georgia, he'd still have lost the election without Arizona, Pennsylvania or Wisconsin.

Go cry to someone who gives a shit.

Why would they throw out ballots?
I don't care if Biden personally went to Atlanta and cast 10,000,000 ballots by himself in person.

Anything that tossed the pigfucking orangutan out of the White House was the right thing to do,
both morally and intellectually.

Commies hate dem some America lovers.
Dear MAGA morons:

Trump lost in 2020.

He is just using you because you are stupid enough to be manipulated...even for someone as ignorant as he is.

He lost.

Get the fuck over it.
Not so fast Sparky. The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ruled drop boxes were illegal. The US Supreme court has ruled :

Ballots without the required date and signature were invalid . (Pennsylvania counted them) Pennsylvania courts changed election laws even though the US Constitution says only the State Legislature can make or change election laws.

Has Hillary ever said Trump didn't cheat to win in 2016?

Not so fast Sparky. The Wisconsin Supreme Court is looking at that again.

PA legislature changed the rules. The courts did not. (You seem to be completely ignorant of facts.)
In October 2019, the Republican-led Pennsylvania General Assembly passed an election law, Act 77, that added no-excuse voting by mail, a provision pushed by Democrats
As to the "undated ballots". I guess you should take that up with the Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court said on Thursday that election officials in Pennsylvania may count mailed ballots accompanied by voters’ declarations that were signed but not dated.

Can you provide us with a quote from Hillary saying Trump cheated to win? I don't know that she ever once said that.
No way Biden won GA. legally. The guy who testified is a fucking hero.

Mark Wingate, who served on the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections, testified on Monday that there was no signature verification done on Fulton County absentee ballots in the 2020 election.

Wingate is testifying in the D.C. disbarment trial of Trump Administration Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark.

The Fulton County 2020 election should never have been certified because there was no signature verification done at all on absentee ballots, he said.

I see coldjoint is back now to spread Russian propaganda.

Is this the same court that found that Clark should be disbarred? It seems that Wingate's testimony was examined and found to be lacking in veracity.
By the way. Wingate was not part of the process of counting ballots since his job is to certify the election, not count ballots.
After the ballot is recieved, it is checked to see if it arrived at the proper precinct. If the name is not in their logs, it is sent to the proper place.
The first thing is check for a signature. No signature, the vote is tossed. Then the signature is checked through a computer system.
In Georgia, absentee ballots are printed with an oath to be signed by the voter. It also requires a drivers license or ID number on the envelope.
Not so fast Sparky. The Wisconsin Supreme Court is looking at that again.

PA legislature changed the rules. The courts did not. (You seem to be completely ignorant of facts.)

As to the "undated ballots". I guess you should take that up with the Supreme Court.

Can you provide us with a quote from Hillary saying Trump cheated to win? I don't know that she ever once said that.

HA!! Great rebuttal. Way to hand ExcessLies his ass on a platter.
No way Biden won GA. legally. The guy who testified is a fucking hero.

Mark Wingate, who served on the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections, testified on Monday that there was no signature verification done on Fulton County absentee ballots in the 2020 election.

Wingate is testifying in the D.C. disbarment trial of Trump Administration Department of Justice official Jeffrey Clark.

The Fulton County 2020 election should never have been certified because there was no signature verification done at all on absentee ballots, he said.

And where is the evidence to back up this claim?
He did not win GA.legally. That was testimony under oath. It has only confirmed the more than obvious fact the 2020 election was stolen.

From Tammany Hall, to Pendergast, to the Daily Machine, and up to the Soros Machine - Election fraud is the most cherished and treasured right democrats have. For nearly two hundred years, democrats have cheated and rigged elections. Election fraud by democrats is the American way.

democrats care little for the Bill of Rights - actually they despise them - but election fraud is a right that democrats will defend above all else.
Every court Trump took his bullshit case in front of, tossed it out.


Comrade, show us the verdicts in these trials?

Even one of them?
Most were tossed for procedural reasons not because any evidence was presented and found to be inaccurate.

Close - ALL were denied. Justice denied is justice denied.

Some of the judges were corrupt, others were simply scared - that was mostly in the dark days of 2021 when the FBI had gone full gestapo. Judges were rightfully fearful for their lives and freedom if they dared hear cases that went against the party.

Remember that democrats moved to establish a full blown police state, and came VERY close, but were eventually driven back by courts and several courageous governors.

People were rightfully terrified to defy the ruling Junta, including many judges who may otherwise have followed the law.
I don't care if Biden personally went to Atlanta and cast 10,000,000 ballots by himself in person.

Anything that tossed the pigfucking orangutan out of the White House was the right thing to do,
both morally and intellectually.

Yeah, you Stalinists really are the defenders of "duhmocracy."

Xi's man Joe got 80 million votes, and 60 million of those were from living, United States Citizens...
Trumpers have demonstrated very clearly that they will say literally ANYTHING to continue pushing Trump's lies.

Nobody is listening anymore.

The courts examined what Trump's lawyers presented as "evidence" and determined that it was bullshit.

And this was a court with THREE conservative justices hand picked and appointed by Trump himself.

He expected them to be his loyal lapdogs and do anything he wanted them to, but some things go too far even for the likes of them.

Cry all you want.

Tough shit.

The courts didn't "examine" anything.

They simple refused to hear the cases or review them in any way, shape, or form.

The case in the OP is one of those cases - one where justice was denied under the 2021 Police State. But now that the Biden Junta has been driven back and normalcy has somewhat returned - the case could FINALLY be brought before a legitimate court.
So you're saying that Trump's hand-picked SCOTUS blatantly defied the Constitution and denied him due process of law for no discernable reason?

Please explain.

Tell us why they did that.

I would love to hear it....

Which case did the SCOTUS hear?
Not so fast Sparky. The Wisconsin Supreme Court is looking at that again.

PA legislature changed the rules. The courts did not. (You seem to be completely ignorant of facts.)

Well now that's a blatant lie.

As to the "undated ballots". I guess you should take that up with the Supreme Court.

Paywalled - invalid as a cite.

The Pennsylvania Supreme court had no authority to alter election law - none.

Can you provide us with a quote from Hillary saying Trump cheated to win? I don't know that she ever once said that.


Can you provide a quote from Trump saying Biden cheated to win?

Both are about as common.

Here, from a Communist source so you can't cry about it;

{Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton argued Wednesday that Russian meddling in the 2016 election in large part cost her the White House, and said she was "leaning" toward believing that President Trump's campaign did, indeed, collude with the Russians.}
They made a minor alteration in allowing mail in votes because of COVID.

Had no bearing on the vote count.

Keep trying.
They changed the dates on when they would accept mail in ballots. They relaxed the verification rules on mail in ballots. Both of those things were illegal and beyond their jurisdiction. You have no idea whether it affected the election or not. Once the envelopes were separated from the ballot the is no way to decide if the ballot was legal or not. No one knows for sure if illegal ballots were or were not cast.
Quote Originally Posted by Nomad View Post

And even if Trump had carried Georgia, he'd still have lost the election without Arizona, Pennsylvania or Wisconsin.
what a coincidence......four states that had unconstitutional elections......