No signature verification was done in 2020 in Fulton County

Well now that's a blatant lie.

Paywalled - invalid as a cite.

The Pennsylvania Supreme court had no authority to alter election law - none.


Can you provide a quote from Trump saying Biden cheated to win?

Both are about as common.

Here, from a Communist source so you can't cry about it;

{Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton argued Wednesday that Russian meddling in the 2016 election in large part cost her the White House, and said she was "leaning" toward believing that President Trump's campaign did, indeed, collude with the Russians.}

I guess you are too stupid to tell the difference between the PA supreme Court and the US Supreme Court.

Russian meddling in the 2016 election is not the same thing as saying Trump cheated unless you are saying Trump colluded with the Russians.
I guess you are saying that all of Trump's court filings were bogus if you claim Trump never said Biden won by cheating.
They changed the dates on when they would accept mail in ballots. They relaxed the verification rules on mail in ballots. Both of those things were illegal and beyond their jurisdiction. You have no idea whether it affected the election or not. Once the envelopes were separated from the ballot the is no way to decide if the ballot was legal or not. No one knows for sure if illegal ballots were or were not cast.

Actually we know for sure it didn't affect the election since the number of ballots that were counted under what you claim is illegal were fewer than the number of ballots by which Biden won.

About 10,000 late-arriving ballots were received in Pennsylvania’s three-day grace period after the polls closed, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar said Tuesday night.

It’s the state’s first report of how many mail-in ballots arrived between the closing of the polls at 8 p.m. Nov. 3 and 5 p.m. Friday, the deadline for late ballots. Citing delays in mail delivery by the U.S. Postal Service, Gov. Tom Wolf’s administration sought court approval to count all ballots arriving up to three days after Election Day.
Biden 3,459,923
Trump 3,378,263
Number of votes by which Biden won 81,660 votes. Over 8 times the number of ballots that you say were fraudulently counted.

You have to be really bad at math or downright an idiot to think that 10,000 ballots can result in a swing of 81,000 votes.
I guess you are too stupid to tell the difference between the PA supreme Court and the US Supreme Court.

What in the hell are you yapping about?

{The U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a lower appeals court decision Tuesday regarding how rules for mail-in ballots had been applied in a Pennsylvania election, adding an element of uncertainty about voting procedures four weeks ahead of the state’s high-stakes elections for governor and U.S. Senate.Pennsylvania’s top-ranking elections official said the decision was under review and that guidance to counties about how to handle such ballots would be updated if necessary.
The justices vacated a decision in May by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that had said mail-in ballots without a required date on the return envelope had to be counted in a 2021 Pennsylvania judge race.
The lower court had said state election law’s requirement of a date next to the voter’s signature on the outside of return envelopes was “immaterial.” That lower court had said it found no reason to refuse counting the ballots that were set aside in the Nov. 2, 2021, election for common pleas judge in Lehigh County.}

Russian meddling in the 2016 election is not the same thing as saying Trump cheated unless you are saying Trump colluded with the Russians.
I guess you are saying that all of Trump's court filings were bogus if you claim Trump never said Biden won by cheating.

I just quoted Hillary directly claiming Trump cheated to win.

Come back once you've sobered up....
What in the hell are you yapping about?

{The U.S. Supreme Court invalidated a lower appeals court decision Tuesday regarding how rules for mail-in ballots had been applied in a Pennsylvania election, adding an element of uncertainty about voting procedures four weeks ahead of the state’s high-stakes elections for governor and U.S. Senate.Pennsylvania’s top-ranking elections official said the decision was under review and that guidance to counties about how to handle such ballots would be updated if necessary.
The justices vacated a decision in May by the 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals that had said mail-in ballots without a required date on the return envelope had to be counted in a 2021 Pennsylvania judge race.
The lower court had said state election law’s requirement of a date next to the voter’s signature on the outside of return envelopes was “immaterial.” That lower court had said it found no reason to refuse counting the ballots that were set aside in the Nov. 2, 2021, election for common pleas judge in Lehigh County.}

I just quoted Hillary directly claiming Trump cheated to win.

Come back once you've sobered up....

I see you have decided to prove to everyone how stupid you are.
The 2020 election was not held in 2021 and was not a Pennsylvania judge race.
So, not only can't you tell the difference between the PA court and the US court, you can't tell the difference between 2020 and 2021 and you can't tell the difference between a President and a judge.

I guess we can all "lean" toward believing you are an idiot and that means you are an idiot.
ColdJoint must be off his OCD medications. Look at how much he's posted.
And the sad thing is, Joe Biden won the 2020 Presidential election and there's not a damn thing he can do or say to change it.
Only MAGA morons like him would still swallow The Big Lie.
In fact, anybody who is still insisting there was election fraud almost four years later has a serious issue with delusional thinking.
They probably also believe the Earth is flat, the moon landing never happened and Trump is a 'godly' person.

Hey dickhead. the government has lied so much to you fools what makes you think they would not lie about the election?
You are a class a jerk. You support fascists that punish people for their politics.
Then why did every judge who saw a trump case laugh and heave the cases in the trash?

Because only Russian and Chinese bot holes believe this shit pile

And they have to be programmed to believe it

The judges knew their careers would be over if they did not. It is called intimidation but I am pretty sure the majority were just corrupt.
I see coldjoint is back now to spread Russian propaganda.

Is this the same court that found that Clark should be disbarred? It seems that Wingate's testimony was examined and found to be lacking in veracity.
By the way. Wingate was not part of the process of counting ballots since his job is to certify the election, not count ballots.

Shove Russia up your ass you tired old dimwit. And let's see a link. Are they charging him with perjury? Let me know when they do.
The SCOTUS never gave Trump a hearing. Moot point butthead.

Well he should take his case to the Supreme Court!!!!

Butthole. :laugh:

Why would they throw out ballots?

Because they missed the extended deadline for mailing them in.

Let's see the verdicts?

I mean, the cases WERE HEARD, right?

No? Trump was summarily denied his day in court?

Justice denied is justice denied.

You've never heard of courts refusing to hear cases?

They do it all the time.

The courts didn't "examine" anything.

They simple refused to hear the cases or review them in any way, shape, or form.

The case in the OP is one of those cases - one where justice was denied under the 2021 Police State. But now that the Biden Junta has been driven back and normalcy has somewhat returned - the case could FINALLY be brought before a legitimate court.

Of course they examined it. How do you think they decide which cases to hear.... tape them on the wall and throw darts at them??

They have to read the case briefs to see what the case is about and what kind of evidence exists.

In this case, there was insufficient evidence so they tossed it out.

Just keep applying the Butthurt Cream and someday you'll be better.

Which case did the SCOTUS hear?

None of Trump's.

The reason being because they were all BOGUS.


They changed the dates on when they would accept mail in ballots. They relaxed the verification rules on mail in ballots. Both of those things were illegal and beyond their jurisdiction. You have no idea whether it affected the election or not. Once the envelopes were separated from the ballot the is no way to decide if the ballot was legal or not. No one knows for sure if illegal ballots were or were not cast.

Yes, they gave absentee voters more time because of COVID. Then, the ones who still didn't make the extended deadline, got tossed.

The idea that tens of thousands of people were sending in fraudulent ballots is fucking ridiculous.

Stop sniveling.
Well he should take his case to the Supreme Court!!!!

Butthole. :laugh:

Because they missed the extended deadline for mailing them in.

You've never heard of courts refusing to hear cases?

They do it all the time.

Of course they examined it. How do you think they decide which cases to hear.... tape them on the wall and throw darts at them??

They have to read the summations to see what the case is about and what kind of evidence exists.

In this case, there was insufficient evidence so they tossed it out.

Just keep applying the Butthurt Cream and someday you'll be better.

None of Trump's.

The reason being because they were all BOGUS.


Yes, they gave absentee voters more time because of COVID. Then, the ones who still didn't make the extended deadline, got tossed.

The idea that tens of thousands of people were sending in fraudulent ballots is fucking ridiculous.

Stop sniveling.

The AG of Texas had a case. 3 justices wanted to hear. He would have won and Trump would still be president. The remaining justices knew that.
I see you have decided to prove to everyone how stupid you are.
The 2020 election was not held in 2021 and was not a Pennsylvania judge race.
So, not only can't you tell the difference between the PA court and the US court, you can't tell the difference between 2020 and 2021 and you can't tell the difference between a President and a judge.

I guess we can all "lean" toward believing you are an idiot and that means you are an idiot.

I bet he was one of the MAGAs who injected disinfectant and horse-dewormer because Trump told him to.

Shove Russia up your ass you tired old dimwit. And let's see a link. Are they charging him with perjury? Let me know when they do.

They recommended Clark be disbarred and suspended his license. Funny thing is Clark is losing his law license for promoting the same shit you are spewing here.
They recommended Clark be disbarred and suspended his license. Funny thing is Clark is losing his law license for promoting the same shit you are spewing here.

"How can I trust as a board member to certify this election when I cannot receive even a sampling, anything at all, with regards to chain of custody document?" he said.

He said he requested surveillance tapes of drop boxes where people posted their ballots but they were not provided.

He said there were a "huge number" of absentee-by-mail ballots and that he was concerned about the functionality of the platform used to verify them.

Wingate previously stated in a July 2023 affidavit that there was no signature verification on absentee-by-mail ballot in the election and made other similar claims.

They want to disbar him because he knows there was fraud. That simple, simple one.
Ashley Biden's diary tells a different story. A decision in a civil court proves nothing, you ignorant desperate fuck.

You seem very confused as to what sex is.
Did you have sex with all those people in your gym class when you were a teenager? You were all in the shower together. Did you have sex with your mother when she gave you a bath as a baby?
Maybe someday you will learn what sex is. But then again, probably not from any personal experience.

A decision in a civil court means that a jury looked at the facts in an unbiased way and came to a decision. They were instructed as to what is involved in sexual assault and it isn't maybe remembering taking a shower with a parent when you were young. However attacking a woman in a dressing room, pulling down her tights and forcibly inserting a finger into her would be rape as is understood by most people in the US.

The decision is that
Trump is a Rapist!!

and it is now a fact that can't be denied.

Trump is a Rapist!!

Why do you support a rapist? Could you please tell us?