Not Helpful

It's visceral; I get that. Attacks on something that is personal to us, which include our gender or ethnicity, are visceral & hit us hard and fast. That's why this stuff get so much play.

It's a weird comparison, but when toppy calls me a wussy she-male Dem & starts going off on how feminine I am, it truly ticks me off; it's a much more visceral response for me than, say, McClellan's revelations, which are more of a slow burn for me & I'd guess most other people. We're a bit spent on Bush's charade, anyway, and we kind of know everything Scott said.

This morning, just as you pointed out, I saw the headlines and was instantly like "why the f**k does this piss people off about Obama, but they seem almost unconcerned about a revelation from an insider that we were basically lied into a war by Bush?" But I'm starting to get it. It's slow burn vs. visceral, and visceral wins every time in the media, even if the candidate has nothing to do with it.

That's just the way it is.


Oh my gosh Onceler!!!!! that was quite a confession there.....and WELCOME to the club!!!! lmao....I had no idea that bothered you but it makes sense, i would be insulted being called man-like, I take pride in my femininity and would consider it an insult, someone calling me harsh or cold or without emotion!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha! I am just kidding on that, my husband is none of those things I labeled to men! ;)

good morning to you and Darla and uscit*!

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Oh my gosh Onceler!!!!! that was quite a confession there.....and WELCOME to the club!!!! lmao....I had no idea that bothered you but it makes sense, i would be insulted being called man-like, I take pride in my femininity and would consider it an insult, someone calling me harsh or cold or without emotion!!!!! hahahahahahahahahahahaha! I am just kidding on that, my husband is none of those things I labeled to men! ;)

good morning to you and Darla and uscit*!


Oh top knows how to find your spot and hit it..and hit it and hit it and hit it. When I think about it, I shouldn’t have been surprised either. But I like top anyway, as I always say, I’m not sure why? lol Hi Care.
Be sure to watch the whole video, I did. I was very angry. I don't blame Obama. Many will.
And here is the kicker - if someone who Hillary had ever even MET, had said these things, about Obama, and about his black supporters, then you better fcking belive that Queen Evil B!tch would get the blame for it.........

Wasn't he a visiting priest? I was under the impression that this pastor wasn't even a regular pastor at the church.

I guess, I don't really understand where your fustration is coming from. Obama denounced it, explicitely stated he doesn't support those views. The media coverage of Wright alone shows that Obama was also held accountable for his association.
You know what, right this second, in the office next to me, three people are talking about this, I swear to God. This one guy, Bob, he is all riled up. It's the a lot of white people are crying now thing. The one woman talking is Jewish, she's new here, she must be very liberal, she's talking about seperation of church and state. This is pretty interesting. She sounds like an Obama voter who is not happy that this happened, she keeps sighing a lot. The other woman, I know her thing, becasue she is a hard-core Hillary supporter.

It's so funny because I'm the most political of all of these people, but I do not ever get involved in this shit in the office. I just stay in my own office and eavesdrop. Oh bob just said he better "bite his tongue" God knows what he wants to say, but probably something my brothers would laugh at.
Oh top knows how to find your spot and hit it..and hit it and hit it and hit it. When I think about it, I shouldn’t have been surprised either. But I like top anyway, as I always say, I’m not sure why? lol Hi Care.

me too for some strange reason.

It's so funny because I'm the most political of all of these people, but I do not ever get involved in this s#$% in the office. I just stay in my own office and eavesdrop. Oh bob just said he better "bite his tongue" God knows what he wants to say, but probably something my brothers would laugh at.

I stay out of it too. Its hard but I listen to some people rattle on and they sound meme stupid.
This morning, just as you pointed out, I saw the headlines and was instantly like "why the f**k does this piss people off about Obama, but they seem almost unconcerned about a revelation from an insider that we were basically lied into a war by Bush?" But I'm starting to get it. It's slow burn vs. visceral, and visceral wins every time in the media, even if the candidate has nothing to do with it.

That's just the way it is.

Wasn't he a visiting priest? I was under the impression that this pastor wasn't even a regular pastor at the church.

I guess, I don't really understand where your fustration is coming from. Obama denounced it, explicitely stated he doesn't support those views. The media coverage of Wright alone shows that Obama was also held accountable for his association.

I didn't hear anything about him being a visiting priest, though he definetly might be. He was on some committe of Obama's campaign though. But he stepped down from that position I think two months ago.

I already explained my frustration as best I can.
Only really stupid people will be affected in any way by what this pastor has said. It's just another day at the circus.

In a way, this is actually a good thing because most people, on every side of the coin, are tired of hearing what pastors have to say. Pastor fatigue is good for the country.

But then again, ignorance is not relegated to pastors, sometimes it comes from ex-presidents.

Be sure to watch the whole video, I did. I was very angry. I don't blame Obama. Many will.

And here is the kicker - if someone who Hillary had ever even MET, had said these things, about Obama, and about his black supporters, then you better fucking belive that Queen Evil Bitch would get the blame for it.

There is NO grace towards her. NO benefit of any doubt.

And this, came at a very bad time, is going to enrage women and things aren't going to go easily. Just make sure you don't forget, had this been someone in any minor way connected with Hillary, someone she had maybe met in a shopping mall in Arkansas 36 years ago...doing this skit about black Obama'd be Hillary's fault. Make sure you watch the whole skit. Every woman in America is going to see this.

I guess it's a good thing that Obama doesnt need their votes.

I heard the bigotted, racist, and sexist Priest was on his campaign advisory board...but resigned last week or this week....?

This doesn't bode well, even though I do realize it is not Obama speaking here, but I have never seen such a circus for a church in my entire life...ALL of this comes as quite a surprise for me...especially all of the clapping and jumping to what this Priest was saying in a HOuse of God....from a religious person's perspective.... I have never seen anything like is NOT what i would consider a Church where if Christ's message is taught, would be about forgiveness and love and certainly not the hatred I have recently seen seems to be a place for people to release their POLITICAL ANGST, and promote sexism and hatred and racism and I can guarantee you that other people both black and white, both Dem and Rep, will be offended TOTALLY, by Obama's supposed place, to worship God for the last 20 years...honestly, I truely do not understand why he would stay there at this Church, unless he did agree with this promotion of hatred towards the white person or the female...or unless he did disagree BUT HE KNEW staying at this church WOULD GET HIM VOTES and God and his beliefs have nothing to do with it?

Whatever....i don't blame him for what others have said, i just am truely wondering what type of person he really is, this person that probably will be our next president...certainly not anything new to the political game or using the political machine to gain a seat, or disenfranchising voters to gain a seat, or disqualifying his competition thru techinical rules so he has no one running against him....

I see him doing the same tactic he pulled to gain the Illinois seat in 1996, as to what he is doing now....but hey, i have been wrong before....

In his first race for office, seeking a state Senate seat on Chicago's gritty South Side in 1996, Obama effectively used election rules to eliminate his Democratic competition.

As a community organizer, he had helped register thousands of voters. But when it came time to run for office, he employed Chicago rules to invalidate the voting petition signatures of three of his challengers.

The move denied each of them, including incumbent Alice Palmer, a longtime Chicago activist, a place on the ballot. It cleared the way for Obama to run unopposed on the Democratic ticket in a heavily Democrat district.

"That was Chicago politics," said John Kass, a veteran Chicago Tribune columnist. "Knock out your opposition, challenge their petitions, destroy your enemy, right? It is how Barack Obama destroyed his enemies back in 1996 that conflicts with his message today. He may have gotten his start registering thousands of voters. But in that first race, he made sure voters had just one choice."

Obama's challenge was perfectly legal, said Jay Stewart of the Chicago's Better Government Association. Although records of the challenges are no longer on file for review with the election board, Stewart said Obama is not the only politician to resort to petition challenges to eliminate the competition.

"He came from Chicago politics," Stewart said. "Politics ain't beanbag, as they say in Chicago. You play with your elbows up, and you're pretty tough and ruthless when you have to be. Sen. Obama felt that's what was necessary at the time, that's what he did. Does it fit in with the rhetoric now? Perhaps not."

The Obama campaign called this report "a hit job." It insisted that CNN talk to a state representative who supports Obama, because, according to an Obama spokesman, she would be objective. But when we called her, she said she can't recall details of petition challenges, who engineered them for the Obama campaign or why all the candidates were challenged.

Read the whole article:

This will be exploited by the Right also, in the General.... :(

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I don't think I've ever been to a church where they are politically correct anyway. Even marriage ceremony's are offensive to me when they imply that the man is the head of the household. They regularly denounce any spiritual belief other than Christianity - that's kind fo their job to convince you that you're the one going to heaven and everyone else is going to hel*. That's kind of the point.

"Pfleger is a Catholic priest at St. Sabina Roman Catholic Church on Chicago's southwest side."

He was a visiting priest (not even the same denomination) from another church. Obama's church was Trinity.

Oh well that's good. I guess all the reports that this guy knows Obama well and was on an Obama campaign committee until two months ago, were wrong. sometimes early reports are like that. i guess we will see how it plays out.
I heard the bigotted, racist, and sexist Priest was on his campaign advisory board...but resigned last week or this week....?

This doesn't bode well, even though I do realize it is not Obama speaking here, but I have never seen such a circus for a church in my entire life...ALL of this comes as quite a surprise for me...especially all of the clapping and jumping to what this Priest was saying in a HOuse of God....from a religious person's perspective.... I have never seen anything like is NOT what i would consider a Church where if Christ's message is taught, would be about forgiveness and love and certainly not the hatred I have recently seen seems to be a place for people to release their POLITICAL ANGST, and promote sexism and hatred and racism and I can guarantee you that other people both black and white, both Dem and Rep, will be offended TOTALLY, by Obama's supposed place, to worship God for the last 20 years...honestly, I truely do not understand why he would stay there at this Church, unless he did agree with this promotion of hatred towards the white person or the female...or unless he did disagree BUT HE KNEW staying at this church WOULD GET HIM VOTES and God and his beliefs have nothing to do with it?

Whatever....i don't blame him for what others have said, i just am truely wondering what type of person he really is, this person that probably will be our next president...certainly not anything new to the political game or using the political machine to gain a seat, or disenfranchising voters to gain a seat, or disqualifying his competition thru techinical rules so he has no one running against him....

I see him doing the same tactic he pulled to gain the Illinois seat in 1996, as to what he is doing now....but hey, i have been wrong before....

This will be exploited by the Right also, in the General.... :(


I'm all for yanking churches' tax free status when they start endorsing one political candidate over another.
I heard the bigotted, racist, and sexist Priest was on his campaign advisory board...but resigned last week or this week....?

This doesn't bode well, even though I do realize it is not Obama speaking here, but I have never seen such a circus for a church in my entire life...ALL of this comes as quite a surprise for me...especially all of the clapping and jumping to what this Priest was saying in a HOuse of God....from a religious person's perspective.... I have never seen anything like is NOT what i would consider a Church where if Christ's message is taught, would be about forgiveness and love and certainly not the hatred I have recently seen seems to be a place for people to release their POLITICAL ANGST, and promote sexism and hatred and racism and I can guarantee you that other people both black and white, both Dem and Rep, will be offended TOTALLY, by Obama's supposed place, to worship God for the last 20 years...honestly, I truely do not understand why he would stay there at this Church, unless he did agree with this promotion of hatred towards the white person or the female...or unless he did disagree BUT HE KNEW staying at this church WOULD GET HIM VOTES and God and his beliefs have nothing to do with it?

Whatever....i don't blame him for what others have said, i just am truely wondering what type of person he really is, this person that probably will be our next president...certainly not anything new to the political game or using the political machine to gain a seat, or disenfranchising voters to gain a seat, or disqualifying his competition thru techinical rules so he has no one running against him....

I see him doing the same tactic he pulled to gain the Illinois seat in 1996, as to what he is doing now....but hey, i have been wrong before....

This will be exploited by the Right also, in the General.... :(


Personally, I can't wait for the right to attempt to exploit it.

Let's see if that gets McCain elected .. whom I doubt really wants to get into pastor wars.
Oh well that's good. I guess all the reports that this guy knows Obama well and was on an Obama campaign committee until two months ago, were wrong. sometimes early reports are like that. i guess we will see how it plays out.
