Not Helpful

What's not helpful .. in my opinion .. is the planned protests at tomorrows meeting. It has the potential to turn into a real circus .. and the Clinton's have been urging their supporters to show up and show out .. whereas Obama has urged his supporters not to protest in the interest of party unity.
"obama's campaign took hillary's statement on rfk, and sent emails with a copy of it, to every media person/network out there, insinuating that she wanted obama killed, then they took this statement and emailed it to every blogger on the obama side out there saying the same thing, then they took this statement and sent it to all the internet, political media sites with comments again, implying that hillary wants to assassinate obama or wants it to happen to obama...."

I agree that's "low road" and pretty beat, but I also took some exception to the RFK comments. Hillary has made something of a career out of that kind of thing in this campaign; saying something that borders on that line, but never going over it, so that the suggestion is made w/out really saying it. And again, the "low road" tactics are a response to that. I just don't think he has been on the proactive side of that.

I couldn't care less about the $300K house thing. I've never cared about stuff like that, but I don't necessarily begrudge those who do. Maybe I spent too much time in politics, but that's like getting a cup of coffee for them. There really isn't anyone who doesn't try to use their position to get something; they all think it's justified because the salaries are low. Not making excuses; like I said, I don't begrudge judgment on that, I just don't care.

You clearly dislike the dude intensely, though. I don't, and I've seen a lot of him. He may not be revolutionary, but he's different, and he does represent a certain kind of change. I think he'll be a good President, but you never really know until someone is there.
If you're going to get the catholic vote you're going to have to have a Catholic campaign advisor. Again, I'll go out on a limb and say that at some point in time, almost every single religious advisor on every campaign since the dawn of time has said something negative about gays. Are you going to exhibit the same rage you'd like to see from us on that issue?

If they are going to court the religious vote, they are going to court the religious vote. Churches are not politically correct.

You mean those child molestors and those who cover for them ? GASP!

Be sure to watch the whole video, I did. I was very angry. I don't blame Obama. Many will.

And here is the kicker - if someone who Hillary had ever even MET, had said these things, about Obama, and about his black supporters, then you better fucking belive that Queen Evil Bitch would get the blame for it.

There is NO grace towards her. NO benefit of any doubt.

And this, came at a very bad time, is going to enrage women and things aren't going to go easily. Just make sure you don't forget, had this been someone in any minor way connected with Hillary, someone she had maybe met in a shopping mall in Arkansas 36 years ago...doing this skit about black Obama'd be Hillary's fault. Make sure you watch the whole skit. Every woman in America is going to see this.

I guess it's a good thing that Obama doesnt need their votes.

Wow.... I think you are correct in your assessment that this will piss off women (and likely other Hillary supporters) to an extent if Obama doesn't address this further. I understand that it was a guest speaker at his church, but it is one that also campaigned for him (according to the video).

If I were part of that Catholic parish from which that Priest came from, I would be pissed as well. Because that is NOT the type of behavior expected of a Priest. *pause for obligatory child molestation "humor" by the anti-catholic crowd*.....

And now back to the topic....

I also agree that this isn't likely how Obama views Hillary and the events that have transpired.... but he has got to be pissed that he has to once again address events that happened at his church. Because the more time he has to spend on shit like this, the less time he has to address his differences with McCain and his plans for the future of this country.