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he was a guest pastor, but these churches and pastors know eachother and i heard as you that he was his Catholic Advisor for his race and HAS BEEN his advisor through his OTHER campaigns.

If you're going to get the catholic vote you're going to have to have a Catholic campaign advisor. Again, I'll go out on a limb and say that at some point in time, almost every single religious advisor on every campaign since the dawn of time has said something negative about gays. Are you going to exhibit the same rage you'd like to see from us on that issue?

If they are going to court the religious vote, they are going to court the religious vote. Churches are not politically correct.
I think they were each others best friend and defender.

I think either one of them could have done it alone, they are very smart people.

I dont think either one should be president now.

I think they made a pack with each other to help them get where they wanted.

He wanted the Presidency and she did too. He went fist for obvious reasons and now the clock is runnning out on her dreams.

There in lies the problem, this is not about their pack or her dreams. This is about our country and where IT needs to go. Obama is better suited for where we need to go in my mind.
Why Desh? Can you articulate why Obama is better? He certainly is as scummy if not scummier than the Clintons when it comes to politics? We have proof of his 1996 campaign for the illinois senate?

we know he got his house for $300,000 less than what it was worth with his dealings with a crook, rezko.....?

We know of his various dealings with Lobbyists and the scummy Insider Political Machine in Chicago...

We knw he doesn't have the courage to vote on anything that is controversial...he can't take action on anything really....he's too afraid to commit himself one way or another to anything.....of real importance that could hurt him politically....just review his damn voting record, where he chooses to not vote at all on the key political issues....

Sure we know he says he wouldn't have voted yes on the Iraq resolution.

if he actually were in the Senate at the time of the vote, MORE THAN LIKELY he would have been a DID NOT VOTE register....god forbid, it could have hurt him to vote one way or another, so the did not vote, it is....

To me, anyone who thinks Obama took the right stance on the war issue, without ever having to be held to it as a usa senator, in congress, without being given all the twisted info they were given is just fooling themselves in my opinion, regarding Obama....things are alot easier said, than done...

He talks a sweet talk, he says what you want to hear, but there is no substance behind it...that I have been able to find or see...

so cough up what it is about Obama that brings you such Hope and Change Desh....?

Why Desh? Can you articulate why Obama is better? He certainly is as scummy if not scummier than the Clintons when it comes to politics? We have proof of his 1996 campaign for the illinois senate?

we know he got his house for $300,000 less than what it was worth with his dealings with a crook, rezko.....?

We know of his various dealings with Lobbyists and the scummy Insider Political Machine in Chicago...

We knw he doesn't have the courage to vote on anything that is controversial...he can't take action on anything really....he's too afraid to commit himself one way or another to anything.....of real importance that could hurt him politically....just review his damn voting record, where he chooses to not vote at all on the key political issues....

Sure we know he says he wouldn't have voted yes on the Iraq resolution.

if he actually were in the Senate at the time of the vote, MORE THAN LIKELY he would have been a DID NOT VOTE register....god forbid, it could have hurt him to vote one way or another, so the did not vote, it is....

To me, anyone who thinks Obama took the right stance on the war issue, without ever having to be held to it as a usa senator, in congress, without being given all the twisted info they were given is just fooling themselves in my opinion, regarding Obama....things are alot easier said, than done...

He talks a sweet talk, he says what you want to hear, but there is no substance behind it...that I have been able to find or see...

so cough up what it is about Obama that brings you such Hope and Change Desh....?


Wow, well I actually don’t know those things about Obama at all Care. I thought that you liked Obama and just had a problem with some of his supporters. It seems as if you really dislike him though, and if that’s the case, then there isn’t much anyone can do about that. For me, I am a lot like Cypress, if you read his post from last night, I thought it was great. I never thought Obama was anything other than a politican and I do consider much of this hope and change stuff just rhetoric. But I think that he’s ok, the best choice left standing, for me, and I am hopeful he could turn into a pretty good president.
Care, that's a pretty harsh assessment, overall. It's somewhat biased. I don't think he's shown himself to be all that "scummy."

To be honest, I'm not as much of an Obama nut as I used to be; I knew that would happen, in a way. But I'm still pretty damned impressed with how he has handled himself through this entire campaign. He has been invited to take the low road so many times; he has been baited and practically begged to take it. Has he? Maybe you can make an argument that he has, but I haven't really seen it. He has responded to ever crisis & media flurry with dignity, grace & intellect, the likes of which I simply haven't seen from anyone in politics. With one notable exception (when he said "you're likable enough, Hillary), I think he has been very respectful toward the Clintons, even when they have taken some shots at him that I thought were well beneath what a primary fight should entail. He has not made this race about personalities or character flaws or scandal; he has tried to keep it on the issues; much as everyone says that all he talks about is "change," any speech that I have heard has given me a very clear picture of where he would lead the country on energy, healthcare, jobs, education & the rest.

And I disagree that he wasn't held to account because he didn't have to vote on Iraq. He had to know at that point that running for President would be in the mix. His speech against the vote was very strong, and just as binding for any Presidential run if he had turned out to be wrong than a vote would be.
where'd care go?

I don’t know she’s in invisible so you can’t tell. It really pisses me off when other people post in invisible mode. I wish Damo had kept that just for me so no one could see what I am doing, and I could see what everybody is doing.
I don’t know she’s in invisible so you can’t tell. It really pisses me off when other people post in invisible mode. I wish Damo had kept that just for me so no one could see what I am doing, and I could see what everybody is doing.

LOL. stalker.
I don’t know she’s in invisible so you can’t tell. It really pisses me off when other people post in invisible mode. I wish Damo had kept that just for me so no one could see what I am doing, and I could see what everybody is doing.

I went to invisible mode because Battlbourne was stalking me, and spending a disproportionate amount of time on the "who's online" link scoping out where I was posting.

Yikes! Fright night. And this was after he asked me to bend over and take it like a man.

So, basically I'm hiding and staying invisible to avoid republican toe-tappers.
I went to invisible mode because Battlbourne was stalking me, and spending a disproportionate amount of time on the "who's online" link scoping out where I was posting.

Yikes! Fright night. And this was after he asked me to bend over and take it like a man.

So, basically I'm hiding and staying invisible to avoid republican toe-tappers.

Oh that is quite a coincidence, I originally went invisible because of a couple of right wing women who were stalking me here, from our old board. Don’t republicans ever get obsessed with anyone of the opposite sex?
Oh that is quite a coincidence, I originally went invisible because of a couple of right wing women who were stalking me here, from our old board. Don’t republicans ever get obsessed with anyone of the opposite sex?

HaHa Evidently, not often!
Oh so it took you over a year to figure that out. Interesting.


Confession time: I've been posting as cawacko for the last couple of years. He's my drunken alter ego, or I'm his female alter ego.

Confession time: I've been posting as cawacko for the last couple of years. He's my drunken alter ego, or I'm his female alter ego.

LOL. You know, I thought I detected some of your signature narcissism in his recent claims of having "brought sexy back to the internet".
Care, that's a pretty harsh assessment, overall. It's somewhat biased. I don't think he's shown himself to be all that "scummy."

To be honest, I'm not as much of an Obama nut as I used to be; I knew that would happen, in a way. But I'm still pretty damned impressed with how he has handled himself through this entire campaign. He has been invited to take the low road so many times; he has been baited and practically begged to take it. Has he? Maybe you can make an argument that he has, but I haven't really seen it. He has responded to ever crisis & media flurry with dignity, grace & intellect, the likes of which I simply haven't seen from anyone in politics. With one notable exception (when he said "you're likable enough, Hillary), I think he has been very respectful toward the Clintons, even when they have taken some shots at him that I thought were well beneath what a primary fight should entail. He has not made this race about personalities or character flaws or scandal; he has tried to keep it on the issues; much as everyone says that all he talks about is "change," any speech that I have heard has given me a very clear picture of where he would lead the country on energy, healthcare, jobs, education & the rest.

And I disagree that he wasn't held to account because he didn't have to vote on Iraq. He had to know at that point that running for President would be in the mix. His speech against the vote was very strong, and just as binding for any Presidential run if he had turned out to be wrong than a vote would be.


obama's campaign took hillary's statement on rfk, and sent emails with a copy of it, to every media person/network out there, insinuating that she wanted obama killed, then they took this statement and emailed it to every blogger on the obama side out there saying the same thing, then they took this statement and sent it to all the internet, political media sites with comments again, implying that hillary wants to assassinate obama or wants it to happen to obama....

this went on for 3 days, all thru the memorial day weekend, on to every sunday show.....while Obama sat back, quietly smiling i will bet.....

then after the holiday weekend is over, he plays the nice sweet guy and says, ' I know hillary was just speaking about other primary timings going in to june' paraphrased.

now, i don't know what you think of this kind of fake, good guy posturing that he is taking, and has taken, while sending his minions out to do the dirty work, but i see it as dirty as the best can get in politicking...

and if you read what he did to have his first opponent removed from the ballot so he coul run uncontested and win.....

and his TIT FOR TAT with rezko, giving him $300k with his house/property deal.....

and you say you don't THINK he is as bad as the best of our politicians with this kind of scumminess, then i just don't know what to say>

yeah, that dignity and intellect was a dog and pony show, while he fuels the minions to do the naughty....i lost trust in him after the assassinatin hypocrisy, saying one thing, while actually doing the opposite....had enough of that with Bush!

this upsets me, because i did think that maybe we really do have a ''candidate of change''....but i found out that we don't, it is all sweet talk, with no substance of actions to back it up....

i'd rather have a candidate that i know could stab me in the back, than one who claims he never, ever would, while he is twisting the knife in at the same time to make certain it goes in deep enough....

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then after the holiday weekend is over, he plays the nice sweet guy and says, ' I know hillary was just speaking about other primary timings going in to june' paraphrased.

Worst case scenario: your 110% correct. Frankly, that makes me worry less about him in the general because with tactics like that he can take on win against McCain.

and if you read what he did to have his first opponent removed from the ballot so he coul run uncontested and win.....

see my response above.