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You really believe that Ferraro's comment on her opinion of what was happening with the primary race equates to this Priest?

YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME? you are one sick puppy if that is what you really think imho...or maybe just used to this kind of viscious talk in your own Church, not really certain?

And like hell there was no outrage on the Obama's side with Geraldine's comments that were totally blown out of proportion imo....shown on the media over and over again....article after article in the papers...

Do we really ALL HAVE TO TIPTOE to say what is obvious for fear of offending the "black community" or for fear of what they will do in blowing everything out of proportion, so to rile their troops in the Obama camp?

you ARE the ones putting race and enmity between us, imo, and using it, to its full extent...but heh, I am the only one on this site that seems to have the guts to say things how they truely are.....

I have no fear of doing such, because I know every single person that has known me for the last 4 years on these various sites of ours KNOWS I AM NOT A RACIST, and never have been and never will be one....

They may still be Obamaites, but I don't think they would be viscious to me or call me a racist if I bring up any of my concerns that could involve race.


I thought that her comments were pretty racial Care. I am not a good person to judge maybe, because for full disclosure I have had very painful splits within my very Italian family over racial issues. I mean, as in I have left my brother’s home crying on Christmas day. And so I see her as a NY Italian woman and that carries a lot of baggage for me. I find her to be racist, yes.

And I do believe that the Clintons brought race into this starting with those stupid assed Jesse Jackson comments that Bill knew much better than to say in S Carolina. I really don’t think that Obama has been playing racial politics. Frankly, I don’t think he can afford to. It’d be political suicide for a black man to play racial politics.

Anyway that is how I see it, and we all see these things from different view points, and the reason I bring up my family is that we all also bring our very own baggage into how we view things, and much of it, we don’t even know are doing that. And yes, that goes for bac too, absolutely. All of us.

This is such a horrible election. Again, all I can say is I wish Edwards had been our nominee and none of this has ever happened. But now that it has happened, we are going to have to find a way back from this, or we are going to be in big trouble as country for a long time, because we are going to have Republican rule, if the democratic party stays split that is all we can have, at the national level. I’ll be damned if I know how to do it though.
Care she said "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color), he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

She is saying the only reason he is winning is that he is black.

You are such a kind and fair person Im surprized that you dont find that reprehensible.

It was not jumped on by the Obama team, they commented on it and went on.

Thanks for answering right on point for me.

The Obama camp has been quite gracious in a lot of these situations.
Care she said "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color), he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

She is saying the only reason he is winning is that he is black.

You are such a kind and fair person Im surprized that you dont find that reprehensible.

It was not jumped on by the Obama team, they commented on it and went on.

I have to agree with Desh on this one care. The clintons are the ones that started the race ball rolling and they haven't stopped since. I was pretty disgusted with Hillary's own comments about hard working white people.

And that came out of HER mouth. Not someone from "her side" Clinton is no angel in this issue.
Care she said "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color), he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

She is saying the only reason he is winning is that he is black.

You are such a kind and fair person Im surprized that you dont find that reprehensible.

It was not jumped on by the Obama team, they commented on it and went on.

And Can;t she have that opinion ....

What is the difference between that and people saying that Hillary is in this race ONLY because of being the wife Bill.....?

One is sexist and one is racist OR THERE IS A POSSIBILITY, that there is some truth in there for BOTH comments Desh....

What this guy did, the Priest, in a house of God, mimicked God's creationl, mocked God's creation, and spat on God's creation...Woman.... and he insighted RACISM.....WHITEY CRYING OVER BLACKY...

and the crowds were cheering him on for goodness sakes......

WHAT IF THIS HAPPENED IN A WHITE CHURCH, with the pastor insighting whites to HATE BLACKS, and MOCK BLACKS AND MOCK WOMEN and their emotions that were given to them?

Bullshit Desh..........

YOU WOULD BE BALLISTIC....if this happened in Hillary's church and the mocking, and racist insightment was done with their parishioners HATING BLACKS.....
love u anyway...:)
you are being a hypocrite...

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And Can;t she have that opinion ....

What is the difference between that and people saying that Hillary is in this race ONLY because of being the wife Bill.....?

In that situation I think the close relationship is the key factor rather than her gender. Had the situation been reversed and Bill was the First Man I believe the same would be said.

and the crowds were cheering him on for goodness sakes......

WHAT IF THIS HAPPENED IN A WHITE CHURCH, with the pastor insighting whites to HATE BLACKS, and MOCK BLACKS AND MOCK WOMEN and their emotions that were given to them? Bull$hit Desh..........YOU WOULD BE BALLISTIC....

#1) Obama and every Obama supporter on this board has denounced what he said and I will go out on a limb to say that they support his resignation from Obama's camp (if that part of the story is true ;))

#2) Its highly likely that Obama had not seen the irrational behaviour witnessed on this before due to the fact that it isn't a pastor from his home church.

#3) Who cares? He's still a much better candidate than hillary when you line up the facts.
And Can;t she have that opinion ....

What is the difference between that and people saying that Hillary is in this race ONLY because of being the wife Bill.....?

One is sexist and one is racist OR THERE IS A POSSIBILITY, that there is some truth in there for BOTH comments Desh....

What this guy did, the Priest, in a house of God, mimicked God's creationl, mocked God's creation, and spat on God's creation...Woman.... and he insighted RACISM.....WHITEY CRYING OVER BLACKY...

and the crowds were cheering him on for goodness sakes......

WHAT IF THIS HAPPENED IN A WHITE CHURCH, with the pastor insighting whites to HATE BLACKS, and MOCK BLACKS AND MOCK WOMEN and their emotions that were given to them?

Bullshit Desh..........

YOU WOULD BE BALLISTIC....if this happened in Hillary's church and the mocking, and racist insightment was done with their parishioners HATING BLACKS.....
love u anyway...:)

you are being a hypocrite...

Saying Hillary is only there because she is bills wife is like say Bush 43 is only there because his Dad is Bush 41.

There is a differance Care. The differance is woman are not a minority. Women make up half the population. Black in this country make up like 17%.

Yes she is allowed to have the opinion that Obama is only there because he is black but when she does that she asserts that who he is as a person does not matter to people. Its all about the color of his skin. I think the man has had to overcome peoples fears about voting for a black man. I think that it was his great personality and ability to connect to people along with his ideas that made people think of him more as a person than just the narrow definition of a "black man". I really think Hillary has done the opposite. I would have loved nothing more than to vote for a woman as president. Her name to me was a negative simply because of the nepotism thing with the Bush's. It was that and Hillarys negative image that made me bock from supporting her. The death nell was her lobbist money, then came her votes to support some of the bullshit Bush has done. I think Hillary is too tied to the problem. She ran her campaign as if it was all about her. It was Me this and I that from the very begining. Obama talked about Us and We right from the start. Obama has strived to stay positive and has not smacked Hillary arround any where near as much as she has him.

She came right off the bat saying he was not as good as McCain.

She is just part of the problem Care.
Saying Hillary is only there because she is bills wife is like say Bush 43 is only there because his Dad is Bush 41.

That's a very good point. Bush wouldn't be where he is today unless his dad was who he was.

I had a professor say that he was "born on 3rd and thought he hit a triple"
Nepotism is how I see this election. Hillary is completely capable of being president (unlike Bush) but I dont think she is the right person for the job right now.

I just feel proud the Democratic party was capable of producing two good candidates who happen to be a Woman and a Black Man.

It is just the facts that the One who is less beholden the powers that be is the black man.
I have to agree with Desh on this one care. The clintons are the ones that started the race ball rolling and they haven't stopped since. I was pretty disgusted with Hillary's own comments about hard working white people.

And that came out of HER mouth. Not someone from "her side" Clinton is no angel in this issue.

Tiana, the race card was put out there by the Republicans, and they started a whisper campaign that it was Hillary doing all of this....YOU and others bought "in to it" and then any single comment, was taken offense to...that nomally would have rolled off the shoulders... and yes, some of the comments COULD HAVE BEEN CONSTRUED as offensive...but that would be to people that were set up to be overly sensitive on the toppic thru the Wright tapes being out there and the rezko and Ayres and farakhan crap that WAS ALL PUT OUT THERE by Republicans...but again, with the whisper from them, with them planting the seed that it was the Clinton's that did this...who knows, the way I have found out that Obama is a dirty fighter, like with how he won his race in Illinois, IT COULD HAVE BEEN his camp making the rumor that it was Hillary releasing the Write tapes etc....

Anyway, I think because of this....the Obama camp was already sensitive to racism, especially the way the reverd Wrights videos were blasted over and over again.... and then Bill's comments on basically "no surprise to him that Hillary lost SC and Obama won it, the same thing happened with Jesse Jackson'' when running there..'' hit a nerve and were EXPLOITED and twisted and turned to mean that the Black vote doesn't count...

Well, let me tell ya, I did not hear Bill Clinton say that the Blck vote does not count or is meaningless.... as was portrayed and used on the Obama side...

I think he was trying to justify his wife;s loss in SC somehow and this WAS a possibility, that he was willing to accept verses the possibility in his head that they just ran a poor campaign there...

There is nothing wrong for the black community to be going head force, to support a Candidate that is Black that actually has a chance in winning the presidency, it should be an Honor and a Feat accomplished....women got the same thing this year with Hillary...someone who actually did have the possibility to break the barrier of a female in the Presidency...

And I see nothing wrong with stating that Blacks are supporting Obama bigtime and nothing wrong with saying women are supporting Hillary Bigtime or the discussion of how the vote is going for different categories of voters, white, black, female, male, college educated, blue collar is how the polling has always been done and the only way to compare is to have the same criteria being compared to the same criteria, year after year...

It was not hillary that set up the categories, they have been there for decades, and it helps the candidates figure out where they are doing good and where they are hurting and allows them to "improve" the segments of the population that their message is obviously not getting to....

BUT EVERYTHING this year has been blown out of proportion...everyone has to walk on fricking eggshells and I personally do not think that helps reduce racism, but creates even more of it, ya know?

Anyway, I obviously can not see this through your eyes, and I recognize such!

Loves and kisses Tiana,

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Nepotism is how I see this election. Hillary is completely capable of being president (unlike Bush) but I dont think she is the right person for the job right now.

I just feel proud the Democratic party was capable of producing two good candidates who happen to be a Woman and a Black Man.

It is just the facts that the One who is less beholden the powers that be is the black man.

And Clinton fatigue is a real concern.

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton is not the change this country is clamouring for.
I have yet to see a Wright winger complain about a preacher running down dems or equating liberals to satan from the pulpit.
Tiana, the race card was put out there by the Republicans, and they started a whisper campaign that it was Hillary doing all of this....YOU and others bought "in to it" and then any single comment, was taken offense to...that nomally would have rolled off the shoulders...

The Republicans were responsible for Clinton's Jesse Jackson comment?

Were they also responsible for Ferraro's comments?

What about hillary's comment about representing hard working white americans? Were they responsible for that too?

and yes, some of the comments COULD HAVE BEEN CONSTRUED as offensive...

She's pulled that crap that before and gotten free passes on it throughout the community. I've even said on here how offended I was at one of her plantation comments to a predominately black audience awhile back. She's also gotten a pass on the Ghandi & 711 comment a while back. Enough is enough. And those came out of HER MOUTH. Not just "her side"

IT COULD HAVE BEEN his camp making the rumor that it was Hillary releasing the Write tapes etc....

Well, if that is the case then it looks like he's ready to take on the republican machine.

.... and then Bill's comments on basically "no surprise to him that Hillary lost SC and Obama won it, the same thing happened with Jesse Jackson'' when running there..'' hit a nerve and were EXPLOITED and twisted and turned to mean that the Black vote doesn't count.....the Obama side...

I think he was trying to justify his wife;s loss in SC somehow and this WAS a possibility, that he was willing to accept verses the possibility in his head that they just ran a poor campaign there...

So exactly what did you take his statement to mean?

There is nothing wrong for the black community to be going head force, to support a Candidate that is Black that actually has a chance in winning the presidency, it should be an Honor and a Feat accomplished....women got the same thing this year with Hillary...someone who actually did have the possibility to break the barrier of a female in the Presidency......

I have a problem with the oversimplifcation of this race into superficial gender/racial lines. On personal level it creates quite the conundrum for people like me: Black and a woman. You almost imply that I have to choose a side based on what I either feel more persecuted as or self identify with more. Second, it also creates the divides that we see on this thread and throughout this board for the democrats. I do see a problem with simply supporting a presidential candidate based on what they are vs the content of his or character, voting record, and political leanings. Its wrong period.

It was not hillary that set up the categories,


BUT EVERYTHING this year has been blown out of proportion...everyone has to walk on fricking eggshells and I personally do not think that helps reduce racism, but creates even more of it, ya know?

I'll accept that assertion, but then add, that Obama as a candidate hasn't been the one waving the flames and as such should not be given the blame for this.
And Clinton fatigue is a real concern.

Bush, Clinton, Bush, Clinton is not the change this country is clamouring for.

When I realized she ws going to run that was my first thought. I did not want history to show Bush, clinton ,clinton, bush , bush , clinton.

My next thought was how polarizing she is.

There is a reason the right wing is frothing at the mouth to support her over Obama.
When I realized she ws going to run that was my first thought. I did not want history to show Bush, clinton ,clinton, bush , bush , clinton.

My next thought was how polarizing she is.

There is a reason the right wing is frothing at the mouth to support her over Obama.

And that's the other thing that we've lost sight of since the republicans have been allowed to sit back pretty while the democratic infighting is going on.

She has legions of haters that will come out in full force to make sure she's not elected.
I've gotta say on this topic, SUCKS. They had a headline about McClellan earlier in the week that lasted about an hour, and became one of their minor story links at the bottom of the page, and then disappeared entirely by the end of the day.

Today? Glaring headline at the top of the page since first thing this morning: OBAMA'S NEW PASTOR ISSUE. I bet it will be there until tomorrow.

They suck; they just so completely suck.
That's a very good point. Bush wouldn't be where he is today unless his dad was who he was.

I had a professor say that he was "born on 3rd and thought he hit a triple"

bulloney tiana....not on bush, but on hillary being where she is...

bill would not have become thae governor of arkansas IF IT HAD NOT BEEN for hillary.

he ran his own campaign the first time he ran and lost the election, Hillary took over his campaign the second time he ran and called all of her political in the know friends to help, and Bill won the Governor's seat the second time around, with Hillary in control of it...

If he had not become Governor, he would have never become President....

So, BECAUSE of Hillary herself, she is in the position she is in, NOT because of Bill....., in fact as said, bill would not have had a shot at the presidency, IF it had not been for her getting him the win as Governor, after him losing it the first time he ran...
The Republicans were responsible for Clinton's Jesse Jackson comment?

Were they also responsible for Ferraro's comments?

What about hillary's comment about representing hard working white americans? Were they responsible for that too?

She's pulled that crap that before and gotten free passes on it throughout the community. I've even said on here how offended I was at one of her plantation comments to a predominately black audience awhile back. She's also gotten a pass on the Ghandi & 711 comment a while back. Enough is enough. And those came out of HER MOUTH. Not just "her side"

Well, if that is the case then it looks like he's ready to take on the republican machine.

So exactly what did you take his statement to mean?

I have a problem with the oversimplifcation of this race into superficial gender/racial lines. On personal level it creates quite the conundrum for people like me: Black and a woman. You almost imply that I have to choose a side based on what I either feel more persecuted as or self identify with more. Second, it also creates the divides that we see on this thread and throughout this board for the democrats. I do see a problem with simply supporting a presidential candidate based on what they are vs the content of his or character, voting record, and political leanings. Its wrong period.


I'll accept that assertion, but then add, that Obama as a candidate hasn't been the one waving the flames and as such should not be given the blame for this.

Good post Tiana, I have been wondering how you feel about all of this.
bulloney tiana....not on bush, but on hillary being where she is...

bill would not have become thae governor of arkansas IF IT HAD NOT BEEN for hillary.

he ran his own campaign the first time he ran and lost the election, Hillary took over his campaign the second time he ran and called all of her political in the know friends to help, and Bill won the Governor's seat the second time around, with Hillary in control of it...

If he had not become Governor, he would have never become President....

So, BECAUSE of Hillary herself, she is in the position she is in, NOT because of Bill....., in fact as said, bill would not have had a shot at the presidency, IF it had not been for her getting him the win as Governor, after him losing it the first time he ran...

I'm not saying she isn't a brilliant politician who got where she is with hard work. I was referring to your assertion that the claim that she's only where she is solely because she's someone's wife isn't rooted in sesism, its rooted in nepotism.