Not Helpful

Darla I am not focused on you or your posts, nor do I have any intention of continuing the rancor.

I am posting what I believe .. not calling you stupid .. not calling you santimonious .. still respect your opinion in spite of our differences.

I can understand the anger of women watching a man mocking women which I find analogous to a minstrel show, My point, and only point, is that there are far bigger issues and all candidates have surrogates, associates, and sometimes even friends and husbands that say really stupid things.

I do hope you can put Ferraro in context with what this idiot has said. I was pissed about her comments, but did not attribute them in any way shape or form to Clinton.

Ok, that’s cool then. I have said in the past that I can't stand Ferraro and think that she is a racist. I still think that.
I'm feeling a little honored that Lady T posted my stupidity comments in one of her replies.

I was starting to think that maybe those comments were a little over the top, but then I just saw jollie's new post on the other board.....
I'm feeling a little honored that Lady T posted my stupidity comments in one of her replies.

I was starting to think that maybe those comments were a little over the top, but then I just saw jollie's new post on the other board.....

What a freak.
I have to admitt that I thought the damn thing was funny. I believe Darla when she says it offened her. I have always been a different kind of woman. The question of who are you Darla mentioned before would not have been answered by me 'I am a woman" as my first response. I would respond " I am a human being" , "I a creator of Love of my fellow man", "I am a creator of good will" and probably a few other things before 'I am a woman" would have come. Being a woman is about like beeing tall or having blue eyes to me. It does not define me its just the physical happenstance of this body of mine. I like being a woman but its really doesnt define me. I dont take offense too easily about small stuff like jokes about women being emotional or crap like that. I do however get pissed as hell when peoples opportunities are limited unfairly because of the body they happen to inhabit.

I do feel sorry for the people who never get to feel a life growing inside them or never get to feel how it feels to breast feed a child.

That would include more people than just men though.
I'm feeling a little honored that Lady T posted my stupidity comments in one of her replies.

I was starting to think that maybe those comments were a little over the top, but then I just saw jollie's new post on the other board.....

He serves that purpose .. which is why Damo pays him to post here. :)

Just when you think you've gone too far .. Heeerrreessss Jollie.
I have to admitt that I thought the damn thing was funny. I believe Darla when she says it offened her. I have always been a different kind of woman. The question of who are you Darla mentioned before would not have been answered by me 'I am a woman" as my first response. I would respond " I am a human being" , "I a creator of Love of my fellow man", "I am a creator of good will" and probably a few other things before 'I am a woman" would have come. Being a woman is about like beeing tall or having blue eyes to me. It does not define me its just the physical happenstance of this body of mine. I like being a woman but its really doesnt define me. I dont take offense too easily about small stuff like jokes about women being emotional or crap like that. I do however get pissed as hell when peoples opportunities are limited unfairly because of the body they happen to inhabit.

I do feel sorry for the people who never get to feel a life growing inside them or never get to feel how it feels to breast feed a child.

That would include more people than just men though.

I know Desh. We are very different kinds of women. And there is a lot I don’t understand about you. But I think you are probably one of the most decent-hearted people around, and one of the most generous souls, so even when you piss me off, it never lasts longer than a moment.
I have to admitt that I thought the damn thing was funny. I believe Darla when she says it offened her. I have always been a different kind of woman. The question of who are you Darla mentioned before would not have been answered by me 'I am a woman" as my first response. I would respond " I am a human being" , "I a creator of Love of my fellow man", "I am a creator of good will" and probably a few other things before 'I am a woman" would have come. Being a woman is about like beeing tall or having blue eyes to me. It does not define me its just the physical happenstance of this body of mine. I like being a woman but its really doesnt define me. I dont take offense too easily about small stuff like jokes about women being emotional or crap like that. I do however get pissed as hell when peoples opportunities are limited unfairly because of the body they happen to inhabit.

I do feel sorry for the people who never get to feel a life growing inside them or never get to feel how it feels to breast feed a child.

That would include more people than just men though.

Very spiritual indeed my sister.
McCain should have to answer for Jollie. Just cuz.

When I think about it, though, the new "pastor problem" makes almost as much sense to me. I mean, Obama has nothing to do with this guy. To me, it really is like all of the networks putting Jollie's post up on the screen, with a headline "McCain's new internet problem," and having McCain try to disassociate himself from this guy who he doesn't even know.

Of course, McCain has never posted here, at least as far as we know...
McCain should have to answer for Jollie. Just cuz.

When I think about it, though, the new "pastor problem" makes almost as much sense to me. I mean, Obama has nothing to do with this guy. To me, it really is like all of the networks putting Jollie's post up on the screen, with a headline "McCain's new internet problem," and having McCain try to disassociate himself from this guy who he doesn't even know.

Of course, McCain has never posted here, at least as far as we know...

LMAO. Oh I would love it if we lived in a reality where that happened, I really would.
I know Desh. We are very different kinds of women. And there is a lot I don’t understand about you. But I think you are probably one of the most decent-hearted people around, and one of the most generous souls, so even when you piss me off, it never lasts longer than a moment.

And I too say AMEN! to sentiments, exactly....!!!!
:clink: to Desh!

But of course I believe she is wrong on this one, it was not funny, not coming from a Priest, in the middle of Sunday service....and it could also be breaking the law, on politiking in Church.....

And I KNOW that if this were Hillary's church and a guest pastor that was also on her campaign team, saying what this man said about Whitey, only said about Blacky, then all HELL WOULD HAVE BROKEN LOSE ON THE OBAMA SIDE....

and it is being TWO FACED and hypocritical to deny it imho.

Hopefully, I don't cause any problems with this .. but there is much to like about this pastor in spite of HIS IGNORANT COMMENTS. I want to make that clear .. his comments were ignorant.

But it also appears that this guy has a long history of being involved with poor communities and social issues.

In fact, now I remember seeing him at the funeral of Coretta King where he was a speaker. Senator Hillary Clinton was also present that day, and if memory serves, he sat no more than 2 feet away from the Clintons.

Coretta King even spoke at his church many times and he was a keynote speaker at the 2003 commemoration of King's birth in Atlanta.

He attributes King for his quest into the ministry.
"And I KNOW that if this were Hillary's church and a guest pastor that was also on her campaign team, saying what this man said about Whitey, only said about Blacky, then all HELL WOULD HAVE BROKEN LOSE ON THE OBAMA SIDE...."

Well, it's not really a double standard, because all hell IS breaking loose right now. It's the top story everywhere....
And I too say AMEN! to sentiments, exactly....!!!!
:clink: to Desh!

But of course I believe she is wrong on this one, it was not funny, not coming from a Priest, in the middle of Sunday service....and it could also be breaking the law, on politiking in Church.....

And I KNOW that if this were Hillary's church and a guest pastor that was also on her campaign team, saying what this man said about Whitey, only said about Blacky, then all HELL WOULD HAVE BROKEN LOSE ON THE OBAMA SIDE....

and it is being TWO FACED and hypocritical to deny it imho.


"All hell did not break loose" with the Ferraro comments on the Obama side. Her comments were every bit as dispicable as what this pastor said.

In fact, Ferraro is still out there saying stupid shit.

The Obama camp is not going crazy about what she said or is still saying .. and they do not attribute her comments to Clinton.
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I know Desh. We are very different kinds of women. And there is a lot I don’t understand about you. But I think you are probably one of the most decent-hearted people around, and one of the most generous souls, so even when you piss me off, it never lasts longer than a moment.

Im glad you see it that way Darla. When I say these things they are really not indended to piss you off. Its just who I am. I have always been a round peg being asked to fit into a square hole. I can fit but it leaves so space in between me and the sqaure hole of the world. I have so often in my life had to just let the space be assumed by people. On places like the net I can fill the space with who I really am. Thank the great void that I found a man who liked this oh so different chick when I was but 19. I fear for my son trying to find a girl just like his dear old Mom. Not really he will be just fine. Ive already told him I will Love who ever he brings home to me. He knows I mean it too.

The bits about pregnancy and breastfeeding are true but remember there are many experiences in life I will never have either. No one can experience all that life has to offer in just one life. So my suggestion is if you dont experience it this life maybe you can give it a try in your next life or the one after that. Who the hell really knows how many times we get ito ride in this merry go round.
"All hell did not break loose" with the Ferraro comments on the Obama side. Her comments were every bit as dispicable as what this pastor said.

In fact, Ferraro is still out there saying stupid shit.

The Obama camp is not going crazy about what she said or is still saying .. and they do not attribute her comments to Clinton.

You really believe that Ferraro's comment on her opinion of what was happening with the primary race equates to this Priest?

YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME? you are one sick puppy if that is what you really think imho...or maybe just used to this kind of viscious talk in your own Church, not really certain?

And like hell there was no outrage on the Obama's side with Geraldine's comments that were totally blown out of proportion imo....shown on the media over and over again....article after article in the papers...

Do we really ALL HAVE TO TIPTOE to say what is obvious for fear of offending the "black community" or for fear of what they will do in blowing everything out of proportion, so to rile their troops in the Obama camp?

you ARE the ones putting race and enmity between us, imo, and using it, to its full extent...but heh, I am the only one on this site that seems to have the guts to say things how they truely are.....

I have no fear of doing such, because I know every single person that has known me for the last 4 years on these various sites of ours KNOWS I AM NOT A RACIST, and never have been and never will be one....

They may still be Obamaites, but I don't think they would be viscious to me or call me a racist if I bring up any of my concerns that could involve race.

"And I KNOW that if this were Hillary's church and a guest pastor that was also on her campaign team, saying what this man said about Whitey, only said about Blacky, then all HELL WOULD HAVE BROKEN LOSE ON THE OBAMA SIDE...."

Well, it's not really a double standard, because all hell IS breaking loose right now. It's the top story everywhere....


I was seriously going to post this exact statement!
Hmm does the same thing as obama keeping listening to his preacher apply to people listening to and watching political pundit shows ?
Rush, coulter, hannity, etc....

after all you keep watching em so you must support all their views right ?
Care she said "If Obama was a white man, he would not be in this position. And if he was a woman (of any color), he would not be in this position. He happens to be very lucky to be who he is. And the country is caught up in the concept."

She is saying the only reason he is winning is that he is black.

You are such a kind and fair person Im surprized that you dont find that reprehensible.

It was not jumped on by the Obama team, they commented on it and went on.