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When I realized she ws going to run that was my first thought. I did not want history to show Bush, clinton ,clinton, bush , bush , clinton.

My next thought was how polarizing she is.

There is a reason the right wing is frothing at the mouth to support her over Obama.

20% of Obama supporters are Republicans, what percent do you think of Republicans are supporting her, even if bogusly?

And that's the other thing that we've lost sight of since the republicans have been allowed to sit back pretty while the democratic infighting is going on.

She has legions of haters that will come out in full force to make sure she's not elected.

Oh no, I have never forgotten that. Not for one second, and some of my most cynical laughs recently have come from watching such newly-minted “Hillary lovers” as Patrick Buchanon and Tucker Carlson trying to save her campaign.
I've gotta say on this topic, SUCKS. They had a headline about McClellan earlier in the week that lasted about an hour, and became one of their minor story links at the bottom of the page, and then disappeared entirely by the end of the day.

Today? Glaring headline at the top of the page since first thing this morning: OBAMA'S NEW PASTOR ISSUE. I bet it will be there until tomorrow.

They suck; they just so completely suck.

What are you doing torturing yourself by hanging around FOX news? Don’t you have to get ready for your big night out?
20% of Obama supporters are Republicans, what percent do you think of Republicans are supporting her, even if bogusly?


In states like west Virginia I bet its much more than you think. That state will vote for McCain anyway.
bulloney tiana....not on bush, but on hillary being where she is...

bill would not have become thae governor of arkansas IF IT HAD NOT BEEN for hillary.

he ran his own campaign the first time he ran and lost the election, Hillary took over his campaign the second time he ran and called all of her political in the know friends to help, and Bill won the Governor's seat the second time around, with Hillary in control of it...

If he had not become Governor, he would have never become President....

So, BECAUSE of Hillary herself, she is in the position she is in, NOT because of Bill....., in fact as said, bill would not have had a shot at the presidency, IF it had not been for her getting him the win as Governor, after him losing it the first time he ran...

I agree with this about Hillary. I have watched several bios of the two Clintons, and I think the idea that she got where she is because of him, is completely flipped over. I think he got where he is because of her.
What are you doing torturing yourself by hanging around FOX news? Don’t you have to get ready for your big night out?

I don't know why I do that. I read the comments after the article, too; BIG mistake. My thoughts on voter stupidity did not go far enough.

Speaking of Big, I was pumped to see the size of that closet in the new penthouse he bought for Carrie in the trailer....just 5 more hours!!!
I don't know why I do that. I read the comments after the article, too; BIG mistake. My thoughts on voter stupidity did not go far enough.

Speaking of Big, I was pumped to see the size of that closet in the new penthouse he bought for Carrie in the trailer....just 5 more hours!!!

I am totally laughing out loud at work.
Good post Tiana, I have been wondering how you feel about all of this.

I feel that I'm not rewarding a politician who got us into Iraq with a vote to become president. At the end of the day, that's going to be my main vote and I don't care if the candidate is a purple female midget from mars. And quite frankly, I'm tired of this discourse.
I don't know why I do that. I read the comments after the article, too; BIG mistake. My thoughts on voter stupidity did not go far enough.

Speaking of Big, I was pumped to see the size of that closet in the new penthouse he bought for Carrie in the trailer....just 5 more hours!!!

that post may be even more awesome than your post on voter stupidity.
I feel that I'm not rewarding a politician who got us into Iraq with a vote to become president. At the end of the day, that's going to be my main vote and I don't care if the candidate is a purple female midget from mars. And quite frankly, I'm tired of this discourse.

It’s been very ugly and it is causing most of the problems between democrats on this board, and probably most others. Except for me and you fighting over Cawacko, I think this is pretty much the hot divisive issue. I wish I could say I think it ended today Tiana. I will do my part to try very hard not to take comments like whining white women and flip out over them, I promise. I think I have vented all of my angst over that already anyway. The thing that shocked me the most, is that I never even think about myself as a white woman. I live a life of total denial on many levels. There’s plenty to be said for that too, don’t think otherwise.

This has been one hella funny thread watching the lib's implode or is that explode? :blowup: ...they can't make up their minds who they support...Obama, yes we can,then no we can't, then yes we can...funny stuff...John has the general sown up fer sure!:cof1:
that post may be even more awesome than your post on voter stupidity.

Don't even think about it, because I am first in line and if there is ever any mention of any kind of marital discourse, you get in my way, and you are going down. And this is not a racial thing!
I agree with this about Hillary. I have watched several bios of the two Clintons, and I think the idea that she got where she is because of him, is completely flipped over. I think he got where he is because of her.

I think they were each others best friend and defender.

I think either one of them could have done it alone, they are very smart people.

I dont think either one should be president now.

I think they made a pack with each other to help them get where they wanted.

He wanted the Presidency and she did too. He went fist for obvious reasons and now the clock is runnning out on her dreams.

There in lies the problem, this is not about their pack or her dreams. This is about our country and where IT needs to go. Obama is better suited for where we need to go in my mind.
It’s been very ugly and it is causing most of the problems between democrats on this board, and probably most others. Except for me and you fighting over Cawacko, I think this is pretty much the hot divisive issue. I wish I could say I think it ended today Tiana. I will do my part to try very hard not to take comments like whining white women and flip out over them, I promise. I think I have vented all of my angst over that already anyway. The thing that shocked me the most, is that I never even think about myself as a white woman. I live a life of total denial on many levels. There’s plenty to be said for that too, don’t think otherwise.

#1) He's yours until I see a pic

#2) I didn't mean that I'm tired of the discourse on this board. I meant more in general, specifically the media. Please don't hold back on my account! :)

#3) I never think of you as a white woman either. I see you as more of a bad-A$$
I think they were each others best friend and defender.

I think either one of them could have done it alone, they are very smart people.

I dont think either one should be president now.

I think they made a pack with each other to help them get where they wanted.

He wanted the Presidency and she did too. He went fist for obvious reasons and now the clock is runnning out on her dreams.

There in lies the problem, this is not about their pack or her dreams. This is about our country and where IT needs to go. Obama is better suited for where we need to go in my mind.

I don’t know about that pack stuff, that is so MODO. Nobody really knows about that. I agree with your final conclusion though Desh.
Don't even think about it, because I am first in line and if there is ever any mention of any kind of marital discourse, you get in my way, and you are going down. And this is not a racial thing!

That ship has sailed!
#1) He's yours until I see a pic

#2) I didn't mean that I'm tired of the discourse on this board. I meant more in general, specifically the media. Please don't hold back on my account! :)

#3) I never think of you as a white woman either. I see you as more of a bad-A$$

Oh the media, forget about it. I wish they would shut up about a lot of things. Most of is sooo meaningless.
I think it was just a marrige kind of pack Darla. They were bright well educated people at a time when a young woman like her would say to a man who wanted to marry her " you better be willing to support my career" . I could just Bet that was part of the conversation.
Oh well that's good. I guess all the reports that this guy knows Obama well and was on an Obama campaign committee until two months ago, were wrong. sometimes early reports are like that. i guess we will see how it plays out.
he was a guest pastor, but these churches and pastors know eachother and i heard as you that he was his Catholic Advisor for his race and HAS BEEN his advisor through his OTHER campaigns.

What people are not taking note of, is that this Priest came in to this Congregation and FELT HE COULD GIVE A SERMON or Political Bashing in this manner in this Church.... he knew the parishioners would NOT be offended by his kind of hatred and bigotry and sexism...

He knew it was what they WANTED to hear, and he gave them a show of a lifetime...and they cheered him, there is a movement of racism going on here....but I am not certain it is all on the white people's side, but also on the Black people's side...neither, should be tollerated, ESPECIALLY in a Christian Church imo.

I sure hope the Priest is Disenvowed or whatever the heck you call, stripped of his Priesthood...he is an embarrassment and a disgrace to anyone that is Catholic or even WAS Catholic or any true Christian in General....

I was appalled that I heard some Southern Baptist preaching telling his parishioners that if they didn't vote for Bush they would burn or be excommunicated from their church...and spoke out vigorously against such when it was happening all over the united states, with Pastors supporting Bush....

I am not going to let the fact that this is a Black church or a church of a Democrat get in my way from saying how I see it...and i see it as racist and sexist and politicizing a Christian Church, a House of God....which is insulting, and just plain wrong to use as an establishment to promote hatred.
