Nothing but Lies and distortions from Obama

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty

1) "Let's start with social issues like Second Amendment freedoms. Mr. Obama denies that he's ever supported banning handguns, right after the landmark Heller case where the Supreme Court struck down Washington D.C.'s handgun ban.

When a 1996 questionnaire surfaced that had asked if Mr. Obama supported banning all handguns, his one-word written answer was "yes." He said an unnamed staffer must have filled it out without his knowledge. Then another copy surfaced -- this one with his handwriting on it. He says he must not have read that particular question. Sure. "

2) "On the hot-button issue of abortion, last month saw a growing concern over Mr. Obama's opposition to the Born-Alive Infants Protection Act.....

Mr. Obama said the he would have supported the federal version. Those suggesting otherwise were lying, he said. Then it was revealed that a second bill was introduced in the Illinois Senate, and this one was identical to the federal version. Mr. Obama opposed that bill as well. He has yet to come up with an explanation on that one."

3) "And then we have the Iraq war. Congress authorized war against Iraq in 2002. The vote in the Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate was an overwhelming bipartisan majority of 77-23. The intelligence provided to Congress was profoundly flawed, but based on the intelligence presented, Congress voted for war. That is why those voting for the war included John Kerry, John Edwards, Hillary Clinton,and -- yes -- Joe Biden.

Yet Mr. Obama, who was in the Illinois Senate at the time and thus had no vote, opposed the war. He says that this shows his superior judgment, and that those voting for the war, like John McCain, lack the judgment to be president. But his vice presidential pick Joe Biden voted for the war, and Mr. Obama says Mr. Biden has the judgment to be president. How do you reconcile that?"

4) "And finally we have the surge. Mr. Obama opposed it, saying it was doomed to fail. Yet the troop surge has succeeded brilliantly, and all but the most dedicated diehards admit it. Now Mr. Obama acknowledges that it succeeded, but does not admit his predictions of failure were wrong. How were they not wrong?"

Whats the matter with this guy? Why can't he stop lying to the public? For shame...
You can always count on the Freak for a "they do it too!" response to anything.

That's a pretty wishy washy list. I checked factcheck on the gun point; it didn't say anything about the "2nd questionnaire," but did say his handwriting was on part of the one questionnaire in question, which he said an aide filled out the majority of. You have no idea if he's lying on that or not (and "c'mon, Lorax" doesn't cut it as a response on that one).

#'s 3 and 4 aren't even lies or distortions; I have to question whether or not you even know what the word "lie" or "distortion" mean when you give those as examples. Often, when someone is coming from a position of weakness, they'll just try to put as many words down as possible; it's an old tactic most of us learned in essay-writing in grade school, and which people like Dixie have made a career out of.

Still checkin on #2; all in all though, a pretty sad post, even for you.
You can always count on the Freak for a "they do it too!" response to anything.

That's a pretty wishy washy list. I checked factcheck on the gun point; it didn't say anything about the "2nd questionnaire," but did say his handwriting was on part of the one questionnaire in question, which he said an aide filled out the majority of. You have no idea if he's lying on that or not (and "c'mon, Lorax" doesn't cut it as a response on that one).

#'s 3 and 4 aren't even lies or distortions; I have to question whether or not you even know what the word "lie" or "distortion" mean when you give those as examples. Often, when someone is coming from a position of weakness, they'll just try to put as many words down as possible; it's an old tactic most of us learned in essay-writing in grade school, and which people like Dixie have made a career out of.

Still checkin on #2; all in all though, a pretty sad post, even for you.

I am forced to agree, sorry SF. I wanted to be fair, and weighed all of the evidence. Onceler is right on this one.
You can always count on the Freak for a "they do it too!" response to anything.

That's a pretty wishy washy list. I checked factcheck on the gun point; it didn't say anything about the "2nd questionnaire," but did say his handwriting was on part of the one questionnaire in question, which he said an aide filled out the majority of. You have no idea if he's lying on that or not (and "c'mon, Lorax" doesn't cut it as a response on that one).

#'s 3 and 4 aren't even lies or distortions; I have to question whether or not you even know what the word "lie" or "distortion" mean when you give those as examples. Often, when someone is coming from a position of weakness, they'll just try to put as many words down as possible; it's an old tactic most of us learned in essay-writing in grade school, and which people like Dixie have made a career out of.

Still checkin on #2; all in all though, a pretty sad post, even for you.

1) Right.... great excuse... the "unnamed staffer" filled it out, Obama made notes on it, but didn't bother to read how his own positions were being presented. That is even worse than him lying about it.

2) It is correct.

3) You are right, this one was hypocricy... Sorry, but I didn't think I had room for all his failures in the title of the thread.

4) Is more stupidity than distortion... so you are correct. Only an idiot would state that something succeeded and then refuse to admit that his predictions of failure were wrong.
1) Right.... great excuse... the "unnamed staffer" filled it out, Obama made notes on it, but didn't bother to read how his own positions were being presented. That is even worse than him lying about it.

2) It is correct.

3) You are right, this one was hypocricy... Sorry, but I didn't think I had room for all his failures in the title of the thread.

4) Is more stupidity than distortion... so you are correct. Only an idiot would state that something succeeded and then refuse to admit that his predictions of failure were wrong.

I'm glad you see and can admit that 3/4 of your post about lying was an outright lie.

I'm glad you see and can admit that 3/4 of your post about lying was an outright lie.


Wow, you really have some incredible reading comprehension problems.

1) Is a lie
2) Is a lie
3) Is hypocricy
4) Is idiocy/arrogance... ended with a lie... stating that his opinion was not wrong is a LIE. He was wrong. Yet said he wasn't. LIE.

So yes, I should have said Lies and Hypocricy in the thread title instead of Lies and distortions... good catch... that really changes the fact that your messiah LIED.
Wow, you really have some incredible reading comprehension problems.

1) Is a lie
2) Is a lie
3) Is hypocricy
4) Is idiocy/arrogance... ended with a lie... stating that his opinion was not wrong is a LIE. He was wrong. Yet said he wasn't. LIE.

So yes, I should have said Lies and Hypocricy in the thread title instead of Lies and distortions... good catch... that really changes the fact that your messiah LIED.

#1 is not "a lie." You have offered no proof for that whatsoever.

And you should check factcheck on #2; it's a pretty complex issue, that you are distilling strictly according to right-wing talking points regarding it. I would agree that Obama's defense is on some shaky ground, but it's not "a lie."

Really sad, embarassing post, overall. It's like we can count on this kind of thing every morning from you, now; I was a little bummed you didn't have "lorax" in the title on this one, though.
I'm glad you see and can admit that 3/4 of your post about lying was an outright lie.


You know what this is? This is McCain supporters acting out, because they do see the lies McCain/Palin tell day after day, and they see the media finally saying, hey, we have to call this one a lie, cause it’s too blatant for even us to overlook, we’ll get killed on the net. So now they are panicking, and SF is always a perfect specimen, because much like his cousin, the chimpanzee, when panicked, he will throw a bunch of poop around his cage and wait to see what happens.
You know what this is? This is McCain supporters acting out, because they do see the lies McCain/Palin tell day after day, and they see the media finally saying, hey, we have to call this one a lie, cause it’s too blatant for even us to overlook, we’ll get killed on the net. So now they are panicking, and SF is always a perfect specimen, because much like his cousin, the chimpanzee, when panicked, he will throw a bunch of poop around his cage and wait to see what happens.

That's an excellent observation.

It would be interesting to see our local indies, Freak & Damo, take McCain or Palin to task for even ONE of the very blatant, easy-to-prove lies that they have put out there over the past couple of weeks.

Instead, we get a list like this (and can you imagine the time SF put into just this?), which even he admits later isn't really a good example of "lies"....
#1 is not "a lie." You have offered no proof for that whatsoever.

And you should check factcheck on #2; it's a pretty complex issue, that you are distilling strictly according to right-wing talking points regarding it. I would agree that Obama's defense is on some shaky ground, but it's not "a lie."

Really sad, embarassing post, overall. It's like we can count on this kind of thing every morning from you, now; I was a little bummed you didn't have "lorax" in the title on this one, though.

LMAO... right....

#1 wasn't a lie... Saint Obama simply threw his "unnamed staffer" under the bus and the good little lemming disciples fell to their knees and worshiped the One. For he could not possibly have known how his positions were being presented on a questionaire that he clearly had taken notes on.... no... he thought it was scrap paper... hadn't read it at all. Had no idea. You really are a hack to believe that bullshit.

#2 is not complex. The bill was presented in the Illinois state legislature and he voted against it. Hack.

#3 complete hypocricy ..... completely ignored by his good lil disciple.

#4 is indeed a lie. When your position is proven wrong and you continue to state that it is not wrong.... you are LYING. But again, you shall ignore it, because the One has told you to do so. Bow down good little lemming... now rise up and take your place at his six, bend down and insert head up his ass, because your hackery is complete.