Nothing but Lies and distortions from Obama

3) Biden has stated that his vote for the war was a mistake, a mistake based on the lies the Bush admin made out of the gamed intell. Has McCain admitted as much?

4) the "Surge" was not a success. The Surge turned into an Escalation just like all of us said it would.

Yes, Biden is admitting that the idiot Bush is too intelligent for him and that he was duped by the worst President in History.

The surge was not a success? According to the messiah Obama it was.
The success is that there are fewer dead.

Bagdad is filled with troops.

The rest of the country is pretty much running itself without us there huh?

Maybe the example is that we should have gotten the fuck out and let them run it themselfs?

If the goal is to not have our troops killed and that represents success then a really fucking sure way of seeing that happen is to get the fuck out huh?

The success of the surge is that it supported the uprising, it supported the government... which now has all three sects back together working on solutions....

The success is in that the majority of the provinces have now been turned over to the Iraqi Army/security forces.

The success of the surge is now the Iraqi government is comfortable talking about troop drawdowns and ultimately the removal of our forces.

The Cival war so happily predicted by the left... didn't materialize. Sadr called a truce, the Sunnis rose up against Al Queda, the additional troops aided those efforts.
Yes, Biden is admitting that the idiot Bush is too intelligent for him and that he was duped by the worst President in History.

The surge was not a success? According to the messiah Obama it was.

One thing I will say is that none of them were duped. But that doesn’t change the fact that Bush/Rove/Cheney pushed the vote three weeks before the election, and at the time Boxer gave a speech in front of the Senate saying, we cannot hold this vote at this time, it’s wrong, and it was wrong, and they should be tried, and executed for it, because they used political timing and pressure in order to stage a war they knew was a lie (and yeah, just like the dems knew what they were voting for, the bush whores KNEW it was a fucking lie), and that’s murder, and they deserve to be executed for it. I am certainly willing to make an exception to my stance on the death penalty for mass murderers. After all, I already make that exception for child-murderers, and guess what? They qualify.
"The surge was not a success? According to the messiah Obama it was."

Again, you clearly haven't heard Obama on this topic.

Was the surge a success for the political goals and benchmarks?

Yes, or no.
3) Biden has stated that his vote for the war was a mistake, a mistake based on the lies the Bush admin not a success. T just like all of us said it would.
. Wow this is the first time desh has disagreed with obama. Who would have ever thought we saw this day coming?
It has been proven that the congress was not given the same intell that the Bush admin had.

Don't forget Bush's blatant lie about bio-weapons labs in a State of the Union. Don't forget a bipartisan report that just came out in the Senate concluding the the intel had been manipulated. Don't forget the comments of Colin Powell's aide, who said he was given a "chinese menu" of intel and told to "make the case." Don't forget the British intel, who said that America was fixing the intel around the policy.

But no, Bush couldn't have lied; they were all on the same page, and they all VOTED TO INVADE IRAQ!
It has been proven that the congress was not given the same intell that the Bush admin had.

Bullshit Desh... The Senate and House Intel committees both get ALL of the data. Yes, some more classified data they have to request, but it is available to them. To pretend that Bush is reading more detailed intel reports is ridiculous.
"The surge was not a success? According to the messiah Obama it was."

Again, you clearly haven't heard Obama on this topic.

Was the surge a success for the political goals and benchmarks?

Yes, or no.

Typical bullshit from Lorax. Yes, the benchmarks and goals of the politicians are being met... granted it is taking longer than it was supposed to. But they are being met. The three sects are all back in parliament and working together to meet the goals. Most of the provinces have been turned back over to the Iraqi army/security forces.

No... everything is not exactly as we or they want it yet. But the surge has certainly quelled the violence to the point that they are more comfortable working with each other than they were prior to to the surge. (and no, not all of this is due solely to the surge)

So, there you go. A more detailed answer, despite your idiotic attempt to paint this as a simplistic (aka the only thing Obamaminions are capable of understanding) yes or no question...
Yes, Biden is admitting that the idiot Bush is too intelligent for him and that he was duped by the worst President in History.

The surge was not a success? According to the messiah Obama it was.

If it had been done as it was touted (a surge) then it would not have worked.

It turned into an escalation with no significant withdrawls as it was originally planned.

The ECALATION has produced reduced violence.
I love it when SF's internal Bush apologist makes an appearance.

I love it when good little disciples once again have to revert to calling someone a 'bush apologist' in a vain attempt to divert from their Messiahs lies.

Not once have I apologized or excused Bush for his complete bungling of Iraq and the national debt. Yet you good little lemmings and hacks continue in your kool-aid induced fantasy world to pretend that I have.

Just because you are too ignorant to comprehend anything beyond the simplistic world view allowed by the Messiah, doesn't mean the real world fits your warped sense of reality.
When your a empty vessel for marksism running for the comander and chief of the USA---how can he tell the truth and have a chance of winning here?
I love it when good little disciples once again have to revert to calling someone a 'bush apologist' in a vain attempt to divert from their Messiahs lies.

Not once have I apologized or excused Bush for his complete bungling of Iraq and the national debt. Yet you good little lemmings and hacks continue in your kool-aid induced fantasy world to pretend that I have.

Just because you are too ignorant to comprehend anything beyond the simplistic world view allowed by the Messiah, doesn't mean the real world fits your warped sense of reality.

It's ludicrous to assert that Congress & Bush were on the same page, based on everything I listed (that's the post you ignored, btw).
It's ludicrous to assert that Congress & Bush were on the same page, based on everything I listed (that's the post you ignored, btw).

If you elect us as a Dem congress---we will end the war. They knew thy could not, and did not. They are busy seeing who is doing steriods in baseball instead--the result of their lack of integrity to the people--single digit approval rate. Bush--no better.
It has been proven that the congress was not given the same intell that the Bush admin had.
This is the worst of the excuses. They have access to other sources of intel, we had to let Congresspersons and Senators into our sections without the regular action of those who were uncleared.

Lazy is not a reason to excuse these people for their votes.
If it had been done as it was touted (a surge) then it would not have worked.

It turned into an escalation with no significant withdrawls as it was originally planned.

The ECALATION has produced reduced violence.

1) The "surge" was meant to provide a quick wave of new troops into Iraq in an attempt to overwhelm opposition.

2) an "escalation" is a continuous addition of new troops where the numbers would continue to go up.

3) While the withdrawals have taken longer than some anticipated, the numbers are scheduled to be coming down. This highlights why it is so incredibly moronic to put arbitrary timelines on military matters.