Now Obama Slaps the Gay Community with Rick Warren

Obama wasn't elected to represent only progresive liberals. Wether you accept it or not setting the tone is important in political discourse. Good people can disagree and reaching out to those you disagree with is vitally important to governing affectively.

If Obama was a progressive ideologue, which he is not, I wouldn't have voted for him as such a President would certainly be as bad as Bush.

Obama is not a progressive .. that's why I did not vote for him .. but whether he's progressive or not, that's not the point.

The point is addressing and supporting the issues important to the people who voted for you. That's what republicans do.

Reaching out to the other side isn't the point either. I agree that's a good thing.

BECOMING the other side is the point.
Not to defend Obama but I do want to make a point. Obama has said that he will hire people with different views then him but bottom line is he is the boss. I think we are just assuming that Obama will be a puppet just like Bush was versus past presidents that actually were the commander and chief decision makers.

What Obama did not say was that he was going to hire ONLY people who have different views than his perceived views .. which of course if he had said, Hillary Clinton would be president.

The trick of the mindfuck is, he's ONLY hired people who have the SAME views as he does. If he was going to hire someone with an opposing view he'd hire a liberal, or an antiwar politiician, or someone who does not support the Bush tax cuts, or someone who believes in civil liberties.
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1) There is no place for a religous figurehead at such a ceramony.
2) If they are going to use a religous figurehad, one who is anti-gay should not be chosen.
3) I would by more upset about this small issue if Obama were choosing Warren to make any decisions that matter, but the choice is symbolic and using someone who is anti-gay is bad symbolism.
4) Rick Warren is as bad as Jeremiah Wright.
1) There is no place for a religous figurehead at such a ceramony.
2) If they are going to use a religous figurehad, one who is anti-gay should not be chosen.
3) I would by more upset about this small issue if Obama were choosing Warren to make any decisions that matter, but the choice is symbolic and using someone who is anti-gay is bad symbolism.
4) Rick Warren is as bad as Jeremiah Wright.

I'm not all that familiar with Rick Warren so on what basis do you compare him to Jeremiah Wright?
1) There is no place for a religous figurehead at such a ceramony.
2) If they are going to use a religous figurehad, one who is anti-gay should not be chosen.
3) I would by more upset about this small issue if Obama were choosing Warren to make any decisions that matter, but the choice is symbolic and using someone who is anti-gay is bad symbolism.
4) Rick Warren is as bad as Jeremiah Wright.

It would be like Jane Fonda speaking at the RNC convention.

The entire audience would be shoeless before 10 words came out of her mouth.
"Many who ran out and stood in long lines to support this guy must be feeling pretty used by now."

Only complete idiots, if Obama praised the guy in "Audacity of Hope." How is this a turnabout?

What's next, BAC? Will he blow his nose in a way that doesn't sit well with you?

Did you read me say this was "turnabout?"

The only ones surprised by this is those who didn't pay attention and voted for him .. which would not be me and have said all along this is what he is.

I'm sure he's blown his nose before you suggested it .. yet, do you see any threads by me about him blowing his nose?

I don't like him and think he's dangerous .. THUS my brother, get used to seeing me express that dislike and distrust throughout his entire term in office.

Did you post threads and comment on what you didn't like about Bush?

If so, what's your point?
I'm not all that familiar with Rick Warren so on what basis do you compare him to Jeremiah Wright?

They both seem to be bigoted and prejudice against a segment of our population. However, I was not comparing them except to say one is as bad as the other.
silly question: is there pastors or religious heads that are not pro life and anti gay marriage?

That is a silly question, there are thousands of them... Find them in The American Baptist Chruch, the Universalist Unitarian Church, many in the Epispical Church. I also suspect Rev. Wright would fall into that catagory.

I suspose for some reason they are not as vocal about it, and may not be as politically active but there are likely as many as not!
I know that this will make people say that I'm "anti-American", just the way I'm a "man-hater" because I like a man a bit more complex than one who says "ME MAN, YOU WOMAN, COME HERE" and "a big baby" because I don't like to be called a cunt, but...I like Wright.

Actually, I didn't hear him say anything that I couldn't agree with.
Yes there are. The one mentioned in the article for instance.

Exactly, Rev Joseph Lowery.

Joseph Lowery's inauguration benediction: GOOD FOR GAYS!

"Joseph E. Lowery is a real civil rights legend! An inspirational and powerful national black leader who has always insisted that gay rights are important. Given the blame that so many placed upon the "black community" for Prop 8, isn't having a pro-gay black preacher give the benediction incredibly powerful?

Remember when he called out Bush during the Coretta Scott King funeral and got flack for it? (He called Bush out then got bashed for it .. but it was SWEET)

He, along with King and others who truly believe in civil rights for all, has spoken against the Federal Marriage Amendment and has called for full married rights and benefits for gay people. "

Joe Lowery is one of the funniest people I have ever met .. and he's about 150 years old .. but he looks good because he's also one of the sharpest dressers I've ever met.

I know that this will make people say that I'm "anti-American", just the way I'm a "man-hater" because I like a man a bit more complex than one who says "ME MAN, YOU WOMAN, COME HERE" and "a big baby" because I don't like to be called a cunt, but...I like Wright.

Actually, I didn't hear him say anything that I couldn't agree with.

I'm with you .. Wright speaks a lot of truth.