Nuclear News Thread


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First small modular nuclear reactor (SMR] certified for use in US

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has certified the design for what will be the United States’ first small modular nuclear reactor.

The rule that certifies the design was published Thursday in the Federal Register. It means that companies seeking to build and operate a nuclear power plant can pick the design for a 50-megawatt, advanced light-water small modular nuclear reactor by Oregon-based NuScale Power and apply to the NRC for a license.

It’s the final determination that the design is acceptable for use, so it can’t be legally challenged during the licensing process when someone applies to build and operate a nuclear power plant, NRC spokesperson Scott Burnell said Friday. The rule becomes effective in late February.
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However, David Schlissel at the Ohio-based Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis expressed concerns about the costs. Schlissel, who has studied the history of the nuclear power industry and the finances of the NuScale project, expects they will continue to go up, which could limit how many NuScale reactors are built. He said he thinks they’re not competitive in price with renewables and battery storage.

Ultra-expensive and nobody appears concerned about the filth it will produce- whereas renewable technologies are clean.
Of course, the capitalists who have invested in this filthy and dangerous route to further climate change are claiming that it's clean.

Haw, haw.....................................haw.
First small modular nuclear reactor (SMR] certified for use in US

The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has certified the design for what will be the United States’ first small modular nuclear reactor.

The rule that certifies the design was published Thursday in the Federal Register. It means that companies seeking to build and operate a nuclear power plant can pick the design for a 50-megawatt, advanced light-water small modular nuclear reactor by Oregon-based NuScale Power and apply to the NRC for a license.

It’s the final determination that the design is acceptable for use, so it can’t be legally challenged during the licensing process when someone applies to build and operate a nuclear power plant, NRC spokesperson Scott Burnell said Friday. The rule becomes effective in late February.


From the link:
For many, nuclear power is emerging as an answer as states and countries transition away from coal, oil and natural gas to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and stave off the worst effects of a warming planet.
Ultra-expensive and nobody appears concerned about the filth it will produce- whereas renewable technologies are clean.
Of course, the capitalists who have invested in this filthy and dangerous route to further climate change are claiming that it's clean.

Haw, haw.....................................haw.

Oh, you mean like wind turbines maybe?


Or maybe unrecyclable solar panels?


As opposed to nuclear waste that takes up little space and can be recycled


Of course, radical Leftist sites like this one (among many) sensationalize with outright lies the truth about nuclear waste

Or this one that does the same thing
Oh, you mean like wind turbines maybe?


Or maybe unrecyclable solar panels?


As opposed to nuclear waste that takes up little space and can be recycled


Of course, radical Leftist sites like this one (among many) sensationalize with outright lies the truth about nuclear waste

Or this one that does the same thing

Ironically it is mainly due to technological fuckwits like McMoonshi'ite that long term storage facilities have been opposed for so long. Yucca Mountain should have opened decades ago, that fucker Harry Reid has much to answer for in my view. May he roast in peace.
Ultra-expensive and nobody appears concerned about the filth it will produce- whereas renewable technologies are clean.
Of course, the capitalists who have invested in this filthy and dangerous route to further climate change are claiming that it's clean.

Haw, haw.....................................haw.

Renewables will not be able to supply our needs without causing a food shortage
Oh, you mean like wind turbines maybe?


Or maybe unrecyclable solar panels?


As opposed to nuclear waste that takes up little space and can be recycled


Of course, radical Leftist sites like this one (among many) sensationalize with outright lies the truth about nuclear waste

Or this one that does the same thing

Don't forget the huge amount of pollution caused by rare earth mining in China and cobalt mining in the Congo.
Renewables will not be able to supply our needs without causing a food shortage

They won't cause a food shortage but they will bankrupt the nation that tries to run everything on them.

Here's a comparison (all the money is in 2016 dollars)

Solar Star I / II (each--largest PV arrays in US currently)
579 MW nameplate
32.8% capacity factor
1663 GW generated per year (actual output)
3,200 acres of land
$2.5 billion to build

Palo Verde Nuclear
4000 MW nameplate
94% capacity factor
32,300 GW / year
4000 acres footprint
$11.5 billion to build

It would take 20 Solar Star PV plants sitting on 64,000 acres at a cost of $50 billion to match the output of Palo Verde Nuclear. Now, since a PV solar plant only runs when the sun is shining, we'll need storage to keep the grid supplied when the sun goes down.
To store 20 hours of output from our array, we'll need about 75,000 MW of batteries at a cost of $225 (again 2016 dollars) per kilowatt hour. That works out to a mere $1.7 trillion dollars.

Solar is the most singularly stupid way to generate masses of electricity there is, hands down. It is retarded to even try and use it. Solar doesn't work, nuclear does.
They won't cause a food shortage but they will bankrupt the nation that tries to run everything on them.

Here's a comparison (all the money is in 2016 dollars)

Solar Star I / II (each--largest PV arrays in US currently)
579 MW nameplate
32.8% capacity factor
1663 GW generated per year (actual output)
3,200 acres of land
$2.5 billion to build

Palo Verde Nuclear
4000 MW nameplate
94% capacity factor
32,300 GW / year
4000 acres footprint
$11.5 billion to build

It would take 20 Solar Star PV plants sitting on 64,000 acres at a cost of $50 billion to match the output of Palo Verde Nuclear. Now, since a PV solar plant only runs when the sun is shining, we'll need storage to keep the grid supplied when the sun goes down.
To store 20 hours of output from our array, we'll need about 75,000 MW of batteries at a cost of $225 (again 2016 dollars) per kilowatt hour. That works out to a mere $1.7 trillion dollars.

Solar is the most singularly stupid way to generate masses of electricity there is, hands down. It is retarded to even try and use it. Solar doesn't work, nuclear does.

They will cause a food shortage simnce wind turbines and solar farms are built on farmland. That means no food will be havested on those acres
Ironically it is mainly due to technological fuckwits like McMoonshi'ite that long term storage facilities have been opposed for so long. Yucca Mountain should have opened decades ago, that fucker Harry Reid has much to answer for in my view. May he roast in peace.

You sound like a capitalist polluter that that been hit hard in the wallet, maggot. Oh....wait...

Haw, haw...............................haw.
Renewables will not be able to supply our needs without causing a food shortage

The underpinning fault in all efforts to save the planet as a whole for fit human habitation is our failure in the area of battery technology.
The sun is our perfect power source- but we are still too dumb to collect and use its almost-infinite energy.

While moronic capitalist assholes, such as the Brit maggot, fuck about with the disgraced and dead technology of nuclear power we are wasting money, time and effort.

Fuck the moon, fuck Mars , fuck nuclear and fuck the likes of maggot. Develop an efficient solar energy storage technology- or die in our own filth.
That fuckwit Rashida Tlaib needs to be Khashoggied, is MbS available as for human garbage disposal?

Elon Musk agrees with JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon that it will take 50 years to transition to green energy

Dimon previously clashed with Rep. Rashida Tlaib after she demanded the bank terminate all financing to oil and gas projects

J.P. Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon cautioned policymakers should not rush the transition to green energy and argued that the world will be reliant on oil and gas for another 50 years during an interview on CNBC from Davos Thursday.

"Climate is a serious issue that should be taken seriously. And by the way we're not doing a good job at it," Dimon said.

"We need oil and gas," Dimon continued. "It's a hundred million barrels a day that are used by the world to heat fuel, feed people."

When asked for what length of time, Dimon responded "for 50 years".