Nuclear News Thread

Ultra-expensive and nobody appears concerned about the filth it will produce- whereas renewable technologies are clean.
Of course, the capitalists who have invested in this filthy and dangerous route to further climate change are claiming that it's clean.

Haw, haw.....................................haw.

The problem is nuclear scales nicely to cover most of our energy needs and the technology is there already. Nuclear is not necessarily the most preferable for the reasons you state, but it has the advantage that as the climate deniers keep us from addressing climate change and we run out of time we are forced more and more into a nuclear future.

At least folks like NuScale and a few others are working to improve the technology.
The Left doesn't care about that because it isn't in their backyard. That's somebody else's problem.

Something tells me you don't know about the abuses done in the name of the things YOU like but you know with perfect accuracy all the bad stuff about things you don't like.

Why beholdest thou the mote in they brother's eye?
Nuclear is dirtier- more dangerous- and its filth is longer-lasting.

All the nuclear waste in America would fit inside a super Walmart. It is not all that dangerous either as it is all alpha and beta emitters meaning you have to either eat or breathe it in for it to be dangerous to you. Sitting in a cask it's nothing particularly special.

Nuclear doesn't require clear cutting forests to put up wind turbines, or taking over thousands of square miles of land for solar arrays.

Your complete ignorance of things nuclear is showing. I bet you get your "information" on it from some of those pseudo-scientific and outright lying radical Leftist, Greentard sites that proliferate on the Internet...
That fuckwit Rashida Tlaib needs to be Khashoggied, is MbS available as for human garbage disposal?

You are urging that a US Congresswoman be butchered, maggot ?
You'd better withdraw that comment- or it's going to pursue you 'til you're gone.

The Brit maggot is urging that this Congresswoman be butchered.
Would his ' basket of deplorables ' fan-club be brave enough to add their agreement and support for him below.

The Brit maggot is urging that this Congresswoman be butchered.
Would his ' basket of deplorables ' fan-club be brave enough to add their agreement and support for him below.
In Germany, the law considers swastikas and SS sig runes the "symbols of anti-constitutional organizations." Displaying them publicly or selling goods that sport them is illegal. The Nazi salute and statements such as "Heil Hitler" are also banned in public.

"There are similar bans — for example, in Austria — but those are a lot less tough," Solmecke said.
Britain crucifix workplace ban argument for European court a blow to Christian symbol, say criticsThe British government is set to argue at the European Court of Human Rights that Christians do not have the right to wear a cross or crucifix openly at work.

Critics call the move a blow to Christianity, saying the display of its symbols of faith is restricted while symbols of religions such as the Sikh turban and Muslim hijab are granted special status.

The London Telegraph has revealed the government will argue that employers can ban the wearing of the cross and sack workers who insist on doing so because wearing the crucifix is not a “requirement” of the Christian faith.

The Brit maggot is urging that this Congresswoman be butchered.
Would his ' basket of deplorables ' fan-club be brave enough to add their agreement and support for him below.

Actually, what's truly dispicable here is that Tlaib is putting her allegiance to Palestine ahead of the US in many ways. For someone in the US Congress to make such dedicated statements like "No one can erase our existence," or ....we can still proudly do it at my office..." is truly dishonorable in her position. She isn't a fucking Palestinian, she's a US citizen and a Congressman.
Actually, what's truly dispicable here is that Tlaib is putting her allegiance to Palestine ahead of the US in many ways. For someone in the US Congress to make such dedicated statements like "No one can erase our existence," or ....we can still proudly do it at my office..." is truly dishonorable in her position. She isn't a fucking Palestinian, she's a US citizen and a Congressman.

You neglect to mention the Israel Firsters who give billions of dollars to foreign fascists while Americans starve.

Are you going to back the maggot's call that she be butchered ? Or are you simply dishing out red herrings, like the Purple Dick, to get the maggot off the hook.
You neglect to mention the Israel Firsters who give billions of dollars to foreign fascists while Americans starve.

Are you going to back the maggot's call that she be butchered ? Or are you simply dishing out red herrings, like the Purple Dick, to get the maggot off the hook.

Way to try and change the subject! You are the one dishing out a red herring. I commented on the picture you posted of Tlaib. You come back with the above ranting dreck...
Way to try and change the subject! You are the one dishing out a red herring. I commented on the picture you posted of Tlaib. You come back with the above ranting dreck...

Your attempted convolutions have never saved you in the past. Isn't it time you actually responded to a question and cut out your characteristic squid-ink ?

Again, are you going to back the maggot's call to butcher a Congresswoman or not ?
Your attempted convolutions have never saved you in the past. Isn't it time you actually responded to a question and cut out your characteristic squid-ink ?

Again, are you going to back the maggot's call to butcher a Congresswoman or not ?

No, his call to kill her is wrong, just as her putting Palestine ahead of the US as a member of the US Congress is. She should not be running around saying in an official capacity that she's Palestinian-American (note how Palestinian comes first there). As a member of Congress she's there to represent Americans, not Palestinians. One might even call it seditious or traitorous...
No, his call to kill her is wrong, just as her putting Palestine ahead of the US as a member of the US Congress is. She should not be running around saying in an official capacity that she's Palestinian-American (note how Palestinian comes first there). As a member of Congress she's there to represent Americans, not Palestinians. One might even call it seditious or traitorous...

There are plenty of Palestinian-Americans and plenty of others that agree with her policies. That's legal. That's freedom of expression as allowed by law.
Again- where are your condemnations of Israel Firsters ?

Your adherence to decency is noted and does you credit.
There are plenty of Palestinian-Americans and plenty of others that agree with her policies. That's legal. That's freedom of expression as allowed by law.
Again- where are your condemnations of Israel Firsters ?

Your adherence to decency is noted and does you credit.

Doesn't change one iota what I said.
The underpinning fault in all efforts to save the planet as a whole for fit human habitation is our failure in the area of battery technology.
The sun is our perfect power source- but we are still too dumb to collect and use its almost-infinite energy.

While moronic capitalist assholes, such as the Brit maggot, fuck about with the disgraced and dead technology of nuclear power we are wasting money, time and effort.

Fuck the moon, fuck Mars , fuck nuclear and fuck the likes of maggot. Develop an efficient solar energy storage technology- or die in our own filth.

It will not work. 40% by 2035v will not keep up when the government forces millions of people to buy ev's and then when big trucks start going electric. The grid and solar panels will never keep up
No, his call to kill her is wrong, just as her putting Palestine ahead of the US as a member of the US Congress is. She should not be running around saying in an official capacity that she's Palestinian-American (note how Palestinian comes first there). As a member of Congress she's there to represent Americans, not Palestinians. One might even call it seditious or traitorous...

Don't play into that cunt's arms please.
All the nuclear waste in America would fit inside a super Walmart. It is not all that dangerous either as it is all alpha and beta emitters meaning you have to either eat or breathe it in for it to be dangerous to you. Sitting in a cask it's nothing particularly special.

Nuclear doesn't require clear cutting forests to put up wind turbines, or taking over thousands of square miles of land for solar arrays.

Your complete ignorance of things nuclear is showing. I bet you get your "information" on it from some of those pseudo-scientific and outright lying radical Leftist, Greentard sites that proliferate on the Internet...

I read somewhere that all the nuclear waste in the world would fit under the arches of the Eiffel Tower.