NY Senate Seat

LOL... It must be the male political rule that holds women back from being able to run for office and thus allowing women to vote for other women.

yeah, because all men must vote against the women who run and then the traitorous 2% of women turn on their female counterparts and vote for the evil men, unless somehow the men made them do it.

It is just pure nonsense from Darla who chose to ignore the fact that there were two qualified WOMEN on the list of four... you see Joe Klein went with her 50/50 mentality, yet that still wasn't enough.

Darla is just in love with the Kennedy brand name and thus will ignore anyone other than Caroline as a viable candidate.
Personally, I do not vote for people based on gender, race, religion or sexual orientation.

As for your complete bullshit of 'trying to push another man'... again I point out to you that on his list were two men and two women. So please Darla, how is that 'pushing a man for the seat'??? Please fucking explain that to us Darla. Because I simply pointed to a writers list and asked for thoughts from others. So please Darla, get off your fucking high horse or better yet, pull your head out of that horses ass long enough to realize what a complete fool you are making of yourself.

FYI... as you said, women make up over 50% of the population. They have the power to elect women to the Senate if their sole purpose is to elect more women.

There isn't going to be any man. Men need not apply for this position.

You can continue to rant and rave all you want. You can even join the two D's over in Dano and Dixie land where Obama is going to be impeached next month and unemployment is going to be eliminated.

Here in the real world, the seat will go to a woman.

Worry about your own state. You have an open seat. Start whining about that and keep your damned nose out of this state's business. We elected a woman, we're keeping a woman. I know you'd love to hide behind the "butttttttttttttt weeeeee can't discriminate against meeennnnnnnn" faggot whine, but that's because you're clueless about women's issues and women's rights.

It's our seat. Shut up and sit down until someone tells you to talk. It'll be a woman, and when she says "speak dummy" you can start with "thank you ma'm".

LOL... It must be the male political rule that holds women back from being able to run for office and thus allowing women to vote for other women.

Who was elected to this seat? A woman or a man?

Who will be making this appointment, a woman or a man?

If you think that a man is going to get away with lowering the already unacceptable number of woman US senators by fiat, then you're as clueless as SF.
yeah, because all men must vote against the women who run and then the traitorous 2% of women turn on their female counterparts and vote for the evil men, unless somehow the men made them do it.

It is just pure nonsense from Darla who chose to ignore the fact that there were two qualified WOMEN on the list of four... you see Joe Klein went with her 50/50 mentality, yet that still wasn't enough.

Darla is just in love with the Kennedy brand name and thus will ignore anyone other than Caroline as a viable candidate.

No, I chose to inform you that you should take the men off of your list. A waste of my time really, since no one gives a crap about SF's Senate Replacement list. It's not like David Paterson is on the phone begging you to fax it to him.

I just wanted to keep you updated, you know, getcha working in the real world.

There is no he. The seat will go to a woman. This has zero to do with Caroline Kennedy. Paterson was put on notice before she put her hat into the ring. That's what we do now see? We put people, men, on notice. I know you can't handle it, but ranting on a message board? Not gonna change the fact that the Hillary Clinton Senate Seat, will be penis free.

I didn't get the impression Paterson needed to be put on notice. He's not looking to fuck over women like some are. Well, you know the type. But he was anyway. Carolyn Maloney and Nita Lowey were the two biggest contenders. Lowey doesn't want it. That left Maloney, whom NOW endorsed. This all went down long before Caroline Kennedy put her hat in the ring.

At this time, NOW is backing off its endorsement, and signaling that they are good with Kennedy. They're not going to fuck Caroline. They know something that some on the left, who sound as disturbed as you do, don't know. They know what the right wing knows. The right is going bug nuts over this because they know that Kennedy is going to be as progressive as her uncle. She's going to be a powerful voice for women's issues to boot.

For me, I was fine with Maloney. However, if Caroline wants it, I'm all for her. Because she's going to be a force to be reckoned with.

And as a postscript, I just loooovveee how nepotism and cronyism were all the rage until women dared to start using them!

Stick it.
There isn't going to be any man. Men need not apply for this position.

You can continue to rant and rave all you want. You can even join the two D's over in Dano and Dixie land where Obama is going to be impeached next month and unemployment is going to be eliminated.

Here in the real world, the seat will go to a woman.

Worry about your own state. You have an open seat. Start whining about that and keep your damned nose out of this state's business. We elected a woman, we're keeping a woman. I know you'd love to hide behind the "butttttttttttttt weeeeee can't discriminate against meeennnnnnnn" faggot whine, but that's because you're clueless about women's issues and women's rights.

It's our seat. Shut up and sit down until someone tells you to talk. It'll be a woman, and when she says "speak dummy" you can start with "thank you ma'm".


Again, please fuck off. Because as pointed out to you and which you yet again ignored, I never suggested the seat go to a man. It is YOUR sexist attitude that is suggesting that... not me. Again, I pointed to a list compiled by another person. I asked for thoughts. You again ignore the fact that there were two qualified women on the list. You could have ignored the two guys and commented on them and made your case for a woman being the selection since it was formerly in the hands of a woman. But no, you instead decide to attack me for 'pushing for a man to get the seat'.....

I ask you again, justify your bullshit if you can.

As for commenting on the NY senate seat, if those are your rules, then please do not comment on any event in any other state ever again, because well..... ya live in NY and thus are not allowed to discuss the issues occuring in other states.

As for your 'faggot' comment... good to see your hatred of gay men popping out in the open. Glad to see the 'champion of sexism' has no problems being a bigot herself. That should win you a lot of support.
Who was elected to this seat? A woman or a man?

Who will be making this appointment, a woman or a man?

If you think that a man is going to get away with lowering the already unacceptable number of woman US senators by fiat, then you're as clueless as SF.

So, by those rules, no women need apply for the seats in Illinois or Colorado. Especially Illinois. Because well that seat was held by a black MAN and a WHITE man is going to appoint his successor and no way in hell is a WHITE man gunna get away with a stealin the black mans seat.
So, by those rules, no women need apply for the seats in Illinois or Colorado. Especially Illinois. Because well that seat was held by a black MAN and a WHITE man is going to appoint his successor and no way in hell is a WHITE man gunna get away with a stealin the black mans seat.

Correct, unless it is a black woman.
No, I chose to inform you that you should take the men off of your list. A waste of my time really, since no one gives a crap about SF's Senate Replacement list. It's not like David Paterson is on the phone begging you to fax it to him.

I just wanted to keep you updated, you know, getcha working in the real world.

There is no he. The seat will go to a woman. This has zero to do with Caroline Kennedy. Paterson was put on notice before she put her hat into the ring. That's what we do now see? We put people, men, on notice. I know you can't handle it, but ranting on a message board? Not gonna change the fact that the Hillary Clinton Senate Seat, will be penis free.

I didn't get the impression Paterson needed to be put on notice. He's not looking to fuck over women like some are. Well, you know the type. But he was anyway. Carolyn Maloney and Nita Lowey were the two biggest contenders. Lowey doesn't want it. That left Maloney, whom NOW endorsed. This all went down long before Caroline Kennedy put her hat in the ring.

At this time, NOW is backing off its endorsement, and signaling that they are good with Kennedy. They're not going to fuck Caroline. They know something that some on the left, who sound as disturbed as you do, don't know. They know what the right wing knows. The right is going bug nuts over this because they know that Kennedy is going to be as progressive as her uncle. She's going to be a powerful voice for women's issues to boot.

For me, I was fine with Maloney. However, if Caroline wants it, I'm all for her. Because she's going to be a force to be reckoned with.

And as a postscript, I just loooovveee how nepotism and cronyism were all the rage until women dared to start using them!

Stick it.

Again dearest little Darla... it was not my list. It was Kleins list. So do pull your head out of your ass long enough to realize how pathetic you are being right now.

As for ranting on the message board, do look back and see who it was that flew off the handle in a little tirade. That was you dearest little Darla. I simply responded to your attack.

So do try to calm yourself a bit.
I don't believe you are in a position to set the rules of this particular game.

LMAO... tell us then oh great dungster... what game are you referring to and who should we let set the rules?

Side note... anyone who is appointed based solely off of their race, gender, religion or sexual preference is immediately tainted and will create animosity.
LMAO... tell us then oh great dungster... what game are you referring to and who should we let set the rules?

Side note... anyone who is appointed based solely off of their race, gender, religion or sexual preference is immediately tainted and will create animosity.

1) I was being intentionally obtuse. I thought you would have picked up on it.

2) Very well, nothing to worry about then. It's not as if the first black man or woman that is run in to will be appointed to the seat. But really, who gives a fuck about some fucking white guys and their "animosity" and why the fuck should the fact that some ignorant shit-brained white guys are upset mean that the appointee is "tainted?" Tainted in the eyes of whom? Shit-brained white guys?
1) I was being intentionally obtuse. I thought you would have picked up on it.

2) Very well, nothing to worry about then. It's not as if the first black man or woman that is run in to will be appointed to the seat. But really, who gives a fuck about some fucking white guys and their "animosity" and why the fuck should the fact that some ignorant shit-brained white guys are upset mean that the appointee is "tainted?" Tainted in the eyes of whom? Shit-brained white guys?

It is that attitude that keeps racism and sexism alive. 'Its okay to discriminate against a white guy, because they deserve it and if they get upset, well too friggin bad'

You will NEVER end racism with racism. You will NEVER end sexism with sexism.

It becomes a circular retaliation that never ends.
It is that attitude that keeps racism and sexism alive. 'Its okay to discriminate against a white guy, because they deserve it and if they get upset, well too friggin bad'

You will NEVER end racism with racism. You will NEVER end sexism with sexism.

It becomes a circular retaliation that never ends.

It isn't "racist" to give due consideration to race when replacing the only black Senator. It's just not. Call it whatever you want to call it, but it isn't racism. Maybe some shit-brained white guys will call it racism, but they're shit-brained white guys. Who gives a shit what they think?

Oh, and the what keeps racism alive? Mostly shit-brained white guys.
I would hope they would select the best person for the job regardless of the sexual or pigmentation status. But heck... hoping for sanity in a world full of, "That position was held by a woman so it better continue to be held by a woman" as a supposed anti-sexist stance?...


Of course, I really don't care who they pick, even when I said that if they select to continue a political dynasty then I would lose some respect for them it doesn't change that I am not advocating any person. Their governor gets to pick whomever they wish. Just like Tax Ritter does.
Who was elected to this seat? A woman or a man?

Who will be making this appointment, a woman or a man?

If you think that a man is going to get away with lowering the already unacceptable number of woman US senators by fiat, then you're as clueless as SF.

As long as it took me to write my three or four sentences above is about double the amount of time I've given to concerning myself with who will replace Hillary.
It isn't "racist" to give due consideration to race when replacing the only black Senator. It's just not. Call it whatever you want to call it, but it isn't racism. Maybe some shit-brained white guys will call it racism, but they're shit-brained white guys. Who gives a shit what they think?

Oh, and the what keeps racism alive? Mostly shit-brained white guys.

there is a huge difference to giving 'due consideration' to race/gender and 'eliminating candidates outright based on race/gender' as Darla suggested. If you have two qualified candidates and you give preference towards minorities or women no problem. But if you eliminate all men outright because it was a womans seat... that is sexist. If you eliminate all white candidates simply because they are white... that is racist.

If you think racism exists mainly because of white guys, then you are an idiot. While there are certainly too many racist white guys, there are also racist women, racist blacks, racists asians etc...
So, by those rules, no women need apply for the seats in Illinois or Colorado. Especially Illinois. Because well that seat was held by a black MAN and a WHITE man is going to appoint his successor and no way in hell is a WHITE man gunna get away with a stealin the black mans seat.

I would not appoint a white person to a Senate seat held by a black person, no. In fact, I think that's a deal breaker, yes. But I live in NY, so I concern myself with advocating for the Senate seat here.
1) I was being intentionally obtuse. I thought you would have picked up on it.

2) Very well, nothing to worry about then. It's not as if the first black man or woman that is run in to will be appointed to the seat. But really, who gives a fuck about some fucking white guys and their "animosity" and why the fuck should the fact that some ignorant shit-brained white guys are upset mean that the appointee is "tainted?" Tainted in the eyes of whom? Shit-brained white guys?


The answer, SF, is: NOBODY.