NYT: Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened


Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened to Quit



Read entire article here (link)

Trump is such a buffoon who is so far out of his depth it is just staggering.

All the adjectives to describe his lack of qualifications for the job of President have been used and used and reused so many times, they just don't seem to mean anything anymore.

The man's level of idiocy just trumps anything that can be said to describe it.

Heaven help us all!!!!
Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened to Quit



Read entire article here (link)

Trump is such a buffoon who is so far out of his depth it is just staggering.

All the adjectives to describe his lack of qualifications for the job of President have been used and used and reused so many times, they just don't seem to mean anything anymore.

The man's level of idiocy just trumps anything that can be said to describe it.

Heaven help us all!!!!


Is that seriously your big scoop?
Who knows if this is or true or not.

If it is, so what? That Trump considered firing Mueller doesn’t equal Trump is guilty. The Mueller investigation is a political albatross around his neck [yes lefties, the whole world knows that’s the whole point of it] so Trump would be justified in firing Mueller for that reason, alone.

The fact is Mueller hasn’t been fired and Trump even offered to talk to him. In fact, Trump said he *wanted* to talk to Mueller.

And why does Mueller want to ask Trump tricky questions like Strzok did with Flynn? Because he wants to hang a perjury charge on Trump.

The nagging question for you impeachment enthusiasts is: why has Mueller been forced to scraping the bottom of the prosecutorial barrel?

What happened to Russian collusion? Is a perjury trap all Mueller has?

Is that seriously your big scoop?

They played a Montage of Trump, his Administration and Trump News .... claiming they were not thinking of Firing Mueller ... from June 2017 through January 2018

Liar Liar ... Panties On Fire
They played a Montage of Trump, his Administration and Trump News .... claiming they were not thinking of Firing Mueller ... from June 2017 through January 2018

Liar Liar ... Panties On Fire


Talk about your non-stories. Yawn.

Trump has given unprecedented access to his cabinet and not once claimed executive privilege unlike the fascist pig Obama who had all of his people plead the 5th or just outright refuse to appear while under congressional subpoena. The House votes to #releasethememo this week, the coup plotters time is up
Anonymous sources again?

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

FOXNews confirms this is true, are they fake news to?

Remember when Carl Rove tried to call fox fake news for saying on election night that Obama had won reelection?Reality is hard for Republicans.

Is that seriously your big scoop?

Who knows if this is or true or not.

If it is, so what? That Trump considered firing Mueller doesn’t equal Trump is guilty. The Mueller investigation is a political albatross around his neck [yes lefties, the whole world knows that’s the whole point of it] so Trump would be justified in firing Mueller for that reason, alone.

The fact is Mueller hasn’t been fired and Trump even offered to talk to him. In fact, Trump said he *wanted* to talk to Mueller.

And why does Mueller want to ask Trump tricky questions like Strzok did with Flynn? Because he wants to hang a perjury charge on Trump.

The nagging question for you impeachment enthusiasts is: why has Mueller been forced to scraping the bottom of the prosecutorial barrel?

What happened to Russian collusion? Is a perjury trap all Mueller has?


Talk about your non-stories. Yawn.

Trump has given unprecedented access to his cabinet and not once claimed executive privilege unlike the fascist pig Obama who had all of his people plead the 5th or just outright refuse to appear while under congressional subpoena. The House votes to #releasethememo this week, the coup plotters time is up

Excuse me, but isn't ATTEMPTING to obstruct justice, by attempting to order the firing of a Special Council who's investigating you, ALSO a crime?

And one that can hardly be described as "scraping the bottom of the prosecutorial barrel" btw. Especially when it was done by the President of the United States.

If you try to murder somebody but they don't die, do the authorities just say, "Oh well, you didn't succeed, so run along and have a nice day"?

Same with armed robbery or just about any other serious crime.

If you fail in your attempt, you're still guilty of attempting to commit the crime in question.

As for "what happened to collusion?", who said anything happened to it? Just because we are talking about obstruction right now, does not mean that Trump is not still being investigated for collusion with Russia.

We're talking about a multi-faceted criminal enterprise administration here.
Excuse me, but isn't ATTEMPTING to obstruct justice, by attempting to order the firing of a Special Council who's investigating you, ALSO a crime?

And one that can hardly be described as "scraping the bottom of the prosecutorial barrel" btw. Especially when it was done by the President of the United States.

If you try to murder somebody but they don't die, do the authorities just say, "Oh well, you didn't succeed, so run along and have a nice day"?

Same with armed robbery or just about any other serious crime.

If you fail in your attempt, you're still guilty of attempting to commit the crime in question.

As for "what happened to collusion?", who said anything happened to it? Just because we are talking about obstruction right now, does not mean that Trump is not still being investigated for collusion with Russia.

We're talking about a multi-faceted criminal enterprise administration here.

A) It is within Trumps executive authority to fire Mueller.

B) Trump didn't fire Mueller.

C) Your shocking story is that Trump didn't fire Mueller, laughable.
With the Mueller bombshell, the GOP's grand conspiracy theory falls apart

Trump couldn’t get his henchman to fire Mueller, and backed down. His defenders are left looking like idiots again

This week we finally saw the right's defenses of Donald Trump crystallize into an overarching "theory of everything,"as Salon's Matthew Sheffield wrote on Thursday: A Department of Justice and FBI cabal worked feverishly to help Hillary Clinton escape accountability for her crimes, and was only thwarted by the stable genius of Donald Trump. This "secret society" is now doing everything in its power to overthrow the president. We spent the week following three specific strands of this alleged scandal, all of which have disintegrated by Friday morning.

First we had the so-called secret society which was excitedly flogged by the entire Fox News apparatus and taken up, perhaps a bit gingerly, by Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis. That turned out to be a joke in a text message from one of the FBI lovers at the center of the Republican conspiracy theory. Literally. So that was that.

The second strand was the case of the "missing texts," in which some of the messages on the two lovers' cell phones were lost in the transfer to new devices. President Trump got into that one, claiming that 50,000 texts were gone and declaring it "one of the biggest stories in a long time." The Republicans basically just dusted off their old "Clinton emails" talking points and made it all sound suspicious for a couple of days. Then the Department of Justice informed them that thousands of phones had been affected in the switch -- and that all the missing text messages had been restored. So much for that.

Finally there was "The Memo," a document written by House Intelligence Committee chair Devin Nunes, R-Calif., that purports to show a conspiracy to misuse the FISA court process to authorize an illegal surveillance of former Trump adviser Carter Page. Unfortunately, nobody but Nunes and other House members can see the memo because it's classified and releasing it, even to members of the Senate Intelligence Committee or officials at the Department of Justice, would be wrong.

None of which makes much sense. The Democrats who have seen the underlying classified intelligence say the memo is bunk, the DOJ has refuted its conclusions and it turns out that even Nunes hasn't seen it and instead depended upon the judgment of longtime Benghazi inquisitor Trey Gowdy, R-S.C.

A) It is within Trumps executive authority to fire Mueller.

B) Trump didn't fire Mueller.

C) Your shocking story is that Trump didn't fire Mueller, laughable.

Yes, it is within his authority to fire him.... but ONLY if it is for a legitimate reason, such as blatant or demonstrable incompetence, or corruption, etc, etc.

If Trump were to fire or attempt to fire him for some flimsy or trumped up reason which can reasonably be determined as being for no other reason than to protect himself from possible prosecution, then it becomes obstruction.

See how that works, little fellah?
Its Now Likely Mueller Thinks Trump Obstructed Justice

{Renato Mariotti is a former federal prosecutor who handled many obstruction cases. He is now a partner at Thompson Coburn LLP.}

Thursday’s explosive New York Times story that President Donald Trump ordered the firing of special counsel Robert Mueller last June renewed the public’s focus on the obstruction of justice investigation against Trump, which will soon culminate in Trump’s interview by Mueller. The case against Trump has grown stronger in recent months, and it now appears likely that Mueller will conclude that Trump obstructed justice.

That has not always been true. On June 8, 2017, soon after former FBI director James Comey testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee, I told the New York Times, “Based only on what we know now in public, a reasonable prosecutor might bring this case against an ordinary person, but a prudent prosecutor would want more facts before bringing this case against a president.”

I was cautious about whether Mueller could prove that Trump obstructed justice because the president clearly had the power to fire Comey if he chose to do so. Even assuming that a jury—or the United States Senate, which would serve as the jury in an impeachment proceeding—believed Comey’s testimony, they could nonetheless conclude that Trump did not act “corruptly” in asking Comey to drop the Flynn investigation or in firing Comey, as the law requires.

Impeding or influencing an FBI investigation is a crime only if it is done with “corrupt” intent—in other words, the intent to wrongfully impede the administration of justice. In my experience, proving a defendant’s intent without direct evidence—that is, without statements by the defendant that directly reveal his or her intent—is challenging.

One could argue that Trump provided direct evidence when he told NBC’s Lester Holt that he was going to fire Comey regardless of the recommendations of Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, and that he was thinking of “this Russia thing” when he did so. But Trump quickly followed up that comment by indicating that he thought the investigation was bogus, and his defense to obstruction could be that he genuinely believed the Russia investigation was meritless.

Before bringing a case, prosecutors anticipate defenses like that one and gather evidence to rebut potential defenses. We have since learned of very substantial additional evidence that would rebut that defense, or a defense that Trump didn’t understand the consequences of firing Comey. While that evidence is indirect, Mueller could argue that we can infer Trump’s intent from that evidence, which is how prosecutors typically prove a defendant’s intent.

Whether a Republican Congress would take action against Trump, regardless of Mueller’s conclusions, is anyone’s guess. But Thursday’s news made impeachment proceedings against Trump more likely. Ultimately the president’s performance in his upcoming interview with Mueller could prove decisive. Trump has repeatedly demonstrated a lack of discipline when questioned, and Mueller has a lot to work with. If Trump provides the special counsel with direct evidence of his intent when firing Comey, he could ensure that Mueller will conclude he obstructed justice, leaving his fate to Congress.

A) It is within Trumps executive authority to fire Mueller.

B) Trump didn't fire Mueller.

C) Your shocking story is that Trump didn't fire Mueller, laughable.

The only reason Rump did not fire Mueller is because his people disobeyed his order. Rump took every action necessary for the CIC to fire someone, it just did not happen because Rump is weak and his own people refuse to do what he tells them to do.

It is illegal for Rump to fire Mueller for his own self interest.