NYT: Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened

In trump's mind, there was a fabricated conflict. Green fees at one of trump's shitty golf courses being one

Nope, there was more. Further, whether Trump's belief was correct, it shows he believed he had a valid reason, so nothing corrupt about that and he never ordered the investigation shut down.

This another huge nothing burger, even if true.
attempting to Obstruct Justice?? WTF?

One obstructs or one does not - this is not like attempted murder


Any crime can be attempted.

If he attempted to pressure a subordinate to fire Mueller to protect himself from what the investigation might uncover, that in itself is obstruction, even though it may not have succeeded.

Spin harder!!!!
gawd the Democratic desperation is palpable..
Trump comes off a year of across the board excellent economic news- goes to Davos and sells 'America First"
to a "rock star reception" and what is the fake news take away?
You've already convicted him without proof, what an idiot you are.

No I have not.

One assumes that it is a given that we are discussing scenarios here.

And as a rightwing goofball who had Hillary convicted of fake email "crimes" and Obama convicted of anything and everything imaginable, all with no proof, you have no room to chastise anyone for that.

Idiot that you are.

Any crime can be attempted.

If he attempted to pressure a subordinate to fire Mueller to protect himself from what the investigation might uncover, that in itself is obstruction, even though it may not have succeeded.

Spin harder!!!!
that case would be "Obstruction" there is no crime of "Attempted Obstruction"
Either there is obstruction or not.
I read that the so called anonymous sources claimed it was because Trump believed Mueller had a conflict of interest.

You hysterical libs LOSE again.

Here are the laughable excuses:

-Mr Trump told associates that Mr Mueller could not be impartial because he had previously worked for a law firm that represented Jared Kushner, his son-in-law.
-A second cause for concern, the president said, was that Mr Mueller had been interviewed to return as the FBI director the day before he was appointed special counsel in May.
-And finally, he claimed that a dispute years ago over fees at Trump National Golf Club in Sterling, Virginia, had prompted Mr Mueller, the FBI director at the time, to resign his membership.

Great knee-slappers!
gawd the Democratic desperation is palpable..
Trump comes off a year of across the board excellent economic news- goes to Davos and sells 'America First"
to a "rock star reception" and what is the fake news take away?

Wipe the spooge off your chin.

Then put some disinfectant on it.
that case would be "Obstruction" there is no crime of "Attempted Obstruction"
Either there is obstruction or not.


18 USC 1503

“whoever ……corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be punished as provided in subsection”

18 USC 1503

“whoever ……corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be punished as provided in subsection”

so show me the crime of "Attempted Obstruction" - oh wait -there is none.
Internal deliberations/orders are not an obstruction. there has to be some action to obstruct, sucessful or not.
WH says no order given. Fake news says there was. either way Trump never went through with the order..


Yeah, yeah, yeah. The lying WH. Which liar was it? Sanders or Trump himself?

I guess you can't read, can you?

“whoever ……corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be punished as provided in subsection”
Yes, it is within his authority to fire him.... but ONLY if it is for a legitimate reason, such as blatant or demonstrable incompetence, or corruption, etc, etc.

If Trump were to fire or attempt to fire him for some flimsy or trumped up reason which can reasonably be determined as being for no other reason than to protect himself from possible prosecution, then it becomes obstruction.

See how that works, little fellah?


Trump knows whether he colluded with Vladie Boy or not.

If Trump knows Mueller’s witch hunt is a waste of time and tax payer millions, he has the *authority* to fire Mueller.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The lying WH. Which liar was it? Sanders or Trump himself?

I guess you can't read, can you?

“whoever ……corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be punished as provided in subsection”
There has to BE A CORRUPTED ACTION for there to be obstructionism!!
Your legal views are insane, like the one with Kushner/Jr. "soliciting" da Russians,because he agreed to a meeting..

After Trump gave the order in June 2017, White House counsel Donald McGahn warned of the dire consequences of such a move for Trump and threatened to quit rather than inform the Justice Department of Trump's decision, sources told the New York Times.

Trump did not press the order any further after McGahn’s warning.
so where is the corrupted action?
the obstruction can be an unsuccessful obstruction, ( endeavor) but there has to be an endeavor.

Even giving an order and then rescinding -or not following up with another order after Counsel
means THERE WAS NO CORRUPTED ACTION ( outside of internal executive branch back and forths)
No I have not.

One assumes that it is a given that we are discussing scenarios here.

And as a rightwing goofball who had Hillary convicted of fake email "crimes" and Obama convicted of anything and everything imaginable, all with no proof, you have no room to chastise anyone for that.

Idiot that you are.

I never convicted her. And your posts surely don't seem like you believe he might not be guilty.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. The lying WH. Which liar was it? Sanders or Trump himself?

I guess you can't read, can you?

“whoever ……corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be punished as provided in subsection”

I notice you once again learn e out the ELEMENTS. No wonder you refuse to post the whole thing or give a link.

Dishonest shit