NYT: Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened

Answer the question. Why call me a spaz when I'm not the one who said I was a little girlie who wet her panties and should go have my period.

I take you support that kind of insult and thinking....

Fuck your questions.
You want others to answer; teach by example.
Donny Drumpf can really impress me if he tells Robert Mueller that this is All Fake News ... Under Oath. :rofl2:

Trump to Mueller: "I was thinking about firing you but decided not to on the advice of my lawyer."
Mueller: As the head of thought police that's grounds for impeachment.:rolleyes:
well you finally get it..but there can be no Obstruction without an action to Obstruct.
And that means more then just internal executive discussions-even orders..
there has to be an overt action -there wasn't..it's a nothingburger

If Mueller is grasping at statutory straws like our JPP lefties are, their impeachment hopes are utterly screwed.
You debate the ankle biter.

Talk about spaz. You insulted me for taking issue with someone who claims I'm a little girlie who wets her panties and he wants me to have a period.

Wasn't debating you at all fuck stick, merely asked you whether you support that kind of thinking and insults and you obviously do.

Talk about spaz. You insulted me for taking issue with someone who claims I'm a little girlie who wets her panties and he wants me to have a period.

Wasn't debating you at all fuck stick, merely asked you whether you support that kind of thinking and insults and you obviously do.


How many posters have called you spaz over the years.

How many posters have called you spaz over the years.


You do realize I was responding to YOU calling me a spaz...... Drunktard.... Notice your pathetic and twisted ass still ignore the insult you fuck stick.

Tell me, what I spazzed about.... Don't worry, I know you won't because I didn't, drunktard.
You do realize I was responding to YOU calling me a spaz...... Drunktard.... Notice your pathetic and twisted ass still ignore the insult you fuck stick.

Tell me, what I spazzed about.... Don't worry, I know you won't because I didn't, drunktard.

You are continually spazzing, even now.