NYT: Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened

Obstruction is a crime whether or not successful.
Sorry, that is the truth.
well you finally get it..but there can be no Obstruction without an action to Obstruct.
And that means more then just internal executive discussions-even orders..
there has to be an overt action -there wasn't..it's a nothingburger
well you finally get it..but there can be no Obstruction without an action to Obstruct.
And that means more then just internal executive discussions-even orders..
there has to be an overt action -there wasn't..it's a nothingburger

Oh, so sorry but you are wrong still.
The Donald ordered Mueller fired, wheter it happened or not is immaterial.

By the way, you are not a lawyer.
What makes you think you know what you are talking about, because you don't.
Oh, so sorry but you are wrong still.
The Donald ordered Mueller fired, wheter it happened or not is immaterial.

By the way, you are not a lawyer.
What makes you think you know what you are talking about, because you don't.

You’re really desperate to get Trump on something, aren’t you lol.
well you finally get it..but there can be no Obstruction without an action to Obstruct.
And that means more then just internal executive discussions-even orders..
there has to be an overt action -there wasn't..it's a nothingburger

He fired Comey for not dropping the investigation into his alleged Russian collusion.

Obstruction of justice.
well you finally get it..but there can be no Obstruction without an action to Obstruct.
And that means more then just internal executive discussions-even orders..
there has to be an overt action -there wasn't..it's a nothingburger

At best, it would be conspiring to obstruct lol.

Idk, is there even a law for that? If there is, where is the evidence for the *actions* that amounted to a conspiracy?

Do I even bother to ask?
The big question is how does he get his booze everyday since he is too stupid to work.

Probably sells his food stamps for 50¢ on the dollar to the owners of the "convenience" (liquor) store then uses the cash to buy his booze.
At best, it would be conspiring to obstruct lol.

Idk, is there even a law for that? If there is, where is the evidence for the *actions* that amounted to a conspiracy?

Do I even bother to ask?

Attempted obstruction is obstruction.
Why is this so hard for you to comprehend?1