NYT: Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened

Possible, but very hard to prove.
Not really. They do it every day with drug crimes. All it takes is a phone conversation to 'conspire'.

We already know that there were contacts by the campaign, to conspire to get dirt on Clinton.
Goldstone says the Russians have dirt. The response?

"Thanks Rob I appreciate that. I am on the road at the moment but perhaps I just speak to Emin first. Seems we have some time and if it’s what you say I love it especially later in the summer. Could we do a call first thing next week when I am back?



Goldstone told Donny the Russians had dirt. He invited them to his house to hear it. Spin it anyway you want. That's what happened.

Guilty as hell.
inviting them to "his house" isn't solicitation..it's acceptance and the logistics.

But do keep chewing on that bone..it's amusing to see you try so hard
According to the Times report, which cited "four people told of the matter," Trump claimed that Mueller had three conflicts of interest that disqualified him from overseeing the investigation into alleged collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian officials
it's hearsay.
source told Fox News that Trump did not tell White House Counsel Don McGahn to fire Mueller, but did discuss the possibility of doing so during a meeting with McGahn and others.

Trump asked McGahn if he would talk to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (who has authority over the special counsel) about it, the source said.

McGahn, though, told the president in no uncertain terms that firing Mueller – the head of the probe into possible collusion by Trump associates with Moscow – would be a horrible idea and blow up in his face, the source said. Trump took McGahn’s advice and dropped active consideration of firing Mueller, though continued to reserve that as an option if Mueller’s Russia investigation took an inappropriate turn, Fox News is told.

looking more and more like fake news
Convicted means you find him guilty you stupid troll.

I haven't "found him" anything.

I have my beliefs about Dumpster Donnie just like you have your beliefs about Hillary Clinton.

And I am entitled to mine as much as you are yours.

Now stop crying and change your diaper, you stupid little girl.
I haven't "found him" anything.

I have my beliefs about Dumpster Donnie just like you have your beliefs about Hillary Clinton.

And I am entitled to mine as much as you are yours.

Now stop crying and change your diaper, you stupid little girl.

Is he guilty or not guilty?
source told Fox News that Trump did not tell White House Counsel Don McGahn to fire Mueller, but did discuss the possibility of doing so during a meeting with McGahn and others.

Trump asked McGahn if he would talk to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (who has authority over the special counsel) about it, the source said.

McGahn, though, told the president in no uncertain terms that firing Mueller – the head of the probe into possible collusion by Trump associates with Moscow – would be a horrible idea and blow up in his face, the source said. Trump took McGahn’s advice and dropped active consideration of firing Mueller, though continued to reserve that as an option if Mueller’s Russia investigation took an inappropriate turn, Fox News is told.

looking more and more like fake news

So there was no order?
source told Fox News that Trump did not tell White House Counsel Don McGahn to fire Mueller, but did discuss the possibility of doing so during a meeting with McGahn and others.

Trump asked McGahn if he would talk to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein (who has authority over the special counsel) about it, the source said.

McGahn, though, told the president in no uncertain terms that firing Mueller – the head of the probe into possible collusion by Trump associates with Moscow – would be a horrible idea and blow up in his face, the source said. Trump took McGahn’s advice and dropped active consideration of firing Mueller, though continued to reserve that as an option if Mueller’s Russia investigation took an inappropriate turn, Fox News is told.

looking more and more like fake news

FOX NOISE???????? :eek: :eek:

Toting Trump's water?????? :eek: :eek:


Who'd believe it??????????? :whoa:
We're talking about a multi-faceted criminal enterprise administration here.

Yep. This is what happens when the marks are massaged and manipulated to believe that a "business man" is somehow going to be better at leading a nation than someone who has government experience, possibly a law degree or who is at least acquainted with how democracy -- and government -- work. Trump thinks that he should be able to run things like one of his (frequently bankrupt) businesses. You know, appoint ppl who "know stuff," let them run things while he does photo ops, I'm-so-fuckin-awesome rallies, and plays golf.... pretty much his MO the last some decades. He thinks if someone displeases him he can just fire them with no repercussions. If they whine or threaten, throw some money at them to go away, like with the ex wives. Or shake a lawyer or two in their direction to shut them up. He's an idiot.
Yep. This is what happens when the marks are massaged and manipulated to believe that a "business man" is somehow going to be better at leading a nation than someone who has government experience, possibly a law degree or who is at least acquainted with how democracy -- and government -- work. Trump thinks that he should be able to run things like one of his (frequently bankrupt) businesses. You know, appoint ppl who "know stuff," let them run things while he does photo ops, I'm-so-fuckin-awesome rallies, and plays golf.... pretty much his MO the last some decades. He thinks if someone displeases him he can just fire them with no repercussions. If they whine or threaten, throw some money at them to go away, like with the ex wives. Or shake a lawyer or two in their direction to shut them up. He's an idiot.

I agree with 100% agreement!!!! :thumbsup:
I've said what I believe in that regard already.

Try to pay attention.

I believe he's guilty.

So in your little mind, you have convicted him without any proof and then you bash Fox as no proof, again without proof. Typical liberal, it must be true because I want it to be true.

And you lied that you didn't find him guilty.
i'm glad you put "ordered" in quotes.

It looks like Trump was concerned about Mueller conflicts ( and I am working, so might be missing something)
in which case that isn't a corrupted reason either..no obstruction

Another Orangerweet lie. Why do you keep believing this pathogical liar?