NYT: Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened

18 U.S. Code section 1510(a) Whoever willfully endeavors by means of bribery to obstruct, delay, or prevent the communication of information relating to a violation of any criminal statute of the United States by any person to a criminal investigator shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

Note the word "Endeavors" which loosely means attempts. So you don't have to be successful in your endeavor, you just have to attempt it.
so where is the attempt?
If Trump administration had ATTEMPTED any CORRUPT action -you'd be on to something..They didn't -you don't..

Trump ordering a cheeseburger and firing Mueller doesn't make either an attempt
if nobody went to McDonalds or attempted the firing
so where is the attempt?
If Trump administration had ATTEMPTED any CORRUPT action -you'd be on to something..They didn't -you don't..

Trump ordering a cheeseburger and firing Mueller doesn't make either an attempt
if nobody went to McDonalds or attempted the firing


Both absurd and desperate


1. give an authoritative direction or instruction to do something.
"she ordered me to leave"
synonyms: instruct, command, direct, enjoin, tell, require, charge
but there was no attempt to do the order. nothing was done, there was no action..

Trump orders up a cheeseburger
his staff talks him out of it
there was no order for a cheeseburger
so where is the attempt?
If Trump administration had ATTEMPTED any CORRUPT action -you'd be on to something..They didn't -you don't..

Trump ordering a cheeseburger and firing Mueller doesn't make either an attempt
if nobody went to McDonalds or attempted the firing

Ordering that Mueller be fired, depending on the reason would clearly be an attempt.

Put it like this, If a Mob boss ordered that Lefty kill Bugsey, but Lefty decided not to do it... The Mob Boss still endeavored to have Bugsey killed.
but there was no attempt to do the order. nothing was done, there was no action..

Trump orders up a cheeseburger
his staff talks him out of it
there was no order for a cheeseburger

If Trump orders a cheeseburger, but the staff refuses to get it for him.... Did Trump still order the burger?
If Trump orders a cheeseburger, but the staff refuses to get it for him.... Did Trump still order the burger?
Trump did not order the cheeseburger because staff objected.. there was nothing to get, because it wasn't ordered
777.04 Attempts, solicitation, and conspiracy.—
(1) A person who attempts to commit an offense prohibited by law and in such attempt does any act toward the commission of such offense, but fails in the perpetration or is intercepted or prevented in the execution thereof, commits the offense of criminal attempt, ranked for purposes of sentencing as provided in subsection (4). Criminal attempt includes the act of an adult who, with intent to commit an offense prohibited by law, allures, seduces, coaxes, or induces a child under the age of 12 to engage in an offense prohibited by law.

Notice it is a SEPERATE statute :pke:

The dishonest Jarod edits his post so he doesn't look like a retard. Thus is what he originally wrote and then after I schooled him, he edited his post:

Most crimes can be attempt crimes, there are not separate statutes for it.

And the fool cites a separate statutes to prove his point.

Ordering that Mueller be fired, depending on the reason would clearly be an attempt.

Put it like this, If a Mob boss ordered that Lefty kill Bugsey, but Lefty decided not to do it... The Mob Boss still endeavored to have Bugsey killed.
Lefty orders Bugsey to commit act, Bugsey objects and talks Left out of it. there was no order to kill because Bugsey talked him out.

did you ever see those undercover stings? The undercover cop tries to talk the guy out of ordering the hit.
The guy ordering the hit still wants the hit and pays the money.. that's a crime.

But if the undercover cop were to talk him out of the hit, then the guy ordering the hit would not have a contract
to hit the target with the cop..no crime..

Besides POTUS ordering the firing is not an illegal act in itself, as it's it's purview ( unlike a contract )
there has to be a corrupted action/attempted or successful by POTUS
your track record is less then stellar ..
You were going with CFR violations that Trump Jr. "solicited" the meeting with Russians..
there wasn't any solicitation there either.

Ordering a hamburger? REALLY? lol

The law on soliciting is clear and Junior's actions were clear. By email and action.

He invited/asked/solicited foreign agents TO HIS HOUSE for the express purpose of obtaining dirt on Clinton. They required security clearance to even get in the building. Who do you think arranged that?

Twist it and distort i any way you wish. Those are the facts.
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Ordering a hamburger? REALLY lol

The law on soliciting is clear and Junior's actions were clear. By email and action.

He invited/asked/solicited foreign agents TO HIS HOUSE for the express purpose of obtaining dirt on Clinton. They required security clearance to even get in the building. Who do you think arranged that?

Twist it and distort i any way you wish. Those are the facts.
the solicitation was done by the da Russians. Junior accepted the invitation..where is Juniors solicitation?

Junior accepted the offer to meet only - but there was no collusion coming out of the meeting either.

no solicitation, no collusion in either case.
The dishonest Jarod edits his post so he doesn't look like a retard. Thus is what he originally wrote and then after I schooled him, he edited his post:

Most crimes can be attempt crimes, there are not separate statutes for it.

And the fool cites a separate statutes to prove his point.


777.04 Attempts, solicitation, and conspiracy.—
(1) A person who attempts to commit an offense prohibited by law and in such attempt does any act toward the commission of such offense, but fails in the perpetration or is intercepted or prevented in the execution thereof, commits the offense of criminal attempt, ranked for purposes of sentencing as provided in subsection (4). Criminal attempt includes the act of an adult who, with intent to commit an offense prohibited by law, allures, seduces, coaxes, or induces a child under the age of 12 to engage in an offense prohibited by law.

I was not incorrect, you were.
Lefty orders Bugsey to commit act, Bugsey objects and talks Left out of it. there was no order to kill because Bugsey talked him out.

While you may hope and pray and really really badly want that to be the scenario, its not what the article said happened.
While you may hope and pray and really really badly want that to be the scenario, its not what the article said happened.
Fake News doesn't even try to use a legal analysis.. they put up some clowns for their opinions -
but never break it down to show the corrupted order ( because there was none)
but there was no attempt to do the order. nothing was done, there was no action..

Trump orders up a cheeseburger
his staff talks him out of it
there was no order for a cheeseburger

The ACT of giving order itself was the ACTion, numbskull.

The obstruction was committed by Trump giving the order.

Trump orders up a cheeseburger

there was no order for a cheeseburger

Welcome to Trumptardland, folks.

Trump gives an order, but there was no order.
