NYT: Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened

There has to BE A CORRUPTED ACTION for there to be obstructionism!!
Your legal views are insane, like the one with Kushner/Jr. "soliciting" da Russians,because he agreed to a meeting..

so where is the corrupted action?
the obstruction can be an unsuccessful obstruction, ( endeavor) but there has to be an endeavor.

Even giving an order and then rescinding -or not following up with another order after Counsel
means THERE WAS NO CORRUPTED ACTION ( outside of internal executive branch back and forths)

Dumber doesn't know squat about legal stuff or anything else. If the account is true, Trump honestly believed there was a conflict of interest. Thus no corrupt attempt. Further there has been nothing reported that he actually intended to stop, hinder whatever the investigation, it merely show he wanted Mueller replaced.
Nope, there was more. Further, whether Trump's belief was correct, it shows he believed he had a valid reason, so nothing corrupt about that and he never ordered the investigation shut down.

This another huge nothing burger, even if true.
Yea...I can't remember the 'more', but it was just as stupid. He can't order the investigation shut down. He can try to put a 'loyal' agent in charge.
Dumber doesn't know squat about legal stuff or anything else. If the account is true, Trump honestly believed there was a conflict of interest. Thus no corrupt attempt. Further there has been nothing reported that he actually intended to stop, hinder whatever the investigation, it merely show he wanted Mueller replaced.
Let me get this straight. trump has a laundry list of 'conflicts of interest' w/respect to his financial ties to Putin, and Putin's banking buddies. But he was worried about a 'conflict' that Mueller had?

You're really digging deep...dontcha think?
Yea...I can't remember the 'more', but it was just as stupid. He can't order the investigation shut down. He can try to put a 'loyal' agent in charge.

Doesn't matter if you think it is stupid, Trump believed there were actually conflicts of interest, thus his intent was valid and not illegal.

This another huge nothing burger.
that case would be "Obstruction" there is no crime of "Attempted Obstruction"
Either there is obstruction or not.


Then Trump's attempt to obstruct justice is de facto obstruction, which makes him guilty of obstruction.

I'll take that.

And thanks for finally admitting it. :hand:
Let me get this straight. trump has a laundry list of 'conflicts of interest' w/respect to his financial ties to Putin, and Putin's banking buddies. But he was worried about a 'conflict' that Mueller had?

You're really digging deep...dontcha think?

Those are the reasons reported. You can't even accept what is reported.

Your desperation is palpable.

Trump knows whether he colluded with Vladie Boy or not.

If Trump knows Mueller’s witch hunt is a waste of time and tax payer millions, he has the *authority* to fire Mueller.

And you believe a sleaze bag like him after he has openly and blatantly shown himself to be the biggest, world-class liar in history????

Worse yet, you expect everyone else to just take him at his word, a word that he has shown us all is utterly worthless???

I'll tell you the same thing I told noisenatta.... wipe the spooge off your chin then put some disinfectant on it.
I never convicted her. And your posts surely don't seem like you believe he might not be guilty.


You wingnuts were all chanting Lock. Her. Up. in unison.

Now you don't have the spine to admit it.

Right-wing trash.
Lawrence Can Barely Contain His Joy As He Describes Mueller Knowing That Trump Tried To Fire Him

Trumpy calls it fighting back!! Idiot. :palm:


Lawrence O’Donnell was all smiles as he explained Trump’s self-created obstruction of justice predicament now that the president knows that Robert Mueller knows that Trump tried to fire him.

Watch the Video at the Link:

O’Donnell said, “It says Robert Mueller learned about it in recent months as his team interviewed current and former white house officials in his inquiry about whether the president obstructed justice. So Robert Mueller knows. Robert Mueller knows that the president tried to fire him. Robert Mueller wants to interview the president in his investigation into possible obstruction of justice by the president, and he knows that one of the pieces of evidence of obstruction of justice is that the president tried to fire him. The president’s firing of FBI director James Comey provoked the appointment of the special prosecutor, who is investigating the president for obstruction of justice because of the firing of James Comey. And now we know the president tried to fire the special prosecutor himself. And now Donald Trump knows that the special prosecutor knows that the president tried to fire him. Is the president still eager tonight, as he says he was last night, to be interviewed by the special prosecutor who knows the president tried to fire him?”

Only a true idiot would try to fire the special prosecutor as they are being investigated for obstruction of justice. This isn’t rocket science. There is historical precedent for what happens to presidents who go on Saturday Night Massacres to kill investigations. It doesn’t end well for the president.
Those are the reasons reported. You can't even accept what is reported.

Your desperation is palpable.
Desperation? Are you kidding? I'm overdosing on popcorn lately, as this shit is gettin real. You guys are the one twisting yourselves into pretzels, trying to cloud the waters.

Which is just as cool as what's going on in Washington.

so show me the crime of "Attempted Obstruction" - oh wait -there is none.
Internal deliberations/orders are not an obstruction. there has to be some action to obstruct, sucessful or not.

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And you believe a sleaze bag like him after he has openly and blatantly shown himself to be the biggest, world-class liar in history????

Worse yet, you expect everyone else to just take him at his word, a word that he has shown us all is utterly worthless???

I'll tell you the same thing I told noisenatta.... wipe the spooge off your chin then put some disinfectant on it.

Try to get it through your dense skull that Trump could be everything you think he is, yet, innocent of colluding with Russians.

Failing that, at least grant it for the sake of argument.

If Trump knows he is innocent of colluding with the Russians, he is justified in firing Mueller. Would it would be wise, politically?

No. But he has the authority to fire Mueller—-or have him fired.
Dumber doesn't know squat about legal stuff or anything else. If the account is true, Trump honestly believed there was a conflict of interest. Thus no corrupt attempt. Further there has been nothing reported that he actually intended to stop, hinder whatever the investigation, it merely show he wanted Mueller replaced.

An illiterate who also believes Trump. What could make that double display of ignorance into a trifecta of stupidity? Oh yeah. Stalking!

There you go folks. A trifecta!
An illiterate who also believes Trump. What could make that double display of ignorance into a trifecta of stupidity? Oh yeah. Stalking!

There you go folks. A trifecta!

Actually you stupid flunk, I'm just going off what has been reported. You can't read so you're just making shit up.

Poor Dumber