NYT: Trump Ordered Mueller Fired, but Backed Off When White House Counsel Threatened


so show me the crime of "Attempted Obstruction" - oh wait -there is none.
Internal deliberations/orders are not an obstruction. there has to be some action to obstruct, sucessful or not.

The order IS an action, moron. Endeavor means to try, dummy. Or did you not know that?
Try to get it through your dense skull that Trump could be everything you think he is, yet, innocent of colluding with Russians.

Failing that, at least grant it for the sake of argument.

If Trump knows he is innocent of colluding with the Russians, he is justified in firing Mueller. Would it would be wise, politically?

No. But he has the authority to fire Mueller—-or have him fired.

1.) If Trump knew he was innocent of any crime, collusion or obstruction, he wouldn't have attempted to fire Mueller. He'd let the investigation run it's course and prove to the world he was innocent.

2.) He didn't try to fire Mueller until he found out that Mueller had included obstruction, vis-a-vis his firing of Comey, into the scope of his investigation. So now, even if Trump was innocent of colluding with Russia during the campaign, it doesn't matter anyway because he's now obstructing an investigation into obstruction.

Trump fucked himself either way.
There has to BE A CORRUPTED ACTION for there to be obstructionism!!
Your legal views are insane, like the one with Kushner/Jr. "soliciting" da Russians,because he agreed to a meeting..

so where is the corrupted action?
the obstruction can be an unsuccessful obstruction, ( endeavor) but there has to be an endeavor.

Even giving an order and then rescinding -or not following up with another order after Counsel
means THERE WAS NO CORRUPTED ACTION ( outside of internal executive branch back and forths)

I can provide you idiots all the definitions in the world, in writing, bolded and highlighted and even dumb them down to your 6th grade reading level. But I can help you with your comprehension skills.

Look up the definition of "endeavor", dumbshit. Find a 6th grader to explain it to you.
1.) If he knew he was innocent, he wouldn't have attempted to fire Mueller. He'd let the investigation run it's course and prove to the world he was innocent.

2.) He didn't try to fire Mueller until he found out that Mueller had included obstruction, vis-a-vis his firing of Comey, into the scope of his investigation. So now, even if Trump was innocent of colluding with Russia during the campaign, it doesn't matter anyway because he's now obstructing an investigation into obstruction.

Trump fucked himself either way.

That must be why he wants to talk with Mueller under oath.

LMAO.... Idiot
No way you went to law school and passed any bar.

777.04 Attempts, solicitation, and conspiracy.—
(1) A person who attempts to commit an offense prohibited by law and in such attempt does any act toward the commission of such offense, but fails in the perpetration or is intercepted or prevented in the execution thereof, commits the offense of criminal attempt, ranked for purposes of sentencing as provided in subsection (4). Criminal attempt includes the act of an adult who, with intent to commit an offense prohibited by law, allures, seduces, coaxes, or induces a child under the age of 12 to engage in an offense prohibited by law.
Actually you stupid flunk, I'm just going off what has been reported. You can't read so you're just making shit up.

Poor Dumber

What has been reported, you lying fucking stalker, is that Trump ORDERED McGahn to have Mueller fired.

That is now step two in your typical MO.

1.) If Trump knew he was innocent of any crime, collusion or obstruction, he wouldn't have attempted to fire Mueller. He'd let the investigation run it's course and prove to the world he was innocent.

2.) He didn't try to fire Mueller until he found out that Mueller had included obstruction, vis-a-vis his firing of Comey, into the scope of his investigation. So now, even if Trump was innocent of colluding with Russia during the campaign, it doesn't matter anyway because he's now obstructing an investigation into obstruction.

Trump fucked himself either way.

A) you’re speculating that Trump talked about firing Mueller.

B) it wouldn’t matter if he did. And if Mueller charges Trump with talking about firing Mueller, he will be roundly mocked for it and retire in disgrace lol.
That must be why he wants to talk with Mueller under oath.

LMAO.... Idiot

No, he has only SAID that he wants to talk to Mueller.

His lawyers are saying different.

And we all know how just because Trump says something means absolutely nothing.
18 U.S. Code section 1510(a) Whoever willfully endeavors by means of bribery to obstruct, delay, or prevent the communication of information relating to a violation of any criminal statute of the United States by any person to a criminal investigator shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.

Note the word "Endeavors" which loosely means attempts. So you don't have to be successful in your endeavor, you just have to attempt it.
The order IS an action, moron. Endeavor means to try, dummy. Or did you not know that?
JFC...do us all a favor and keep you legal opinion off the threads..

an endeavor has to be an action -agreed?
So where was the corrupted action by Trump?

He can fume/rant/rave/give orders to staff,none of it matters without a corresponding action
I can provide you idiots all the definitions in the world, in writing, bolded and highlighted and even dumb them down to your 6th grade reading level. But I can help you with your comprehension skills.

Look up the definition of "endeavor", dumbshit. Find a 6th grader to explain it to you.
it's an active verb..where is the action?
JFC...do us all a favor and keep you legal opinion off the threads..

an endeavor has to be an action -agreed?
So where was the corrupted action by Trump?

He can fume/rant/rave/give orders to staff,none of it matters without a corresponding action

If Rump endeavored to delay or impede the investigation into him by ORDERING the firing of Mueller, he is guilty, regardless of if the order was actually carried out.
JFC...do us all a favor and keep you legal opinion off the threads..

an endeavor has to be an action -agreed?
So where was the corrupted action by Trump?

He can fume/rant/rave/give orders to staff,none of it matters without a corresponding action

Man, I just can't spell it out any simpler than I already have. You are merely too fucking stupid to understand the info I have provided.